A distinguished alumni of speakers
The Forum for the Future of Agriculture (ForumforAg) has been contributing to the debate on agriculture and the environment in Brussels since 2008 and is now firmly established as the premier event of its type. Below are listed some of the many speakers that have joined us at our events, or are joining us at future events, both in person and more recently online, or have participated in podcasts. Where speakers have appeared multiple times only their most recent biography is shown.
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Ana Rengifo Abbad
Islas de Corcho Natural
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Islas de Corcho Natural
Ana Rengifo Abbad is a biologist from the Universidad Complutense and is dedicated to conservation, by profession and family. Working in forestry and environmental companies, she became part of the Life Montando Adapt project, to promote the adaptation of meadows in Portugal and Spain to mitigate the consequences of climate change. And in the middle of the pandemic, together with several partners, she created a spin-off called Islas de Corcho Natural, daring to invest all her resources to create employment and promote rural development with this innovative project, which is a magnificent tool for mitigating climate change, generating biodiversity, water filtering, biomass and landscape restoration.
Manfred Aben
Global Vice President Foods & Refreshment S&T Unilever Research and Development
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Global Vice President Foods & Refreshment S&T Unilever Research and Development
Sébastien Abis
Managing Director, Club DEMETER
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Managing Director, Club DEMETER
Sébastien Abis has been Managing Director of Club DEMETER since 2017. This ecosystem, which brings together 87 companies and professional structures, is focused on forward-looking thinking, global issues and cross-sector dynamics linked to agriculture, food and sustainable development. Around its member companies, it networks 20 higher education schools, mobilizes French and international experts and cooperates with 5 national ministries.
Sébastien is a member of the mission committee of two major companies in the agricultural and agri-food sector (Avril and InVivo) and a member of the supervisory board of Adix (a management consulting firm). He is also a member of the steering committee of MEDEF International's agricultural and agri-food cluster.
Sébastien is also a research associate at IRIS (Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques), scientific advisor to Futuribles International and Euromed-IHEDN, member of the editorial board of Futuribles magazine, member of the EU-China research group at the Jacques Delors Institute, and an APM expert. He teaches at the Université Catholique de Lille (UCL), Junia Grande Ecole Ingénieurs and the Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique (UM6P) in Morocco.
Sébastien is also the author of numerous books and scientific articles.
Sébastien graduated from the University of Lille II with a Master's degree in History-Geography and from the IEP de Lille with a DESS in European Strategic Studies.
Petr Adler
Head of Sales and Country Leader, Czech Republic, Syngenta
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Head of Sales and Country Leader, Czech Republic, Syngenta
Konstantinos Afianes
Co-owner of the Afianes Vineyard
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Co-owner of the Afianes Vineyard
Alexander El Alaoui
Director of sustainable investments, Salm-Salm & Partner
Learn MoreAlexander El Alaoui
Director of sustainable investments, Salm-Salm & Partner
Caspar von Alvensleben
Officer for Innovation and Strategy in Agriculture and Forestry, Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank
Learn MoreCaspar von Alvensleben
Officer for Innovation and Strategy in Agriculture and Forestry, Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank
Alexandre Morais do Amaral
Researcher and Advisor to Embrapa’s Board of Directors
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Researcher and Advisor to Embrapa’s Board of Directors
Alexandre Amaral is chief of international relations of Embrapa (The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation), which is the in-house agency of Brazil Ministry of Agriculture. At Embrapa, he has been in charge of scientific cooperation and manager of strategic relations. He has been a research leader on biotechnology and has experience as visiting scientist at Rothamsted Research, University of Illinois, University of Wisconsin and Kansas State University. He has been a member of the Embrapa’s Labex programme, an overseas initiative to foster scientific cooperation with world-class institutions. He holds a PhD in molecular biology and is a researcher at Embrapa in biotechnology since 2002.
Alvaro Amaro
Member of the European Parliament, President of the “Biodiversity, Hunting, Countryside” Intergroup
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Member of the European Parliament, President of the “Biodiversity, Hunting, Countryside” Intergroup
Kofi Annan
Founder and Chair of the Kofi Annan Foundation, 7th Secretary-General of the United Nations (1997-2006), Nobel Peace Laureate
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Founder and Chair of the Kofi Annan Foundation, 7th Secretary-General of the United Nations (1997-2006), Nobel Peace Laureate
Julie Anthoni
Scientific Manager & Innovative Markets for the VIVESCIA cooperative
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Scientific Manager & Innovative Markets for the VIVESCIA cooperative
For 10 years, Julie was in innovation in biotechnology in charge of the fractionation and purification department of ARD a subsidiary of VIVESCIA. ARD is a private research and development company dedicated to generating value from crops through industrial applications; one of the fields of ARD is the development of Biocontrol solutions. Currently, Julie is Scientific Manager & Innovative Markets for the VIVESCIA cooperative. She is in charge of the connection between the different parts of the group and also in charge of the research of the new opportunity for the group in term of new technology, new market or new partnership.
Jesús Antón
Head of Unit in the Agriculture and Resource Policies Division, OECD
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Head of Unit in the Agriculture and Resource Policies Division, OECD
Jesús Antón is Head of Unit in the Agriculture and Resource Policies Division in the OECD. He leads the work on innovation and agricultural policy reviews based on the OECD productivity-sustainability-resilience framework. He has also led the development of the OECD holistic approach to agricultural risk management and the project on decoupled payments. From 2014 to 2017 he led the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management in the UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development IFAD. From 2005 to 2007 he was Advisor and leader of the Economic Analysis Unit in the Ministry of Agriculture in Spain. He has published widely in different agricultural policy areas such as impact assessment, trade, productivity and resilience. He has a PhD from the University of Madrid, an MSc in Economics from the London School of Economic and a master from the College of Europe (Belgium).
Maria do Céu Antunes
Minister of Agriculture, Republic of Portugal
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Minister of Agriculture, Republic of Portugal
Ernesto Igartua Arregui
Coordinator for the subarea of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies, CSIC
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Coordinator for the subarea of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies, CSIC
Jean Arthuis
Chair of the Committee on Budgets, European Parliament
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Chair of the Committee on Budgets, European Parliament
Ester Asin
Director, WWF European Policy Office
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Director, WWF European Policy Office
Achim Irimescu is a former Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development in Romania, after being a State Secretary in the same Ministry of Agriculture. He has a long career as a diplomat in Brussels, since 1998, during which he managed to successfully negotiate the agricultural and fisheries files for Romania’s accession to the EU, and he also was the chairman of the Special Committee for Agriculture during the Romanian Presidency . Basically a mechanic engineer, he graduated the Polytechnic Institute in Bucharest, he worked as a designer for agricultural machineries with a Research Institute in Bucharest before joining the Ministry of agriculture in 1990. He got his PHD in agricultural economics from the Academy of Economic Sciences in Bucharest.
Stefania Avanzini
Director, One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B), World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
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Director, One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B), World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
Stefania Avanzini is Director of One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B), an action-oriented business coalition for the protection and restoration of biodiversity within the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). Their mission is to improve agricultural biodiversity by scaling-up the deployment of regenerative agriculture and restoration of nature. Beyond OP2B, Stefania has thorough experience in business development, marketing and social innovation in Africa and in Europe across the corporate and NGO sectors.
Iliana Axiotiades
Secretary General, Coceral
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Secretary General, Coceral
Tasso Azevedo
Coordinator MapBiomas & SEEG initiatives, forester, former Chief of Brazilian Forest Service
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Coordinator MapBiomas & SEEG initiatives, forester, former Chief of Brazilian Forest Service
Tasso Azevedo is founder and General Coordinator of MapBiomas, a collaborative network of more than 70 organisations in Brazil and 14 other countries that monitors land use to promote conservation and sustainable management of natural resources.
Josse De Baerdemaeker
Professor Mechatronics, Biostatistics and Sensors (MeBioS), KE Leuven
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Professor Mechatronics, Biostatistics and Sensors (MeBioS), KE Leuven
Josse De Baerdemaeker graduated from the KU Leuven, Belgium and has an MSc and PhD in Agricultural Engineering from Michigan State University. He is recognised as the founding father of the concept of precision agriculture, and his focus is on improving technology in crop cultivation, harvesting and handling to minimize losses and optimize yield and income for farmers. Major activities were on automation of machinery in the field as well as quality control in post harvest processes. For many years he was a non-executive chair of a grower owned fruit and vegetable cooperative. He is Emeritus Professor at the KU Leuven and was a visiting Professor at Kyoto University, Japan.
John Baffes
Senior Agriculture Economist, Development Economics Prospects Group, World Bank
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Senior Agriculture Economist, Development Economics Prospects Group, World Bank
John Baffes is Senior Economist at the World Bank’s Prospects Group where he leads the World Bank’s commodity price forecasting process and oversees the management of the commodity price database. With a rich background in various units within the World Bank, including Latin America, South Asia, East Africa, Evaluation, and Research, John brings a diverse perspective to his work environment. His contributions extend beyond the confines of the World Bank, with numerous chapters and articles published in academic journals covering economic development, agricultural economics, resource economics, and applied econometrics. John also teaches an executive MBA course on Applied Econometrics for Commodity Markets. Prior to his academic pursuits, John gained invaluable experience managing a commodity trading company, solidifying his practical understanding of commodity market dynamics. John holds degrees in Economics from the University of Athens, Greece (BS), Agricultural Economics from the University of Georgia, U.S. (MS), and Agricultural and Resource Economics from the University of Maryland, U.S. (Ph.D.).
Jennifer Baker
EU Policy Journalist (FFA2020 Online Moderator)
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EU Policy Journalist (FFA2020 Online Moderator)
Sebastian Balcerak
Regen Connect Program Lead, EMEA, Cargill Agricultural Supply Chains
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Regen Connect Program Lead, EMEA, Cargill Agricultural Supply Chains
Bio to follow
Lisa Baldi
Researcher, Agricultural Economics, University of Parma
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Researcher, Agricultural Economics, University of Parma
Lisa is a researcher in Agricultural Economics at the University of Parma (UNIPR), Department of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability. She holds one master’s degree in Political Sciences and International Economics from the University of Milan and a second master’s degree, in Sciences and Technology for the Environment and the Resources gained at the University of Parma where she is now Ph.D candidate in Ecology and Agricultural Economics modelling. Her field of research focuses on predicting the effect of the Common Agricultural Policy measures on the supply of ecosystem services through positive agent-based modelling. She is the UNIPR Project Coordinator within the AGRICORE project, actively contributing and overseeing the progress of the AGRICORE Agent Based Model's development.
With nearly two decades of experience as IT Consultant based in Brussels, she has accumulated substantial expertise as a Project and Team Manager through numerous consulting engagements in the private sector.
Bruno Baranne
President, Syngenta France
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President, Syngenta France
Michel Barnier
European Chief Negotiator for the United Kingdom Exiting the European Union
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European Chief Negotiator for the United Kingdom Exiting the European Union
Rui Barreiras
Forest, Food and Wildlife Coordinator at Associação Natureza Portugal, in association with WWF
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Forest, Food and Wildlife Coordinator at Associação Natureza Portugal, in association with WWF
Kathryn Bartlett
Soil Scientist, Anglo American Crop Nutrients
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Soil Scientist, Anglo American Crop Nutrients
Kathryn is a soil scientist who is working on unpicking the interactions between polyhalite and soils. Building up this understanding of interactions will unlock new and innovative crop nutrient solutions as part of a global need to improve soil health/ performance that enhances crop nutrient use efficiency and land management practices. Kathryn holds a PhD in soil Microbial Ecology in arable agricultural systems from the National Soils Resources Institute, Silsoe, Cranfield University, she has worked on projects ranging from nutrient cycling in northern peatlands through to helping inform UK soils policy. She is an honorary member of the British Society of Soil Science.
Luc Bas
Director, IUCN European Regional Office, Brussels
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Director, IUCN European Regional Office, Brussels
Faustine Bas-Defossez
Principal Policy Analyst and Head of Agriculture and Land Management Programme, IEEP
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Principal Policy Analyst and Head of Agriculture and Land Management Programme, IEEP
Pierre Bascou
Director for Markets and acting Deputy Director-General for Markets and International - DG Agriculture and Rural Development - European Commission
Learn MorePierre Bascou
Director for Markets and acting Deputy Director-General for Markets and International - DG Agriculture and Rural Development - European Commission
Pierre Bascou is currently Director for Markets and acting Deputy Director-General for Markets and International in the Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Commission. In these roles, Pierre oversees the promotion and expansion of Europe’s trade in agriculture and food and the strengthening of the European Union’s international cooperation to improve food security and the sustainability of the EU agricultural policy. Pierre is also responsible for promoting the competitiveness, resilience and diversity of the agricultural sector in the EU to ensure the long-term food security as part of a sustainable food system.
