Nathan Guy

Hon Nathan Guy

Nathan Guy is the MP for Otaki and the Minister for Primary Industries, Racing and Associate Minister for Economic Development. Nathan entered Parliament as a list MP in 2005 and has been Junior and Senior Whip prior to becoming a Minister in 2009. Nathan won the Otaki Electorate seat in 2008 and has continued to grow his majority through hard work and being a strong voice for Horowhenua and Kapiti in Government. Since 2009 he has been the Minister of Internal Affairs, Immigration and Veteran Affairs, as well as the Associate Minister of Justice and Transport. He has now been Minister for Primary Industries and Racing for over three years. Nathan had an extensive political career before entering Parliament, previously serving eight years on the Horowhenua District Council. He also has a background in agriculture, having managed the family dairy and beef farm and receiving a Winston Churchill Fellowship to study beef exports to the United States.