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Partner case study – RISE Foundation
NutriBudget – optimising sustainable nutrient use across agriculture
Call to Action Commitment 1 – Developing and scaling regenerative agriculture, in conjunction with similar approaches, underpinned by common metrics driving enhanced outcomes for productive and environmentally sustainable farming.
Call to Action Commitment 4 – Sharing knowledge and pursue innovation in technology and practices that support both food and environmental security and move away from those which don’t.
Since September 2022, the RISE Foundation has supported the NutriBudget project which will develop a prototype of an integrated nutrient management platform that contributes to optimise nutrient use across different agricultural production systems and regions in the EU with the aim to reduce pollution and nutrients losses.
Improving nutrient use is one of the key tenets of regenerative agriculture. Indeed, the environmental costs of nutrient pollution in the EU have been estimated to range between €70-320 billion annually, highlighting the importance of the European Commission’s Green Deal’s objectives to reduce these losses.
NutriBudget will contribute to systemically optimise nutrient flows and budgets across different agricultural production systems and regions in the EU to limit and reduce pollution due to the excessive use of nutrients and nutrient losses in the environment.
Thereby, RISE and the NutriBudget will aim to enhance knowledge on environmentally sustainable farming and thus support scaling of regenerative agricultural practices.
Learn more about NutriBudget.
The RISE Foundation’s work on NutriBudget is focused on supporting the transition to regenerative agriculture (CTA1) and also supports CTA4 – the commitment to share knowledge and pursuing innovation in technology and practices.
Call to Action Commitment 4 – Sharing knowledge and pursue innovation in technology and practices that support both food and environmental security and move away from those which don’t.
Supporting and disseminating an agri-environment-focused EU research agenda
As an independent public utility think tank, the RISE Foundation is dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge throughout society. It supports the creation and dissemination of knowledge through RISEreports and actively participating in projects funded through the EU Research and Innovation Programmes that cover topics related to agriculture and the environment. Their role in these projects focuses on developing policy aspects and bringing together stakeholders at the EU level to engage in policy discussions, as well as disseminating and communicating project results. RISE collaborated with the Forum with the presentation of the BESTMAP project (which is collating lessons from research to inform CAP policy-making) to disseminate the knowledge at a ‘pre-Forum event’ held before the Annual Conference. RISE organised the final event, gave workshops, and is currently doing further research on how to increase the effectiveness of the policy recommendations from BESTMAP. The research on the policy recommendations to further increase biodiversity policy effectiveness will conclude this year.
To learn more listen to our recent podcast on BESTMAP.
Find out more about the ‘Research Lessons to Inform Future CAP Reform’ event, which featured the latest BESTMAP findings.