Doctor in Agricultural Economics (1989; Imperial College of London, UK) and agronomic engineer (1986; ESA Toulouse, FR), Pierre spent most of his career working for the European Commission in the Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI).
Before being appointed as Director for Markets in 2022 and acting Director-General for International and Markets in 2023, Pierre was previously Director in charge of sustainability (DG AGRI; 2014 to 2022). Between 2010 and 2014 he was Head of the Unit responsible for Agricultural Policy Analysis and Perspectives. From 2003 until 2009 Pierre was heading the Unit in charge of the economic analysis of EU agriculture for the conception, the management and the evaluation of the Common Agricultural Policy.
Leandro Baumgarten
Science Lead, Zero Conversion Commodities, The Nature Conservancy
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Science Lead, Zero Conversion Commodities, The Nature Conservancy
For the last 15 years, Leandro has been dedicated to conservation and understanding the relationship between nature and development. His primary focus is agriculture, landscape ecology, and strategy development. In his career, he worked in NGOs, Environmental State Agencies, and the Brazilian Environmental Ministry, coordinating teams to provide technical and scientific support to conservation initiatives. He joined TNC in 2007, and now he is the Science Lead for the Zero Conversion Commodities Global Strategy. It aims to remove deforestation from the supply chains of beef and soy by engaging companies in the private sector.
Dr. Miroslava Bavorová
Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Development, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Learn MoreDr. Miroslava Bavorová
Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Development, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Dr. Miroslava Bavorová is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics and Development at the University of Life Sciences in Prague. She received her PhD in agriculture from the University of Göttingen. Since 2002, she has held a position as a researcher at IAMO in Halle and since 2008-2017 at the Martin-Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg. Her research is interdisciplinary and mainly based on economic, sociologic, and psychologic theories. She is interested in analysing actors’ behaviour regarding environment, food safety and security, migration and willingness to work in agriculture as well as consumer behaviour. She established a research group '“Behavioural studies in agri-food sector'”.
Charles Baxter
Global Head of Regulatory and Product Safety, Syngenta Seeds
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Global Head of Regulatory and Product Safety, Syngenta Seeds
Charlie Baxter is Global Head of Regulatory and Product Safety, Syngenta Seeds, responsible for leading a diverse group of scientists that deliver different aspects of Syngenta’s trait pipeline, from discovery to registration. Charlie also represents Syngenta in different industry association forums and is currently chair of Crop Life International’s Plant Biotechnology Strategy Council.
Charlie is based out of Syngenta’s RTP innovation center in N. Carolina, US. He is passionate about translating biotech and plant breeding based innovations into new seed varieties that support growers around the world.
Prior to his current position, Charlie spent 10 years working for Syngenta’s Vegetables seeds business in various roles in R&D. During this time he enjoyed developing native trait solutions for vegetable growers as well as participating in a number of public-private partnerships that advanced the genetic tools available to the plant breeding industry.
Charlie grew up in the UK, in a farming family where he gained his interest in agriculture through working on various arable operations. After completing a PhD at Sheffield University, UK, he was a research associate at the University of Oxford before joining Syngenta.
Stefanie Beck
Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
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Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
On February 20, 2023, Stefanie Beck was appointed Deputy Minister (DM) of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC).
Prior to joining AAFC, Stefanie Beck held the position of Associate Deputy Minister for the Department of National Defence for 13 months. Between October 2020 and January 2022, DM Beck served as Deputy High Commissioner to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Alternate Representative to the International Maritime Organization. Prior to that, she was the Assistant Secretary to Cabinet, Priorities and Planning at the Privy Council Office, where she led work on Whole of Government priority setting and policy development, including through transitions to new mandates, and most recently, through the COVID crisis. Previously, DM Beck held leadership roles at Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and Global Affairs Canada, as well as several senior positions responsible for common services at Canada’s diplomatic missions abroad, including cross-government governance.
DM Beck joined the Government of Canada in 1990 with the Department of External Affairs, working abroad as a political officer and an ambassador in various missions. She served in Dakar, Senegal, Canberra, Australia, and in Cambodia and Croatia. DM Beck grew up on several continents, attended high school in Singapore and St. Catharine’s, Ontario, and has a Bachelor of Arts in German and Italian from McGill University.
Tanya Beckett
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Dr Marina Beermann
Director of Cooperation, WWF
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Director of Cooperation, WWF
Cédric Benoist
Deputy Secretary General, AGPB (France)
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Deputy Secretary General, AGPB (France)
Cédric Benoist is Deputy Secretary General, AGPB (France).
Professor Tim Benton
Research Director, Emerging Risks; Director, Environment and Society Programme, Chatham House
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Research Director, Emerging Risks; Director, Environment and Society Programme, Chatham House
Professor Tim Benton
Champion of UK Global Food Security Programme
Learn MoreProfessor Tim Benton
Champion of UK Global Food Security Programme
Catherine Bertini
Distinguished Fellow, Chicago Council on Global Affairs
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Distinguished Fellow, Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Ted Bilyea
Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute (CAPI) Distinguished Fellow
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Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute (CAPI) Distinguished Fellow
Ted Bilyea is a Distinguished Fellow in Strategic Trade at CAPI and former Chair of the Board. As the previous President of Maple Leaf Foods International, Ted Bilyea led the largest exporter of food in Canada. Mr. Bilyea has served as a board member for several global food companies and was inducted into the Canadian Agriculture Hall of Fame in 2018.
Julia Martínez Blanco
Founding partner and senior expert, inèdit
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Founding partner and senior expert, inèdit
Nazar Bobitski
Head of the UCAB EU office, Ukrainian Agribusiness Club
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Head of the UCAB EU office, Ukrainian Agribusiness Club
As Director of the EU Office, Ukrainian Agribusiness Club, Nazar Bobitski is the voice of Ukrainian Agriculture in the EU.
Jack Bobo
Director Global Food and Water Policy, The Nature Conservancy
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Director Global Food and Water Policy, The Nature Conservancy
Jack Bobo is the Director of Global Food and Water Policy at The Nature Conservancy. He previously
Jack Bobo is the Director of Global Food and Water Policy at The Nature Conservancy. He previously served as CEO of Futurity, a food foresight company and is the author of the 2021 book ‘Why smart people make bad food choices.’ Recognized by Scientific American in 2015 as one of the 100 most influential people in biotechnology, Jack is a global thought leader who has delivered more than 500 speeches in 50 countries on the future of food.
He previously served as the Chief Communications Officer and Senior Vice President for Global Policy and Government Affairs at Intrexon Corporation. Prior to joining Intrexon, Jack worked at the U.S. Department of State for thirteen years as a senior advisor for global food policy. An attorney with a scientific background, Jack received from Indiana University a J.D., M.S. in Environmental Science, B.S. in biology and B.A. in psychology and chemistry.
More information
Website – www.nature.org
Twitter – @jack_a_bobo
LinkedIn – jackbobo
Bruno Bobone
President, Portuguese Chamber of Commerce
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President, Portuguese Chamber of Commerce
Silke Boger
Head of Market Unit responsible for Arable Crops and Olive Oil, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission.
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Head of Market Unit responsible for Arable Crops and Olive Oil, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission.
Franc Bogovič
MEP, European Parliament & member of Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)
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MEP, European Parliament & member of Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats)
Franc Bogovič graduated from the Agronomy College at the University in Maribor in 1984, thus becoming an Agricultural Engineer. He was employed as an agricultural extension expert and head of the Cooperation Department in Agrokombinat Krško. He later established a family commerce business, which he successfully managed for 8 years. He became a leader in his local community Koprivnica in 1986. From 1998 to 2011, he was elected mayor of the Municipality of Krško four consecutive times (in 1998, 2002, 2006 and 2010). During his thirteen-year term of office, he played a significant role in improving the relationships of the municipality as well as the state toward the Krško Nuclear Plant, and establishing a permanent nuclear waste repository. From 2004 he was also the vice president of the Association of European municipalities with nuclear facilities, GMF (Group of European Municipalities with Nuclear Facilities). He was elected member of the National Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia two consecutive times (in the fifth and sixth terms of office, in 2008 and 2011). He was the Minister for agriculture and environment in the tenth Government of the Republic of Slovenia, from 10 February 2012 to 25 February 2013.
He was elected member of the European Parliament on 25 May 2014 and again on 26 May 2019. He represents the Slovenian People’s Party (SLS) in the European People’s Party (EPP) Political Group in the European Parliament.
In the first mandate in the European Parliament, his work was most marked by his initiative for Smart Villages and the Alliance for Youth project.
In his current term in the European Parliament, Bogovič is focusing on farming and food security, at the forefront of which are the softening and improvement of the EU regulation on the sustainable use of pesticides (SUR), ensuring the competitiveness of European and Slovenian industry, economy, and the energy sectors, where he as the rapporteur of the Committee for industry, research and energy (ITRE) prepared a report on Small Modular Reactors (SMR). He advocates for the Union’s strategic autonomy in the energy sector with further investments in nuclear energy. As a rapporteur of the Committee on Regional Development (REGI), he prepared an opinion on the Critical Materials Regulation with an emphasis on the EU’s strategic, coordinated, and global actions, aimed at securing and improving access to critical and strategic raw materials for Europe, without which the green and digital transformation will not be successful.
He was elected President of the Slovenian People’s Party at the electoral Congress at Brdo pri Kranju on 2 March 2013. From 2009 to 2013, he was the vice president of the SLS. He started engaging in politics as a young man during the political spring in Slovenia, and is one of the founders and creators of the Slovenian Farmers Association, the first democratic political party in Slovenia after World War II and the predecessor of the Slovenian People’s Party.
Małgorzata Bojańczyk
Director, Polskie Stowarzyszenie Zrównoważonego Rolnictwa i Żywności (Polish Association for Sustainable Agriculture and Food)
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Director, Polskie Stowarzyszenie Zrównoważonego Rolnictwa i Żywności (Polish Association for Sustainable Agriculture and Food)
Małgorzata Bojańczyk has several years of experience in management, legislation, control and effective implementation of projects related to agriculture and rural development, and is an experienced expert in the field of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union, the European Green Deal in relation to the agri-food market. Before joining the Association, she worked at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, where she carried out tasks related to the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union and supervision over the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture. She represented Poland as a national expert in EU groups and committees, including DG AGRI of the European Commission (Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development). Author of publications in Polish and international magazines on topics related to the Common Agricultural Policy, sustainable agriculture, sustainable food production. She is a graduate of post-graduate studies at the Warsaw School of Economics, Kozminski Executive Business School, and a graduate of master’s studies at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences and the University of Bonn in Germany. Environment and green lifestyle lover.
Robert Bonnie
Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation, USDA
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Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation, USDA
Robert Bonnie is the Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation at USDA. Prior to joining USDA, Bonnie was at Duke University first as a Rubenstein Fellow and later as an Executive in Residence at the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions working on conservation and environmental issues in rural America. In 2020, Bonnie also worked with the Bipartisan Policy Center on its Farm and Forest Carbon Solutions Initiative. Bonnie was Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment at USDA from 2013 to 2017, and a senior advisor to Secretary Tom Vilsack from 2009 to 2013. Prior to joining USDA, Robert was vice president for land conservation at Environmental Defense Fund where he focused on developing incentives to reward stewardship on private lands. Robert has master’s degrees from Duke in forestry and environmental management. He lives with his wife, Julie, and daughter, Lilly, in Loudoun County, Virginia.
Saswati Bora
Global Director for Regenerative Food Systems, The Nature Conservancy
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Global Director for Regenerative Food Systems, The Nature Conservancy
Saswati Bora joined The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in August 2021 as Global Director for Regenerative Food Systems. Within this strategy, Saswati leads the development of an emerging set of regenerative foodscapes for TNC as a crucial part of accelerating the transition of food systems from degrading and extractive to productive and restorative for nature and people.
Saswati brings almost two decades of experience in developing and leading ambitious agendas related to food systems, sustainable agriculture and rural development. Formerly the Head of Food Systems Innovation at the World Economic Forum (WEF), Saswati developed WEF's two global flagship initiatives on innovations and incentives in food systems transformation as well as regional initiatives in India related to food and agriculture. She has a strong track record in strategy development, policy analysis and building partnerships having previously worked at the World Bank, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and the UN Development Programme (UNDP).
Jacob van den Borne
Owner, Van den Borne Aardappelen
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Owner, Van den Borne Aardappelen
Benedikt Bösel
Founder & CEO, Gut&Bösel
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Founder & CEO, Gut&Bösel
Massimo Bottura
Chef Patron of Osteria Francescana & Founder of Food for Soul
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Chef Patron of Osteria Francescana & Founder of Food for Soul
Hendrik Bourgeois
Vice President Corporate Affairs for the EMEA region at Cargill
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Vice President Corporate Affairs for the EMEA region at Cargill
Jean-Marc Bournigal
General Manager of the Wheat Producers Association (AGPB), France
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General Manager of the Wheat Producers Association (AGPB), France
Alexandra Brand
Regional Director Crop Protection EAME, Syngenta
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Regional Director Crop Protection EAME, Syngenta
Sauli Brander
Vice President, UPM Global forest affairs, UPM-Kymmene Oyj
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Vice President, UPM Global forest affairs, UPM-Kymmene Oyj
Sauli is a Vice president, Global forest affairs in UPM-Kymmene Oyj, responsible for international forestry issues. Sauli's job is to promote and develop the sustainable use of forests in UPM's different operating environments. He has worked for 27 years in various senior management positions in UPM's wood supply and land use activities in Finland, the Baltic countries and the UK. He holds a bachelor's degree in forestry and an eMBA from the University of Tampere. Sauli is passionate about forest management and sustainable forest growth. Most of his hobbies is based in forests and on his home farm in Finland, Sauli practices organic farming according to regenerative farming methods.
Eberhard Brandes
CEO, WWF-Germany
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CEO, WWF-Germany
Bio not available.
Tim Breitmeyer
Deputy President of the Country Land & Business Association
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Deputy President of the Country Land & Business Association
Susanne Breuer
Officer for Latin America / Energy and Food, MISEREOR
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Officer for Latin America / Energy and Food, MISEREOR
Born in 1967 in Aachen, Germany, Susanne Breuer studied Regional Studies - Latin America and Economics at the Free University of Berlin, with a focus on international cooperation. She spent a year in Colombia and has been working with MISEREOR since July 2005. From 2020 to 2021, she had an assignment with the Federal Foreign Office in the Religion and Foreign Policy unit, focused on peace construction. Since November 2021, she has been back with MISEREOR, supporting advocacy work connected to Latin America and to global food challenges.
More information
Website – www.misereor.de
Åsa Wolgast Broberg
Deputy Director at the Swedish Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation, Department of Rural Affairs
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Deputy Director at the Swedish Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation, Department of Rural Affairs
Agr Lic. Åsa Wolgast Broberg is Deputy Director at the Swedish Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation, department of Rural Affairs. She is coordinating the implementation and administration of the Swedish Rural Development Program and the subsequent national Strategic Plan of CAP. She is also responsible for the green architecture of the plans, as well as the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System within them. After her Degree of Licentiate in Agricultural Science on Plant Production and Soil Science in 1999 she has also worked 10 years for the Federation of Swedish Farmers with property rights and agricultural environment and 7 years with public advisory service on the latter matter.
Grzegorz Brodziak
President of the Management Board, Polska Federacja Rolna
Learn MoreGrzegorz Brodziak
President of the Management Board, Polska Federacja Rolna
Grzegorz Brodziak is President of the Management Board of the Polska Federacja Rolna (Polish Agricultural Federation). As a leading organization in the agri-food sector, the Federation provides professional consulting services. The aim of the Federation is to build social trust, protect the interests of associated business entities and solve their key problems. They represent over 1,000 farms and enterprises from the agribusiness sector employing tens of thousands of employees.
Dr Marie Brueser
Entrepreneurship Leader, Thought For Food
Learn MoreDr Marie Brueser
Entrepreneurship Leader, Thought For Food
Dr Marie Brueser is the Entrepreneurship Leader at Thought For Food, the world's pioneer and leader of next-gen food and agri-tech innovation for impact. In her role, Marie leads several of TFF's flagship programs, including the TFF Challenge, the sector's largest and most diverse innovation challenge; the TFF Academy, an in-house acceleration program supporting promising early-stage startups; as well as TFF's mentoring and intrapreneurship offers.
Marie holds a PhD in plant genetics and has worked on various multinational sustainable development projects funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Through her work, she has a unique overview of trends in food and agriculture. She has spoken at and moderated discussions with organizations such as the Rockefeller Foundation, Danone, Cargill, EIT Food, thhttps://www.forumforagriculture.com/wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=faqe World Food Forum and more. She is passionate about biotechnology and lives as a nomad, always on the lookout for new innovations.
Matthieu Brun
Head of studies at Club DEMETER and associate researcher at Sciences Po Bordeaux
Learn MoreMatthieu Brun
Head of studies at Club DEMETER and associate researcher at Sciences Po Bordeaux
Ariel Brunner
Senior Head of Policy for Europe and Central Asia, Birdlife International
Learn MoreAriel Brunner
Senior Head of Policy for Europe and Central Asia, Birdlife International
Giovana Baggio de Bruns
Sustainable Agriculture Manager, The Nature Conservancy
Learn MoreGiovana Baggio de Bruns
Sustainable Agriculture Manager, The Nature Conservancy
Hans Bruyninckx
Executive Director, European Environmental Agency (EEA)
Learn MoreHans Bruyninckx
Executive Director, European Environmental Agency (EEA)
Hans Bruyninckx is the Executive Director of the European Environment Agency. He took office on June 1, 2013.
Dr Bruyninckx studied undergraduate and master’s degrees in political science specialising in international relations at Antwerp and Leuven Universities. He also completed an additional programme in development studies at the University Catholique de Louvain-laNeuve.
He completed a PhD degree in 1996 at Colorado State University on the topic of international environmental politics, subsequently teaching at several other universities in the United States and Europe, including Colorado State University, Canisius College and Wageningen University.
From 2010 until his appointment at the EEA, he was head of the HIVA Research Institute in Leuven, Belgium, a policy-oriented research institute associated with the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, where he was also head of the Political Science department from 2007 to 2010. Dr Bruyninckx has also been a senior member of the interdisciplinary Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies and promoter-coordinator of the Flemish Policy Research Centre on Transitions for Sustainable Development (TRADO).
Over the last 20 years, he has conducted and managed policy-oriented research in the areas of environmental politics, climate change, and sustainable development. He was responsible for research in the domains of policy evaluation, monitoring and reporting, methodology development, environmental policy integration, and more recently also on long-term transition policies. His experience pertains to the level of the regions (Flanders in a comparative European perspective), the EU Member States, the EU level, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and processes of global environmental governance (climate change in particular).
His academic expertise lies primarily in the field of European and international environmental policy, studying the effects of globalisation on the global governance of environmental issues and sustainable development. From this perspective he has also studied global production and consumption systems, as well as issues relating to distribution and justice. He has taught courses on the topics of global environmental politics and global environmental governance in relation to the European Union (EU), publishing extensively on EU environmental policies and its role as an actor in global environmental governance.
Dr Bruyninckx was involved in numerous policy processes as an advisory board member, involved in
steering groups of government agencies, and as academic policy advisor to governmental agencies and other key actors. In addition, he has worked intensely with civil society and business actors, in support of
public-private initiatives or private regulatory approaches to environmental, climate change and sustainability issues. Furthermore, he was president of the board of Bond Beter Leefmilieu (The Association for a Better Environment), a Flemish umbrella organisation bringing together many different environmental groups.
Allan Buckwell
Director for the Nutrient Recovery and Reuse Project, RISE Foundation
Learn MoreAllan Buckwell
Director for the Nutrient Recovery and Reuse Project, RISE Foundation
James Bullock
UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Learn MoreJames Bullock
UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Professor James Bullock is a globally-leading expert on the spatial dynamics and management of biodiversity. He has >280 peer-reviewed publications and has been in the top 1% of his field by citation every year since 2019. James has developed new knowledge on restoration and rewilding that includes two of the seven most-cited papers on restoration in the last 15 years, the most cited paper on rewilding in the last five years. He has edited two books on dispersal and used mathematical and statistical models to further understanding of ecological dynamics over large scales.
James has also pushed forward ecosystem service science, with numerous projects on their measurement and modelling. His expertise in these areas comes together in research on sustainable farming, future environmental scenarios and conservation planning – all with the aim to find solutions to the biodiversity crisis. His forte is in working across research areas and he has recently developed a new complexity paradigm for restoration, led a project linking climate change, socio-economics, pollution and biodiversity loss, and developed National Capability research linking net zero with agro-ecology.
James leads large projects with multidisciplinary teams within UKCEH, across UK HEIs, and involving partners in Europe, the USA and Africa, funded by the European Commission, NERC, ESRC and Defra. He undertakes applied research for government departments, UK and EU agencies and the private sector. He has led several stakeholder events involving NGOs, industry, farmers and government.
Charles Burrell
Co-Owner, Knepp Estate
Learn MoreCharles Burrell
Co-Owner, Knepp Estate
Charlie inherited the 3,500-acre estate from his grandparents in the 1980’s and is the inspiration behind the Knepp Wildland Project. Having run Knepp Home Farm for 20 years, Charlie had a dramatic change of heart after a visit to the Oostvaardersplassen project in Holland in the 1990s and saw the potential for a similar “rewilding” project at home in Sussex.
Charlie is chair of the Romanian rewilding project, Foundation Conservation Carpathia, and is on the board of Rewilding Britain, The Arcadia Fund, Ingleby Farms Environment Committee, the Endangered Landscapes Programme and the Bronze Oak Project.
Helmut Burtscher
Deputy Regional Representative for Europe and Central Asia, FAO
Learn MoreHelmut Burtscher
Deputy Regional Representative for Europe and Central Asia, FAO
Helmut Burtscher was a doctor at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Rheumatology until 2000 and a chemistry expert since 2001 at the Austrian environmental organization GLOBAL 2000.
He graduated in Food Science and Biotechnology and passed his doctors’ degree at the Institute of Immunology at the Medical University of Vienna. Environmental Expert at Global 2000 and Friends of the Earth Austria, Helmut studied biochemistry and specialised in endocrine disruptive substances included in food and body care. Helmut established programmes to reduce the pesticide contamination in conventional food and vegetables to improve the sustainability of products.
Claire Bury
Deputy Director-General, DG Health and Food Safety, European Commission
Learn MoreClaire Bury
Deputy Director-General, DG Health and Food Safety, European Commission
Gabriel von dem Bussche
Manager, private forest company, Germany
Learn MoreGabriel von dem Bussche
Manager, private forest company, Germany
Dr Bruce Campbell
Director, CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
Learn MoreDr Bruce Campbell
Director, CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
Jeroen Candel
Assistant Professor, Wageningen University
Learn MoreJeroen Candel
Assistant Professor, Wageningen University
Miguel Arias Cañete
Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, European Commission
Learn MoreMiguel Arias Cañete
Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, European Commission
Bruno Capuzzi
Policy Officer, ApexBrasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency)
Learn MoreBruno Capuzzi
Policy Officer, ApexBrasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency)
Ana Carricondo
Coordinator of Conservation Programs in SEO BirdLife
Learn MoreAna Carricondo
Coordinator of Conservation Programs in SEO BirdLife
With a degree in Environmental Sciences and a master on Agrienvironmental Policies, Ana has worked since 2005 on the relationship between biodiversity conservation and farmland management and policies. After some time involved on CAP monitoring and implementation from University, she joined to SEO/BirdLife team in 2007, where has been the agriculture Policy officer for ten years. At this position, has been responsible for different works and projects, including the asessment of the agrienvironmental schemes for steppe bird species, the development of technical guidances for farming practices and farmland birds conservation or the study of the High Nature Value Farming (HNVF) systems in Spain. Currently, since 2017, Ana coordinates the Conservation Department of SEO/BirdLife, where still works on agriculture and CAP with the aim of seeking and contributing to best integration of biodiversity conservation and farming profitability. Furthermore, she makes part of the European Task Forces of BirdLife and has a huge knowledge on European Nature values, institutions and policies. Based at Madrid, she enjoys to return to her rural roots at an small town in Granada (Andalucía) whenever possible.
Paula Cruz de Carvalho
Deputy General Director for Food and Veterinary, Ministry of Agriculture, Portugal
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Deputy General Director for Food and Veterinary, Ministry of Agriculture, Portugal
Samuel Juárez Casado
Advisory Member of the General Secretariat for Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Agriculture, Spain
Learn MoreSamuel Juárez Casado
Advisory Member of the General Secretariat for Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Agriculture, Spain
Alessandro Cataldo
Partner, Europe Agrifood sector leader, EY
Learn MoreAlessandro Cataldo
Partner, Europe Agrifood sector leader, EY
Alessandro Cataldo is a partner at EY responsible for strategy and M&A practice with a specific focus on chemicals and agri-food at EMEIA. He has 25 years of business, private equity and consulting experience matured in chemicals, crop science and agrifood.
With a background in consumer and industrial goods, Alessandro recently spent 6 years with a global investment and advisory firm that focused on investing in and developing businesses in the advanced materials and specialty chemicals sectors. He has been with a consulting firm for over 15 years prior to his employment at EY, where he held several leadership positions, working with the boards and senior executives of major corporations in the private equity, chemicals, agri-food and natural resources sectors.
Teresa Dent CBE
Chief Executive, Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, UK
Learn MoreTeresa Dent CBE
Chief Executive, Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, UK
Alessandro Cescatti
Senior scientist, Directorate for Sustainable Resources, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
Learn MoreAlessandro Cescatti
Senior scientist, Directorate for Sustainable Resources, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
Alessandro Cescatti, PhD in Forest Ecology, leads the research group “Land-Climate Interactions” in the Bio-economy Unit of the Directorate for Sustainable Development of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. He has broad expertise on the use of Earth observations from multiple platforms and technologies, including network of flux sites, national forest inventories and advanced remote sensing based on different techniques and platforms. He focuses on the quantification of biophysical and biogeochemical processes that occur in the land-climate system at various spatial and temporal scales. He has (co)-authored about 180 peer-reviewed papers in that field. He is co-responsible for the development of the activity in Europe of the “EU observatory on deforestation, forest degradation, changes in the world’s forest cover, and associated driver” that the Joint Research Centre is currently establishing.
Ranveer Chandra
Managing Director for Research for Industry, and CTO of Agri-Food, Microsoft
Learn MoreRanveer Chandra
Managing Director for Research for Industry, and CTO of Agri-Food, Microsoft
Ranveer Chandra is the Managing Director for Research for Industry, and the CTO of Agri-Food at Microsoft. He also leads the Networking Research Group at Microsoft Research, Redmond. Previously, Ranveer was the Chief Scientist of Microsoft Azure Global. His research has shipped as part of multiple Microsoft products, including VirtualWiFi in Windows 7 onwards, low power Wi-Fi in Windows 8, Energy Profiler in Visual Studio, Software Defined Batteries in Windows 10, and the Wireless Controller Protocol in XBOX One. His research also led to a new product. Ranveer is active in the networking and systems research community, and has served as the Program Committee Chair of IEEE DySPAN 2012, ACM MobiCom 2013, and ACM HotNets 2022.
Ranveer started Project FarmBeats at Microsoft in 2015. He also led the battery research project, and the white space networking project at Microsoft Research. He was invited to the USDA to present his research to the US Secretary of Agriculture, and this work was featured by Bill Gates in GatesNotes, and was selected by Satya Nadella as one of 10 projects that inspired him in 2017. Ranveer has also been invited to the FCC to present his work on TV white spaces, and spectrum regulators from India, China, Brazil, Singapore and US (including the FCC chairman) have visited the Microsoft campus to see his deployment of the world’s first urban white space network. As part of his doctoral dissertation, Ranveer developed VirtualWiFi. The software has over a million downloads and was among the top 5 downloaded software released by Microsoft Research. It is shipping as a feature in Windows since 2009.
Ranveer has published more than 100 papers, and holds over 150 patents granted by the USPTO. His research has been cited by the popular press, such as the Economist, MIT Technology Review, BBC, Scientific American, New York Times, WSJ, among others. He is a Fellow of the ACM and the IEEE, and has won several awards, including award papers at ACM CoNext 2008, ACM SIGCOMM 2009, IEEE RTSS 2014, USENIX ATC 2015, Runtime Verification 2016 (RV’16), ACM COMPASS 2019, and ACM MobiCom 2019, the Microsoft Research Graduate Fellowship, the Microsoft Gold Star Award, the MIT Technology Review’s Top Innovators Under 35, TR35 (2010) and Fellow in Communications, World Technology Network (2012). He was recently recognized by the Newsweek magazine as America’s 50 most Disruptive Innovators (2021). Ranveer has an undergraduate degree from IIT Kharagpur, India and a PhD from Cornell University.
Dominique Chargé
President, La Coopération Agricole (previously "Coop de France")
Learn MoreDominique Chargé
President, La Coopération Agricole (previously "Coop de France")
Grigoris Chatzikostas
VP for Business Development, FoodScale Hub
Learn MoreGrigoris Chatzikostas
VP for Business Development, FoodScale Hub
Grigoris Chatzikostas is an expert in financing innovation in agtech and foodtech. He is managing multi-national and cross-sectoral consortia, developing proposals for EU funding, and coordinating large-scale projects that promote tech-enabled entrepreneurship in the agrifood sector. In the past 15 years, he has managed projects exceeding the total value of 100 mEUR. He has delivered programs supporting more than 150 startups and SMEs with pre-seed funding and business support services. As a passionate and engaging public speaker and trainer, he makes complex subjects related to EU funding and technologies accessible and easy to understand. He also offers mentoring and strategic consulting to a small number of carefully selected companies that are aligned with his interests.
Nathalie Chaze
Director, Food Sustainability, International Relations, Directorate General for Health and Food Safety, European Commission
Learn MoreNathalie Chaze
Director, Food Sustainability, International Relations, Directorate General for Health and Food Safety, European Commission
Joséphine de Chazournes
Private landowner in Italy and CEO, Semper Silva
Learn MoreJoséphine de Chazournes
Private landowner in Italy and CEO, Semper Silva
Joséphine de Chazournes is founder and CEO of Semper Silva, a forestry and agroecology consultancy that restores degraded land across Europe. Together with her husband she bought eroded cereal conventional land in Tuscany twenty years ago and successfully transitioned it to a sustainable organic regenerative agroforestry ecosystem. She is vice-chairman of the board of the Tuscany Environment Foundation, part of the British group of non-profits Conservation Collective. She worked for 20 years in Strategy and Finance for the leading institutions, holds a masters in economics and strategy from ESSEC in Paris, and has attended Singularity University’s exponential technologies, MIT’s sustainable business and Cambridge’s sustainability leadership courses.
Claire Chenu
Research Director, INRAE
Learn MoreClaire Chenu
Research Director, INRAE
Patrick Child
Deputy Director-General, DG Environment, European Commission
Learn MorePatrick Child
Deputy Director-General, DG Environment, European Commission
Patrick Child is currently Deputy Director-General in DG Environment at the European Commission with particular responsibility for the EU’s zero pollution strategy, chemicals legislation, urban agenda, research and innovation for environment and communication. He is also the Mission manager for the Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission, which aims to reach 100 climate-neutral cities by 2030.
From 2016-2021, he was Deputy Director-General in DG Research and Innovation (R&I) at the European Commission. As member of the Board of DG R&I, he followed in particular research and innovation in clean energy and climate technologies as well as the R&I dimension of the post-COVID recovery and resilience strategy and Horizon Europe mission on Cancer. His international roles included Commission representative and chair of the steering committee of Mission Innovation (a coalition of 24 countries and the EC working to accelerate global clean energy innovation) and lead co-chair of the Group of Earth Observations (GEO).
Until April 2016, Patrick Child was Managing Director of the European External Service with responsibility for administration and finance, covering human resources policy, security and the budget. Before he took up this post in 2011, he was director in the EC External Relations Directorate-General in the responsible for managing the network of Commission delegations. He has previously served as head of cabinet for External Relations Commissioners Benita Ferrero-Waldner and Chris Patten.
With a background in the UK Finance Ministry, he joined the European Commission in 1994, where he started in the Economic and Monetary affairs Directorate General before becoming Commission press spokesman for economic and monetary union from 1995-1999. Mr Child studied mathematics at Cambridge University. He is married with two children.
Mateusz Ciasnocha
CEO, European Carbon Farmers; Co-Founder & Co-CEO, The Farm of Francesco; Head of Carbon & International Affairs, Ciasnocha Family Farms
Learn MoreMateusz Ciasnocha
CEO, European Carbon Farmers; Co-Founder & Co-CEO, The Farm of Francesco; Head of Carbon & International Affairs, Ciasnocha Family Farms
Mateusz Ciasnocha - a farmer from Poland on the mission of building a farmer-centric bridge between agricultural and climate policy. He lives his call to action through two businesses: the European Carbon Farmers and the Farm of Francesco, as well as through service in various Supervisory and Advisory Boards: Foundation of the Economy of Francesco, as well as Laudato Si Action Platform at the Holy See and the EU Soil Mission Board at the European Commission.
Petra Čiček
Sustainability Commercial Lead for Central & South Europe, Microsoft
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Sustainability Commercial Lead for Central & South Europe, Microsoft
Stepping into the role of Sustainability Commercial Lead at Microsoft, Petra is working with customers to help them transform and power their ESG ambition with technology.
David Clarinval
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, the Self-Employed, SMEs and Agriculture, Institutional Reforms and Democratic Renewal, Belgium
Learn MoreDavid Clarinval
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, the Self-Employed, SMEs and Agriculture, Institutional Reforms and Democratic Renewal, Belgium
David Clarinval is a Belgian politician of the Reformist Movement who has been serving as Minister of the Middle Class, SMEs, Self-employed, Agriculture, Social Integration and Urban Policy in the government of Prime Minister Alexander De Croo since 2020.
John Clarke
Director of International Affairs, DG Agriculture & Rural Development, European Commission
Learn MoreJohn Clarke
Director of International Affairs, DG Agriculture & Rural Development, European Commission
David Cleary
Director, Global Agriculture, The Nature Conservancy
Learn MoreDavid Cleary
Director, Global Agriculture, The Nature Conservancy
Sean de Cleene
International Food Systems Partnership Expert
Learn MoreSean de Cleene
International Food Systems Partnership Expert
Aidan Connolly
President, AgriTech Capital
Learn MoreAidan Connolly
President, AgriTech Capital
With more than 30 years of business experience, Aidan Connolly has successfully engaged with a full range of executive and managerial challenges, including direct experience of greenfield start-ups, high growth environments, turnaround issues, challenging economic environments and a wide range of political and economic systems. Aidan held multiple senior leadership positions at the global animal health company, Alltech, over a period of more than 25 years. Currently, Aidan is President of AgriTech Capital, a US-based strategy and investment firm which supports innovation and technology in the agribusiness sector. He is also CEO of Irish agtech start-up, Cainthus, a company specialising in monitoring key farm management practices that impact nutrition, health and the behaviour of livestock through the use of computer vision and artificial intelligence. He has worked in over 100 countries, lived in six of them and speaks five languages. He has worked in political associations, with state and national governments in the US, China, Europe and Brazil and international organizations such as the European Union and the United Nations. He holds positions as Adjunct Professor of Marketing at the Smurfit School of Business, University College Dublin and the China Agricultural University in Beijing. He has published over 30 academic articles and is a regular contributor to social media.
Vincent Cordonnier
Deputy Head of Unit, Neighborhood enlargement and pre-accession assistance DG AGRI, European Commission
Learn MoreVincent Cordonnier
Deputy Head of Unit, Neighborhood enlargement and pre-accession assistance DG AGRI, European Commission
Vincent Cordonnier is a French national. He holds a Master's degree in Agronomy from AgroParisTech. He has been working in the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Commission (DG AGRI) since 2008. He is currently Deputy Head of Unit G.4 – Neighbourhood, enlargement and pre-accession assistance.
Since he joined DG AGRI, he has held various positions and has gained experience in team management, international policy and trade, policy development, analysis and Outlook, financial management and communication.
Throughout his career, Vincent Cordonnier worked on the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, the negotiations of free trade agreements with Japan and Ecuador, geographical indications, and the management of the Farm Accountancy data Network. He has been responsible for the organisation of the EU Agricultural Outlook Conference from 2020 to 2023.
He is fluent in French and English.
Camilla Corsi
Head Crop Protection Research, Syngenta
Learn MoreCamilla Corsi
Head Crop Protection Research, Syngenta
Camilla leads Syngenta’s CP Research organization - a passionate team of some 700 scientists, located in at five world-class research sites in five countries - in delivering excellence in design, synthesis and biological evaluation to discover, optimize and develop industry-leading solutions.
With a strong track record of delivery, Camilla has made a particularly significant contribution to the invention and development of Syngenta’s fungicide SDHI class (sedaxane, isopyrazam, Solatenol™ and Adepidyn™) and to the shape and quality of the existing crop protection research pipeline.
A chemist by training, Camilla has been with Syngenta since 2004, holding various leadership roles across Chemistry and Portfolio. As a leader, she has a proven ability to foster effective teams and to build the relationships that bring winning innovation into the hands of growers.
Camilla graduated in Chemistry from Florence University with a PhD and Postdoc in Organic Chemistry obtained from University College London and Ecole Polytechnique respectively.
Ornella Cosomati
Director of Sustainability Policy, Microsoft
Learn MoreOrnella Cosomati
Director of Sustainability Policy, Microsoft
Ornella leads EU sustainability policy at Microsoft. Based in Brussels, she follows policy developments in the space of circular economy, ESG and energy. In the era of AI, Ornella also looks at the endless opportunities that AI can offer to support Europe’s sustainability goals and Microsoft’s customers while they embark in the sustainability transformation of their sectors (i.e. manufacturing, agriculture, electricity).
Prior to joining Microsoft, Ornella worked for Pepsico in their government affairs office, and held previous roles in the British parliament, a public affairs consultancy and a Brussels based association, always working in the space of sustainability, climate, and agricultural policy.
Ertharin Cousin
12th Executive Director, United Nations World Food Programme (2012-2017)
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12th Executive Director, United Nations World Food Programme (2012-2017)
Daniel Calleja Crespo
Director-General, Legal Service, European Commission
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Director-General, Legal Service, European Commission
Máximo Torero Cullen
Chief Economist, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Learn MoreMáximo Torero Cullen
Chief Economist, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Mr. Maximo Torero Cullen is the Chief Economist of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). He joined the Organization in January 2019 as Assistant Director-General for the Economic and Social Development Department. Prior to joining FAO, he was the World Bank Group Executive Director for Argentina, Bolivia, Chile Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay since November 2016 and before the Bank Mr. Torero led the Division of the Markets, Trade, and Institutions at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). His major research work lies mostly in analyzing poverty, inequality, importance of geography and assets (private or public) in explaining poverty, and in policies oriented towards poverty alleviation based on the role played by infrastructure, institutions, and on how technological breakthroughs (or discontinuities) can improve the welfare of households and small farmers. His experience encompasses Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Asia.
Mr. Torero, a national of Peru, holds a Ph.D. and a Master’s degree in Economics from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of the Pacific, Lima, Peru. He is a professor on leave at the University of the Pacific, Perú, and an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at University of Bonn, Germany, and has also published in top journals (QJE, Econometric Theory, AER-Applied Microeconomics, RSTAT, Labor Economics and many other top journals).
Mr. Torero has received in 2000 the Georg Foster Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, won the Award for Outstanding Research on Development given by the Global Development Network, twice, in 2000 and in 2002, and received the Chevalier de l'Ordre du Mérite Agricole in 2014.
More information
Twitter – @MaximoTorero
Website – www.maximotorero.com
Eduardo Cuoco
Director, IFOAM Organics Europe
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Director, IFOAM Organics Europe
Brian Czech
Executive Director for the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy (CASSE)
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Executive Director for the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy (CASSE)
Thierry de l’Escaille D
Secretary General, European Landowners’ Organization
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Secretary General, European Landowners’ Organization
Arnold Puech d’Alissac
Board Member, FNSEA
Learn MoreArnold Puech d’Alissac
Board Member, FNSEA
Antoine d’Amecourt
President, Fédération nationale des syndicats de forestiers (FRANSYLVA)
Learn MoreAntoine d’Amecourt
President, Fédération nationale des syndicats de forestiers (FRANSYLVA)
Scheherazade Daneshkhu
Learn MoreScheherazade Daneshkhu
Jacki Davis
Journalist and Professional Moderator
Learn MoreJacki Davis
Journalist and Professional Moderator
Jenny Davis-Peccoud
Sustainability Practice Founder & Partner, Bain & Company
Learn MoreJenny Davis-Peccoud
Sustainability Practice Founder & Partner, Bain & Company
Jenny Davis-Peccoud founded the Bain & Company global Sustainability & Responsibility practice in 2011 and led it for over a decade. She has worked with clients to shape sustainable business and value chain transformations, craft strategies to link sustainability to value creation, and align leadership teams behind ambitious agendas to reorient their organizations and eco-systems to more sustainable models. Beyond broad expertise in ESG, Jenny has a particular focus on food systems transformation, circularity, nature and biodiversity and carbon transition.
Throughout 30 years at Bain, Jenny has advised local and multinational corporate clients across a wide range of industries, as well as international trade associations, government ministries, public bodies and global NGOs. Her engagements have included sustainability strategy, sustainable growth and value creation, sustainable business transformation, sustainable supply chains, organization and leadership team alignment. She has also supported the early conception, incubation and launch of ambitious sustainability ventures and multi-party coalitions.
Jenny writes and speaks extensively in her areas of expertise. Her perspectives have been published in newspapers across the world, including The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Le Monde, NRC Handelsblad and The Business Times of Singapore, as well as in publications such as Harvard Business Review, European Business Forum, the Stanford Social Innovation Review, Forbes and weforum.org.
Originally from San Francisco, Jenny is currently based in Amsterdam, after spending 5 years with us in Boston and 20 years in our London office. A US, French and British citizen who speaks three languages, Jenny has led projects in varied business cultures across Europe, the Middle East, Asia Pacific and North America.
Jenny received her B.S. from Georgetown University and her MBA, with distinction, from Harvard Business School.
Ivo Degn
Cooperations & Strategy, CEO, Co-Founder, Climate Farmers
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Cooperations & Strategy, CEO, Co-Founder, Climate Farmers
Matthew Dempsey
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Eric Dereudre
VP Government and Industry Affairs, Corteva Agriscience
Learn MoreEric Dereudre
VP Government and Industry Affairs, Corteva Agriscience
Eric Dereudre is VP Government and Industry Affairs at Corteva Agriscience. With over 25 years of experience in agriculture, Eric is passionate about farming and its societal implications. He is a strong advocate of science-based and transparent communications. Eric is a past President of the European Crop Protection Association (now CropLife Europe).
Marilda Dhaskali
EU Agriculture and Bioenergy Policy Officer, BirdLife Europe & Central Asia
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EU Agriculture and Bioenergy Policy Officer, BirdLife Europe & Central Asia
Marilda is EU Agriculture and Bioenergy Policy Officer at BirdLife Europe & Central Asia.
BirdLife Europe & Central Asia has an international team of permanent staff responsible for conservation, science, policy, advocacy, capacity building, fundraising, communications, finance and administration supporting the 45 European and Central Asian BirdLife Partners.
Jean-François Dhôte
Research Director- HDR, INRAE Orleans
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Research Director- HDR, INRAE Orleans
Tilmann Disselhoff
President of Eurosite
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President of Eurosite
Michael Doane
Global Managing Director for Sustainable Food and Water, The Nature Conservancy
Learn MoreMichael Doane
Global Managing Director for Sustainable Food and Water, The Nature Conservancy
Qu Dongyu
Director-General, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Learn MoreQu Dongyu
Director-General, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Beth Dooley
Head of Partnerships, Downforce Technologies
Learn MoreBeth Dooley
Head of Partnerships, Downforce Technologies
Beth Dooley is Head of Partnerships for Downforce Technologies, a pioneering leader in the measurement, monitoring and verification of natural capital within the global landscape, such as soil organic carbon, above-ground biomass, soil moisture and biodiversity. Over the last fifteen years, Beth has worked on agri-environmental-climate policy and research within the US and EU, and supported farmers with knowledge exchange and capacity building aimed at enhancing sustainable farm businesses. She is a bar qualified attorney in the US with a LLM specialising in Global Environment and Climate Change Law from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and she received her PhD in Sociology from the University of Exeter, England.
Herbert Dorfmann
Member of the European Parliament
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Member of the European Parliament
Wiebe Draijer
Chairman of the Managing Board, Rabobank
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Chairman of the Managing Board, Rabobank
Pierre-Olivier Drège
President, European Landowners' Organization
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President, European Landowners' Organization
Gilles Dryancour
Chairman of the CEMA Strategic Committee and Vice-President Corporate Affairs, Europe, John Deere
Learn MoreGilles Dryancour
Chairman of the CEMA Strategic Committee and Vice-President Corporate Affairs, Europe, John Deere
Gilles Dryancour is Vice President Corporate Affairs for Europe for the company John Deere and John Deere Fellow. He was re-elected as Chairman of the CEMA Strategic Committee in June 2023.
The CEMA Strategic Committee advises and provides recommendations on policy developments to the CEMA Board of Directors, in order to assess policy options and anticipate challenges related to European policies affecting the industry. Members of the Committee are national associations representatives and companies’ delegates.
Jenny Du
Co-founder and Vice President of Operations, Apeel Sciences
Learn MoreJenny Du
Co-founder and Vice President of Operations, Apeel Sciences
Pierre Dubreuil
Director general, OFB (Office français de la biodiversité)
Learn MorePierre Dubreuil
Director general, OFB (Office français de la biodiversité)
Paula Duque
Principal Investigator, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC)
Learn MorePaula Duque
Principal Investigator, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC)
Andrii Dykun
Chairman, Ukrainian Agri Council
Learn MoreAndrii Dykun
Chairman, Ukrainian Agri Council
Andrii Dykun heads up the “Ukrainian Agri Council” Public Union (“UAC” Public Union), which is a voluntary, non-governmental organization which was found in June, 2014. The Union was established on the basis of common interests and is aimed to realize rights and freedoms, protect legitimate social and economic interests of its members. The Union members’ total land area is 2,100,000 ha.
Andrii is also the President of the Association of Milk Producers of Ukraine that comprises of 150 member farms that produce 40% of raw milk processed in Ukraine and the former Deputy Minister of Agriculture in Ukraine holding the position in 2014-2015 before embarking on his current roles.
Carlos Manuel Rodríguez Echandi
Minister of Environment and Energy, Ministry of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica
Learn MoreCarlos Manuel Rodríguez Echandi
Minister of Environment and Energy, Ministry of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica
Hilde Eggermont
Strategic Coordinator Belgian Biodiversity Platform/IUCN Councillor
Learn MoreHilde Eggermont
Strategic Coordinator Belgian Biodiversity Platform/IUCN Councillor
Hilal Elver
Special Rapporteur on Right to Food, United Nations
Learn MoreHilal Elver
Special Rapporteur on Right to Food, United Nations
Mónica Andrés Enríquez
EVP, Europe, Yara
Learn MoreMónica Andrés Enríquez
EVP, Europe, Yara
Mónica Andrés Enríquez has served as EVP Europe since July 2021. She has previously held several positions in the company. She was VP Farming Solutions Europe (2020-2021), Project Manager for Yara Europe Strategy and SVP BU South Europe (2019-2020), SVP BU Asia (2017-2019), and Country manager for Spain and Portugal (2013-2016). She was employed by Hydro in 1998 as field agronomist.
Ms. Andrés Enríquez holds a master’s degree in Business Administration from Instituto de Empresa Spanish Business School and a degree in Agronomy Engineering from the Spanish Polytechnic University of Engineers (ETSIA).
Boris Erg
Director, IUCN European Regional Office
Learn MoreBoris Erg
Director, IUCN European Regional Office
Andrea Erickson-Quiroz
Global Director for Water Security, Deputy Managing Director for the Food and Water Systems Priority, The Nature Conservancy
Learn MoreAndrea Erickson-Quiroz
Global Director for Water Security, Deputy Managing Director for the Food and Water Systems Priority, The Nature Conservancy
Linda Eriksson
Forest Director at The Swedish Forest Industries Federation
Learn MoreLinda Eriksson
Forest Director at The Swedish Forest Industries Federation
Bio not available.
María Cruz Vaca Escribano
Director of Economic Affairs, ANGED
Learn MoreMaría Cruz Vaca Escribano
Director of Economic Affairs, ANGED
Since 2013, María Cruz Vaca Escribano has been Director of Economic Affairs ANGED, which is a national association of large distribution companies including Alcampo, Action, Apple Store, Aurgi, C&A, Carrefour, Conforama, Cotsco, Dufry, El Corte Inglés, Grupo Eroski, Feu Vert, FNAC, Ikea, Sarton Canarias, Leroy Merlin, Media Markt, Norauto, Obramart, Tendam and Toys'R'Us
María has extensive experience in retail in marketing, commercial strategy, business development and management control functions. She has a degree in economics and diploma in advanced studies (DEA) in the doctoral program of Business Economics of the Autonomous University of Madrid.
Philipp Schulze Esking
Member of the Board and Vice President, DLG (German Agricultural Society)
Learn MorePhilipp Schulze Esking
Member of the Board and Vice President, DLG (German Agricultural Society)
Garlich von Essen
Secretary-General of Euroseeds
Learn MoreGarlich von Essen
Secretary-General of Euroseeds
Poppy Eyre
Innovation Support Officer at SusMetro for FoodSHIFT 2030
Learn MorePoppy Eyre
Innovation Support Officer at SusMetro for FoodSHIFT 2030
Poppy Eyre graduated in the field of International Food and Agribusiness at HAS University of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands. During this time Poppy has been involved in diverse projects, including work in the Ghanaian cocoa sector and international vegetable supply chains. Following her graduation, Poppy moved into the insect protein sector, developing innovative proposals for insect-based business models in Nigeria. More recently, Poppy has developed a keen interest in community supported agriculture, linking closely with her current work in the Horizon2020 project FoodSHIFT 2030, stimulating sustainable city-region food systems. Poppy also aims to promote the voice of young people in the food and agricultural sphere through her involvement as a FutureFoodMaker (FFM) with EIT Food. In the FFM Menu for Change, Poppy focuses on regenerative agriculture and true cost accounting. In her spare time, Poppy is a keen gardener and volunteers at a local CSA initiative.
More information
Website – www.susmetro.eu
Website – www.foodshift2030.eu
LinkedIn – poppyeyre
Shenggen Fan
Chair Professor and Dean, Academy of Global Food Economics and Policy, China Agricultural University
Learn MoreShenggen Fan
Chair Professor and Dean, Academy of Global Food Economics and Policy, China Agricultural University
Hugo Morán Fernández
Secretary of State for the Environment, Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, Kingdom of Spain
Learn MoreHugo Morán Fernández
Secretary of State for the Environment, Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, Kingdom of Spain
- City Council of Lena (Asturias), Councillor (1987-1995) and Mayor (1995-2007).
- Member of the Consortium for the Management of Solid Waste of Asturias CATCH (1987-2007).
- Member of the Permanent Commission of the Association of Mining Regions ACOM Spain (1995-2007).
- President of the Consortium for the Development of the Central Mountain of Asturias (1998-2001).
- President of the Rural Development Group of the Central Mountain of Asturias (1998-2007).
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Sanitation Board of the Principality of Asturias (2001-2007).
- President of the Asturian Federation of Councils (2001-2007).
- Member of the Economic and Social Council of the Principality of Asturias (2001-2007).
- Director of the Office of Government Relations in the General Assembly of the Principality (2007-2008).
- Deputy for Asturias in the Cortes Generales in the IX Legislature and Spokesman for the Environment of the Socialist Parliamentary Group.
- Federal Secretary of Environment and Rural Development CEF-PSOE (37th Congress).
- Federal Secretary of Territorial Planning and Sustainability CEF-PSOE (38th Congress).
- Federal Secretariat for the Ecological Transition of the Economy CEF-PSOE (39th Congress).
António Gonçalves Ferreira
President, União da Floresta Mediterrânica (UNAC)
Learn MoreAntónio Gonçalves Ferreira
President, União da Floresta Mediterrânica (UNAC)
João Rui Ferreira
Secretary General, C.E. Liège
Learn MoreJoão Rui Ferreira
Secretary General, C.E. Liège
Pedro Fevereiro
Executive Director, Iplantprotect
Learn MorePedro Fevereiro
Executive Director, Iplantprotect
Teleri Fielden
First generation farmer / shepherdess, Llyndy Isaf Farm, Wales
Learn MoreTeleri Fielden
First generation farmer / shepherdess, Llyndy Isaf Farm, Wales
Franz Fischler
Former President of the European Forum Alpbach
Learn MoreFranz Fischler
Former President of the European Forum Alpbach
Natasha Foote
Journalist at Euractiv
Learn MoreNatasha Foote
Journalist at Euractiv
Yasmine Fouad
Minister of Environment, Ministry of Environment of Egypt
Learn MoreYasmine Fouad
Minister of Environment, Ministry of Environment of Egypt
Dr Yasmine Fouad is Minister of Environment of the Arabic Republic of Egypt. Her expertise is in Environment and International cooperation with more than 18 years’ experience working in Government, in UN organizations, NGOs and Universities. She holds her MSc in Environmental Science and PhD in Political Science / Euro Mediterranean Studies. She had gained an extensive experience in climate change issues through her diversified work with academic, government and non-government organizations and International organizations. In this context, she supported the Earth Institute in designing a Center of Excellence for Adaptation to Climate Change and supported the AMCEN President in leading and managing the two climate change initiatives mainly the African Adaptation Initiative (AAI) and African Renewable Energy Initiative (AREI). Moreover, she supported the Nile Basin Discourse – a regional NGO- in designing a proposal and policy paper on the impact of climate change on water resources in the Nile Basin. Throughout her position as Assistant Minister of Environment, she supported the Minister of Environment in preparation of Africa portfolio for the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt in his capacity as Coordinator of Committee of African Heads of States for Climate Change (CAHOSCC) from 2015-2017. She has represented the AMCEN President in the Steering Committee of the Clim-Dev Africa and has been a co-chair of the NEPAD Regional Flagship Programmes Steering committee as well as Lima Climate Finance meeting in 2015. In addition, she supervised the work of the climate change projects in Egypt and co-chaired the Climate Change and Environment sub group with the AfD to oversee the work of the development partners in climate change in Egypt. She acts as Egypt GCF National Foal point and established a national participatory consultative mechanism for preparation of projects pipeline to be submitted to the GCF. She has been selected as a lead author to chapter four of the upcoming IPCC Special Report on “Climate Change, Desertification, Land Degradation, Sustainable Land Management, Food Security and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Terrestrial Ecosystems”. Moreover, she has led a multi stakeholder taskforce on preparation of the Environment pillar of the National Sustainable Development Strategy 2030 while mainstreaming climate change aspects within the strategy. Her expertise demonstrated through her proven record in overall supervision and management of AMCEN, Sustainable Development and Climate Change portfolios. She gained a wealth of coordination, management and operations experience through seven years working in two GEF/UNDP cross cutting capacity development projects in Egypt. She participated as an expert in the Capacity Development Regional Arab and African Initiatives such as score card exercise with the UNDP Bratislava Regional Center.
Per Frankelius
Associate Professor (Docent) in Business Administration at Linköping University (Sweden)
Learn MorePer Frankelius
Associate Professor (Docent) in Business Administration at Linköping University (Sweden)
Per Frankelius, PhD, is Associate Professor (Docent) in Business Administration at Linköping University (Sweden) and process leader of the initiative “Agtech 2030” focusing on agricultural innovations. Most of his ca. 500 publications (including articles in journals like Journal of High Technology Management Research, the Lancet, and Agronomy Journal) treats the subject area innovation from different perspectives, including marketing. Integrating nature or agriculture in economic models is also a recurrent theme.
He is member of the Royal Economic Society and Earthworm Society of Britain, Fellow of the Linnean Society of London and Fellow of The Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry. He is also a member of the Board of AgroÖst and reference group for Vreta Kluster. In 2006 he was elected to the Swedish Broadcasting Commission and during 2004-10 he was on the board of the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum.
Frankelius has conducted several government missions. For example, he was Principal Secretary of the inquiry on innovation appointed by the Swedish Government (SOU Innovative processes).
In 2013–2019 he was responsible for the project, “Greenovation Sweden” (Grönovation). This project was committed to bring cutting-edge knowledge on how innovation can be stimulated in green sectors, not least by means of integrating users into innovation processes. The project was hosted by Linköping University, Sweden. Among the partners were 3M, Lantmännen, SSAB, SMHI, SLU Holding, Elmia and Vreta Kluster. Since 2015 he has been a member of the jury for the Elmia Agriculture Innovation Award.
At the end of 2018, Sweden's Innovation Agency, Vinnova, granted funding for the Agtech 2030 innovation initiative with Frankelius as process leader. This is an investment in agricultural technology and an expected budget of approximately SEK 200 million over 10 years. The initiative involves about 20 companies and organizations.
Louise O. Fresco
President of the Executive Board, Wageningen University & Research
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President of the Executive Board, Wageningen University & Research
Mella Frewen
Director General, FoodDrinkEurope
Learn MoreMella Frewen
Director General, FoodDrinkEurope
Martin Frick
Director, World Food Programme Global Office Berlin
Learn MoreMartin Frick
Director, World Food Programme Global Office Berlin
Erik Fyrwald
Chief Executive Officer, Syngenta Group
Learn MoreErik Fyrwald
Chief Executive Officer, Syngenta Group
Algis Gaizutis
Chairman at Forest and Land Owners Association of Lithuania
Learn MoreAlgis Gaizutis
Chairman at Forest and Land Owners Association of Lithuania
Algis Gaizutis is Chairman at Forest and Land Owners Association of Lithuania, which is the national interest organisation for the forest owners in Lithuania and has the status of an independent public NGO. FOAL is recognised national organisation in Lithuania and internationally.
Pedro Gallardo
Vice President, COPA COGECA and Vice President, ALAS (Alianza Agricultura Sostenible)
Learn MorePedro Gallardo
Vice President, COPA COGECA and Vice President, ALAS (Alianza Agricultura Sostenible)
Pedro Gallardo is the vice president of the Committee of Professional Agricultural Organizations (COPA), the representative body of European farmers. Pedro Gallardo's career in Europe is backed by an experience of more than 15 years during which he has carried out multisectoral tasks in different institutions such as JSCA, COPA-COGECA and FAO.
Pedro Gallardo is also a fourth generation farmer in Andalusia, southern Spain. The farming activity has about 250 hectares and the main crops are: sunflower, rapeseed, wheat, durum wheat and beans. He has managed a farm since 1996 and he has always been involved in ASAJA where he also acquired technical knowledge about agriculture. His family has been a member of ASAJA for three generations.
Pedro Gallardo
President ASAJA Cádiz / Vice-president of COPA (COPA-COGECA)
Learn MorePedro Gallardo
President ASAJA Cádiz / Vice-president of COPA (COPA-COGECA)
Pedro Gallardo Barrena, fourth generation farmer in Andalusia, southern Spain. The farming activity has about 250 hectares and the main crops are: sunflower, rapeseed, wheat, durum wheat and beans.
Born in Puerto Real (Cadiz), he lives with his wife and two sons in the family farm. He has managed a farm since 1996 and he has always been involved in ASAJA where he also acquired technical knowledge about agriculture. His family has been a member of ASAJA for three generations.
Arun Gandhi
Agent of Change & Author, Total Nonviolence
Learn MoreArun Gandhi
Agent of Change & Author, Total Nonviolence
Toby Gardner
Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute, Lead – TRASE
Learn MoreToby Gardner
Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute, Lead – TRASE
Toby is a Senior Research Fellow at the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), and Director of Trase (www.trase.earth). Toby has twenty years’ experience working on the sustainable development of tropical landscapes. Founded in 2016, Trase is a science-based supply chain transparency initiative that is widely recognized as a ground-breaking source of information and analysis on the sustainability of international trade, with a focus on agricultural commodities linked to deforestation. He has contributed to a number of international environmental policy processes, and has worked extensively on sustainable land-use in the Brazilian Amazon. He has authored more than 120 peer-reviewed publications and in 2012 was awarded the biannual British Ecological Society’s Founders’ Prize for significant contributions to the science of ecology.
Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy
Member of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee, European Parliament
Learn MoreGerben-Jan Gerbrandy
Member of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee, European Parliament
Martin Gerzabek
President of the Jury, Land and Soil Management Award
Learn MoreMartin Gerzabek
President of the Jury, Land and Soil Management Award
Martin Hubert Gerzabek is an Austrian ecologist and soil scientist. He is a professor of ecotoxicology and isotope application and was rector of BOKU, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna from 2010 to 2018.
Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle
Director Strategy and Policy Analysis, DG AGRI, European Commission
Learn MoreCatherine Geslain-Lanéelle
Director Strategy and Policy Analysis, DG AGRI, European Commission
Since 1 January 2023, Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle has been Director Strategy and policy analysis at DG AGRI (European Commission). From 1 September 2020 to 31 December 2022, she was Director at the General Secretariat of the Council, responsible for Veterinary and Plant Health Questions, Food and Forestry. Between December 2019 and August 2020, she was Deputy Head of Cabinet of the EU Commissioner responsible for agriculture and rural development. Between 2013 and 2018, she was responsible for the implementation of the CAP in France, in her capacity as Director general for Economic and Environmental Performance of Enterprises. Between 2006 and 2013, she was Executive Director of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Prior to that, she was Director General of the Food Department within the French Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. She also worked at the European Commission from 1991 to 1993.
Cristi Gherghiceanu
Executive President, Fundatia ADEPT Transilvania
Learn MoreCristi Gherghiceanu
Executive President, Fundatia ADEPT Transilvania
With project co-ordination and financial control, Christi provides overall leadership of ADEPT, overseeing daily operations and ‘building organisational capacity’. Cristi graduated from Brasov University in IT, economics and accounting and has worked for rural development NGOs since 2000. He has been guide and translator for numerous World Bank missions, and speaks Romanian, English and German.
Bernard Giraud
President, Livelihoods Venture / Senior Advisor Sustainability and Shared Value Creation Danone
Learn MoreBernard Giraud
President, Livelihoods Venture / Senior Advisor Sustainability and Shared Value Creation Danone
Joseph W. Glauber
Senior Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Learn MoreJoseph W. Glauber
Senior Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Joe Glauber is a Senior Research Fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) in Washington, DC and until January 2024 served as interim Secretary of the Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS). He also holds appointments at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and the American Enterprise Institute. Prior to joining IFPRI, Glauber spent over 30 years at the US Department of Agriculture, including as Chief Economist from 2008 to 2014. From 2007-2009, Glauber was the Special Doha Agricultural Envoy at the office of the U.S. Trade Representative where he served as chief agricultural negotiator in the Doha talks. He is the author of numerous studies on agricultural insurance, trade policy and U.S. farm policy.
Dan Glickman
Distinguished Fellow, Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Learn MoreDan Glickman
Distinguished Fellow, Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Georg Goeres
Head of Europe, Indigo Agriculture Europe, GmbH
Learn MoreGeorg Goeres
Head of Europe, Indigo Agriculture Europe, GmbH
Maciej Golubiewski
Head of Cabinet of Commissioner for Agriculture, Mr Janusz Wojciechowski
Learn MoreMaciej Golubiewski
Head of Cabinet of Commissioner for Agriculture, Mr Janusz Wojciechowski
Elena Cartea González
Vice President, Scientific and Technical Areas, CSIC (The Spanish National Research Council)
Learn MoreElena Cartea González
Vice President, Scientific and Technical Areas, CSIC (The Spanish National Research Council)
Jane Goodall
UN Messenger of Peace, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute
Learn MoreJane Goodall
UN Messenger of Peace, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute
Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) and UN Messenger of Peace, is
a world-renowned ethologist and activist inspiring greater understanding and action on behalf of the
natural world.
Dr. Goodall is known for groundbreaking studies of wild chimpanzees in Gombe Stream National
Park, Tanzania, which forever changed our understanding of our relationship to the rest of the animal
kingdom. This transformative research continues today as the longest running wild chimpanzee study
in the world. Jane’s work builds on scientific innovations, growing a lifetime of advocacy including
trailblazing efforts through her international organization the Jane Goodall Institute which advances
community-led conservation, animal welfare, science, and youth empowerment through JGI’s Roots
& Shoots program.
Today, Jane continues to connect with worldwide audiences, despite the challenges of the pandemic,
through ‘Virtual Jane’ including remote lectures, recordings, and her podcast, the “Jane Goodall
Hopecast.” In 2021, Jane was the recipient of the Templeton Prize, and her newest book, “The Book
of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times,” was published.
Jane is a global icon spreading hope and turning it into meaningful positive impact to create a better
world for people, other animals, and the planet we share.
Christine Gould
Founder & CEO of the Thought For Food (TFF) Foundation
Learn MoreChristine Gould
Founder & CEO of the Thought For Food (TFF) Foundation
Piotr Gradziuk
Associate Professor, Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Learn MorePiotr Gradziuk
Associate Professor, Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Professor Piotr Gradziuk achieved a Doctor in Economics, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, in March 2016. He has a PhD in Economics, Faculty of Economics, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, 27 September 1990 and a MSc in Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Agricultural Academy in Lublin (currently under new name University of Life Sciences in Lublin), October 1977 - September 1982.
Work experience
2016 - present, Associate Professor, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development.
2015-2016 expert, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development
1991-2009, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Life Sciences in Lublin
1986-1991, Senior Assistant, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences University of Life Sciences in Lublin
1983-1985, Assistant, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences University of Life Sciences in Lublin
1982-1983, Intern Assistant, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences University of Life Sciences in Lublin
Manuel Gremblewski
Business Development Manager, LiveEO
Learn MoreManuel Gremblewski
Business Development Manager, LiveEO
Luc Groot
Board secretary and advisor, Dutch Federation of Private Landowners (FPG)
Learn MoreLuc Groot
Board secretary and advisor, Dutch Federation of Private Landowners (FPG)
FPG (Federatie Particulier Grondbezit) is the Federation for Private Landownership in The Netherlands. The Federation has about 1,600 members who, together, own 200,000 hectares (500,000 acres) of land in The Netherlands. FPG joins forces and looks after the interests of private land managers, aimed at the conservation and development of a balanced countryside in the Netherlands. FPG has a mission based on its conviction that private landownership is the key to the development and conservation of a vital and attractive countryside in a highly urbanised country.
Luc supports the board to translate the needs and ambitions of the members into policy positions and strategic interventions towards governments, stakeholders and citizens.
Hans-Heinrich Grünhagen
German farmer
Learn MoreHans-Heinrich Grünhagen
German farmer
Hans-Heinrich Grünhagen is a multi-faceted farmer, both a traditionalist and a trailblazer. He comes from a farming family that he can trace back 250 years, and grew up on his parents’ holding in Lower Saxony, Germany. Since 1991 he has also run a very modern, highly digitized 1,800-hectare farm in a small village in Brandenburg, in eastern Germany. For 30 years he has been blending his farming heritage with innovation and experimentation to adapt to constant changes in agriculture.
The Brandenburg farm business has gone from 90 hectares in 1991 to 1,800 today. Over 1,600 hectares are arable, including table potatoes for consumers, and for commercial customers starch potatoes, maize for biogas, winter rye, winter barley, rapeseed, peas, Jerusalem artichokes and hemp. Some 130 hectares are grassland, 180 forest. The business has one organic farm of 150 hectares, a second one is coming, and it is involved in contract farming. He and other landowners built a wind farm for the local community 20 years ago.
António Guterres
Secretary-General, United Nations
Learn MoreAntónio Guterres
Secretary-General, United Nations
Nathan Guy
Minister for Primary Industries, Minister for Racing, Associate Minister for Economic Development, New Zealand
Learn MoreNathan Guy
Minister for Primary Industries, Minister for Racing, Associate Minister for Economic Development, New Zealand
Alfonso Chico de Guzmán
Farm operations manager, La Junquera
Learn MoreAlfonso Chico de Guzmán
Farm operations manager, La Junquera
Alfonso Chico De Guzman is one of the pioneers in regenerative agriculture in Spain. In addition to growing vegetables and nuts on dry land, his farm in Murcia "La Junquera" has become an academic destination for people interested in regenerative agriculture thanks to the Regeneration Academy.
Lawrence Haddad
Executive Director, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
Learn MoreLawrence Haddad
Executive Director, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
Eva Haensel
Sustainable Portfolio Development Head Crop Protection Development for Europe, Africa and the Middle East, Syngenta
Learn MoreEva Haensel
Sustainable Portfolio Development Head Crop Protection Development for Europe, Africa and the Middle East, Syngenta
Eva Haensel works as Sustainable Portfolio Development Head Crop Protection Development for Europe, Africa and the Middle East for Syngenta in Germany.
Eva works cross-functionally with teams from biology, product safety, various technology areas, data solutions, marketing, and others to further develop our portfolio in line with the requirements for innovative plant and soil health solutions to offer farmers nature-positive agricultural innovations.
After school, she did an apprenticeship in the pharmaceutical industry and came to crop protection rather by chance as she was fascinated by what can grow from a tiny little seed when conditions are favourable. She then started working at a farm, studied agronomy, and has since worked in a variety of fields, including professional lawn care, specialty crops like cocoa and coffee, or seed treatment of arable crops.
Jason Hafemeister
Acting Deputy Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs, USDA
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Acting Deputy Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs, USDA
Mark Hall
Head of Sustainable Farming, Europe, Africa & Middle East, Syngenta
Learn MoreMark Hall
Head of Sustainable Farming, Europe, Africa & Middle East, Syngenta
Rob Hamer
Vice President Agrifood External Affairs, Unilever
Learn MoreRob Hamer
Vice President Agrifood External Affairs, Unilever
Tassos Haniotis
Special Advisor for Sustainable Productivity, Forum for the Future of Agriculture; Senior Guest Research Scholar, IIASA
Learn MoreTassos Haniotis
Special Advisor for Sustainable Productivity, Forum for the Future of Agriculture; Senior Guest Research Scholar, IIASA
Jacob Hansen
Director General of Fertilizers Europe
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Director General of Fertilizers Europe
Chris Harbourt
Chief Strategy Officer, Indigo Agriculture
Learn MoreChris Harbourt
Chief Strategy Officer, Indigo Agriculture
Pascal Hardy
Founder, Agripolis, Paris, France
Learn MorePascal Hardy
Founder, Agripolis, Paris, France
Fiona Harvey
Learn MoreFiona Harvey
Petr Havlík
Program Director, International Institute for Applied Systems (IIASA)
Learn MorePetr Havlík
Program Director, International Institute for Applied Systems (IIASA)
Petr Havlík joined IIASA in 2007 as a research scholar in the former Forestry Program and is currently the Biodiversity and Natural Resources Program (BNR) Director. Within BNR, he also leads the Integrated Biosphere Futures Research Group (IBF).
His research interests are in integrated modeling of natural resources and ecosystems management for the development of transformations in food and bio-based sectors that enable satisfying human needs while ensuring the sustainable use of terrestrial and marine environments. In this context, he also led the development of the renowned IIASA Global Biosphere Management Model (GLOBIOM).
He coordinates the institute’s contributions to global land use related foresight and assessment activities with European Commission funded research projects, and with international agencies such as the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the World Bank. At the national level, Havlík coordinates the contribution to policies and regulatory processes in, among others, China, the European Union, Indonesia, and the USA. These projects generated funding for IIASA of about EUR 14 million.
While working at IIASA, he also held a three-year joint position with the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI).
Havlík has been among the World’s most Highly Cited Researchers since 2018 and was ranked by Reuters as the sixth most influential climate scientist worldwide. His scientific excellence is also recognized by his appointment as a lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), and the leading roles he plays in other international scientific networks, such as the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP).
Havlík received his PhD from the University of Montpellier 1 in France, and Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic.
Naděžda Hávová
Journalist (session moderator)
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Journalist (session moderator)
Bio to follow later.
Richard Heath
Executive Director, Australian Farm Institute
Learn MoreRichard Heath
Executive Director, Australian Farm Institute
Prior to joining the Australian Farm Institute (AFI), Richard was Associate Professor of Agronomy and Farm Management at the University of Sydney and before that was involved in a large family farming business in North West NSW. Richard is a director of the Grains Research and Development Corporation and sits on the Advisory Committee for CSIRO Agriculture and Food. He is a Nuffield scholar and was a director of Nuffield Australia.
Bram Van Hecke
Learn MoreBram Van Hecke
Bram Van Hecke has spent his life being busy with farming and farmers. He grew up on a dairy and pig farm near Ostend, at the Belgian coast, after which he studied both agricultural engineering and European studies in several countries (Belgium, US, Poland). From young age he was active and engaged in both the rural youth movement as well as the young farmers organisation in his region. From 2019 to 2024 he was president of Groene Kring, the Flemish young farmers organisation. Recently he gave up this role, as he would take up a place of the European list of the Flemish Christ democrats.
John Helming
Senior Researcher, Wageningen Economic Research
Learn MoreJohn Helming
Senior Researcher, Wageningen Economic Research
Dr. John Helming is a senior researcher working at Wageningen Economic Research (WEcR). He has more than 25 years of experience in applied economic, technical and environmental modelling at farm, agricultural sector and economy wide levels for policy analysis. Most recent work is in the field of coordinating further development of farm economic models at WEcR. He is one of the coordinators of the EU H2020 project MIND STEP focussing on behaviour of individual decision makers in farm economic modelling.
Mónica Hernández-Morcillo
Project Manager InnoForESt
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Project Manager InnoForESt
Angelika Hilbeck
Institute for Integrative Biology in the Department of Environmental Systems Science at ETH Zurich
Learn MoreAngelika Hilbeck
Institute for Integrative Biology in the Department of Environmental Systems Science at ETH Zurich
Martin Hlaváček
Member of the European Parliament
Learn MoreMartin Hlaváček
Member of the European Parliament
Martin was born on 14 January 1980 in Polička. He graduated at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, as well as at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including also studies in Universidad de Seville in Spain in 2002. He has passed several dedicated trainings and courses in Spain, Belgium, USA and Switzerland. As from 2015 he is a member of PhD courses at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague with a focus on international trade. I speak fluent English, Spanish and French. I am married with two kids.
After his studies he started his professional career as a diplomat in Greece, Athens and later on within the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic in the EU. He was head of the agriculture and environment unit, participating in the negotiations of the previous EU Common Agricultural Policy as well as national items such as protection of local, traditional Czech products (famous trademarks of Karlovy Vary wafers, Czech carp or Olomouc curd cheese). As from January to October 2012 he was a Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic and moved from 2013 to Phillip Morris Company.
He made a personal decision to move into the European Parliament to actively promote the interests of the Czech and European citizens in the area of agriculture, food sector and rural development. Therefore he was happy to become a member of the Agriculture committee and be able to actively shape the future of the European farmers.
Melissa Ho
Senior Vice President for Freshwater and Food, WWF-US
Learn MoreMelissa Ho
Senior Vice President for Freshwater and Food, WWF-US
Gero Hocker
Member of the German Federal Parliament
Learn MoreGero Hocker
Member of the German Federal Parliament
Phil Hogan
Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission
Learn MorePhil Hogan
Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission
Chris Hogg
Global Head of Public Affairs, Nestlé
Learn MoreChris Hogg
Global Head of Public Affairs, Nestlé
Chris Hogg is the Global Head of Public Affairs at Nestlé, based at the company’s headquarters in Vevey, Switzerland. With over twelve years of experience in corporate communications, Chris has a key role in shaping the company’s engagement with partners and key opinion leaders.
Previously, Chris served as Head of Sustainability and Communications for Nestlé’s business in Asia, Oceania and Sub-Saharan Africa. In these regions he was responsible for operationalizing the company’s sustainability strategy while leading the Corporate Affairs and Communications function. Chris was also a Board member of Food Industry Asia.
Prior to this Chris served as Global Head of Content and Digital and as Deputy Head of Media Relations for Nestlé.
Chris joined Nestlé from the BBC where he worked for seventeen years as a correspondent and producer. In the UK where he focused on health and social policy. Later, in Asia he was a foreign correspondent based in Hong Kong, Tokyo and then Shanghai.
Robert Horster
Global Sustainability Director Agricultural Supply Chains and Food Ingredients & Head of Environmental Markets, Cargill
Learn MoreRobert Horster
Global Sustainability Director Agricultural Supply Chains and Food Ingredients & Head of Environmental Markets, Cargill
Robert brings over 25 years of experience in agricultural commodity markets and sustainability. In addition to his role leading sustainability efforts for Cargill’s Agricultural Supply Chain and Food Ingredients businesses, he is also leading a team developing a new generation of nature-based projects to co-create solutions with farmers to combat climate change. Robert is based in the Netherlands.
Prior to this role, Robert led global trading, origination and sustainability for Cargill’s Edible Oils group.
Robert holds a master's degree from the Erasmus University in Rotterdam in monetary economics and fundamental economic theory. He has lectured on food security and commodity risk at Singapore Management University and the Erasmus University.
Robert is a board member for the Dutch Fats, Oils and Margarine Product Board (MVO) and the chairman of MVO’s sustainability working group. Other ex officio positions include Advisory Board Member of the commodity trading and supply chain curriculum for the Erasmus University and senator of the Allard Pierson archeological museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
More information
LinkedIn – robert-horster-2757315
Lukas Von Hoyos
Referent, Innovation & Strategy, Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank
Learn MoreLukas Von Hoyos
Referent, Innovation & Strategy, Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank
Lukas Von Hoyos is referent Innovation & Strategy at Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank. He studied agricultural economics, specialising in rural development. After working at StartUp Kiebitz, where he focussed on private investments in nature, he moved to Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank to take care of the start-up ecosystem.
Corey Huck
Head, Global Biologicals, Syngenta
Learn MoreCorey Huck
Head, Global Biologicals, Syngenta
Ursula Hudson
President Slow Food Germany
Learn MoreUrsula Hudson
President Slow Food Germany
Salman Hussain
Head, The Economics of Nature Unit, UNEP
Learn MoreSalman Hussain
Head, The Economics of Nature Unit, UNEP
Dr. Salman Hussain is an environmental economist who joined UNEP in 2014, having previously been a researcher in ecological economics. He is Unit Head for The Economics of Nature Unit in Ecosystems Division in UNEP, and he is the TEEB Coordinator. TEEB (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity) is a UNEP-hosted initiative that aims to recognize, demonstrate and capture the values of nature. Salman initiated the launch of TEEBAgriFood in 2015. UNEP is currently applying the TEEBAgriFood Evaluation Framework in over a dozen countries.
More information
Website – www.teebweb.org
Dr John Ingram
Food Systems Programme Leader, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, UK
Learn MoreDr John Ingram
Food Systems Programme Leader, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, UK
Achim Irimescu
Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representation of Romania to the EU
Learn MoreAchim Irimescu
Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representation of Romania to the EU
Achim Irimescu is a former Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development in Romania, after being a State Secretary in the same Ministry of Agriculture. He has a long career as a diplomat in Brussels, since 1998, during which he managed to successfully negotiate the agricultural and fisheries files for Romania’s accession to the EU, and he also was the chairman of the Special Committee for Agriculture during the Romanian Presidency . Basically a mechanic engineer, he graduated the Polytechnic Institute in Bucharest, he worked as a designer for agricultural machineries with a Research Institute in Bucharest before joining the Ministry of agriculture in 1990. He got his PHD in agricultural economics from the Academy of Economic Sciences in Bucharest.
Sarah Iveson
Head of Field Crops Seeds Development for EAME
Learn MoreSarah Iveson
Head of Field Crops Seeds Development for EAME
Sarah Iveson is Head of Field Crops Seeds Development for Europe, Africa and Middle East (EAME) for Syngenta Seeds, responsible for leading a large group of scientists across germplasm development, R&D operations, product placement and agronomy to deliver new genetic solutions to farmers across Europe, Africa and Middle East.
She joined Syngenta as a formulation chemist in the UK. She relocated to Basel in 2011, where she has held various project, portfolio, and operational leadership roles in R&D across the crop protection and seeds businesses. Prior to her current role she led the commercial strategy and portfolio team for cereals with responsibility for defining the route to market of new technologies, including hybrid wheat.
Sarah has had a passion for science from a young age and graduated with a first hons degree in biochemistry from University of Lancaster, UK. She is driven by bringing new plant breeding innovations into the hands of growers and downstream partners, maximizing their genetic potential to enable sustainable crop production.
Lee Ann Jackson
Head of Division, Agro-food Trade and Markets, OECD
Learn MoreLee Ann Jackson
Head of Division, Agro-food Trade and Markets, OECD
Lee Ann Jackson is an experienced operational and strategic leader committed to working on key global issues with proven record of management in multi-cultural environments. Creative problem-solver, curious about alternative views and comfortable mediating conflict. Dynamic speaker and moderator in international dialogues. Dedicated international professional passionate about organizational learning and delivering a positive impact.
Dirk Jacobs
Director General FoodDrinkEurope
Learn MoreDirk Jacobs
Director General FoodDrinkEurope
Dirk Jacobs is Director General of FoodDrinkEurope, the organisation of the European food and drink industry, one of Europe’s largest manufacturing sectors in terms of turnover, employment and value added.
Mr Jacobs is a member of various EU platforms and regularly engages in global multilateral bodies such as the United Nations, WTO, FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius, OECD and FAO. He is Chair of a multi-stakeholder Task Force which led the development of an EU Code of Conduct for Responsible Food Business and Marketing Practices, the first deliverable of the EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy.
Mr Jacobs has long-standing professional experience covering various roles in international and EU public/political affairs and strategic communications. Previously, he served as FoodDrinkEurope’s Deputy Director General and headed its department for consumer information, nutrition and health.
Mr Jacobs, a Dutch national, holds a Master of Science (MSc) in International Business Administration at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, studied international economics in Milan, Italy, and has obtained a post-graduate MBA degree in European Business studies in Brussels, Belgium.
More information
Website – www.fooddrinkeurope.eu
Twitter – @DirkJacobsEU
Béla Jankovich
Co-owner and manager of Jankovich Birtok Sustainable Estate in Hungary
Learn MoreBéla Jankovich
Co-owner and manager of Jankovich Birtok Sustainable Estate in Hungary
Marion Jansen
Director, Trade and Agriculture Directorate, OECD
Learn MoreMarion Jansen
Director, Trade and Agriculture Directorate, OECD
Florence Jeantet
Managing Director, One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B)
Learn MoreFlorence Jeantet
Managing Director, One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B)
Raimund Jehle
Deputy Regional Representative for Europe and Central Asia, FAO
Learn MoreRaimund Jehle
Deputy Regional Representative for Europe and Central Asia, FAO
Raimund Jehle, a German national, obtained a Master’s Degree and Ph.D in Agriculture Economics from University of Hohenheim in Germany including studies at the University of Bonn and the United States in
International Policy. Trained as a farmer, he worked in Research and Academia and for the European Commission in Brussels focusing on agriculture development in Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans.
He joined FAO in 1999 as Policy Officer. He has worked on food security assessments in the Russian Federation, various sector reviews in countries of the Region e.g. Turkey, Romania, Albania, Georgia, and also provided support to development agriculture strategies.
In 2015 he was appointed as Regional Initiative Coordinator and since January 2016 he is Deputy Regional Representative for Europe and Central Asia based in Budapest, Hungary
Amy E. Johnson
Conservation Biologist and Program Director, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute
Learn MoreAmy E. Johnson
Conservation Biologist and Program Director, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute
Dr. Amy E. Johnson integrates citizen science to help conduct ecological research on more than 80,000 acre of private lands in Northern Virginia. Her current research focuses on exploring the responses of grassland bird communities to native grassland restoration and regenerative grazing. This includes sampling avian communities to quantify abundance, diversity and reproductive success in relation to grassland management. She and her team are also working with partners to study methods for establishing and managing native grasslands, tracking the migratory connectivity of declining grassland birds, and understanding motivations behind conservation behaviours on private lands.
Her Majesty Queen Noor Al Hussein of Jordan
International public servant & advocate for cross-cultural understanding & conflict prevention
Learn MoreHer Majesty Queen Noor Al Hussein of Jordan
International public servant & advocate for cross-cultural understanding & conflict prevention
Kiran Joseph
Digital Sustainability Product Manager, Syngenta
Learn MoreKiran Joseph
Digital Sustainability Product Manager, Syngenta
Kiran leads the vison and build of breakthrough digital technologies to positively influence the trajectory of biodiversity restoration and farm sustainability globally.
His entrepreneurial and customer centric mindset with over 15 years of experience, has led him in creating digital products customers love and businesses generate profits. Kiran has the persevering ability to foster innovation by identifying and building contextual teams globally to achieve aspirational goals. With humility and empathy as his personal mantras, he takes pride in the people who delivered winning products, projects, and transformation programs in his leadership.
Kiran holds dual Masters in Business Administration from ESSEC Paris and Mannheim University, Germany and has co-authored multiple books and journals on digital transformation in the recent years. Kiran hails from a family with its deep roots going into spices trade since the 1800`s and he is personally committed to nature positive innovations.
Sabine Jülicher
Director for food and feed safety, innovation, DG SANTE, European Commission
Learn MoreSabine Jülicher
Director for food and feed safety, innovation, DG SANTE, European Commission
Leontino Balbo Junior
Executive Vice-President of Native, a company of Balbo Group
Learn MoreLeontino Balbo Junior
Executive Vice-President of Native, a company of Balbo Group
Kaili Juppets
Procurement Agro Potato Director, PepsiCo Europe
Learn MoreKaili Juppets
Procurement Agro Potato Director, PepsiCo Europe
Kaili Juppets has worked at PepsiCo for over 25 years and is currently Global Procurement Agro Potato Director. Her key areas of expertise and professional passion are in the areas of supply chain and procurement, agri-tech and digital transformation, data tools and systems to drive business value, and sustainabiity, particularly in the processing and seed potato industry and in fruits and vegetables.
Elina Kalela
CEO, Aari Forest GmbH
Learn MoreElina Kalela
CEO, Aari Forest GmbH
Elina Kalela is CEO of Aari Forest GmbH. She holds a D.Sc. (eng) and M.Sc (eng) in Bioproduct chemistry & technology from Aalto University. Over the last 20 years she has worked in various positions in the European forest industry: in production, product management, sourcing and sales. Shortly before starting up Aari Forest GmbH Elina Kalela was working as freelancer consultant in Forest industry (Vision Hunters 2011-2021) and in UPM as Director in global sales (2007-2011). Since 2022 Elina Kalela has been, together with her team, steering and developing AARI Forest GmbH: a leading provider of holistic and innovative digitalized solutions for forest asset management. We build renewable raw material streams for industrial use aiming thus to promote the reduced the input of fossil Carbon into the ecosystem and thereby accelerating the transition to circular economy in Europe.
Agnes Kalibata
President, AGRA and UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the 2021 Food Systems Summit
Learn MoreAgnes Kalibata
President, AGRA and UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the 2021 Food Systems Summit
Mikael Karlsson
President, European Environmental Bureau
Learn MoreMikael Karlsson
President, European Environmental Bureau
Ewa Karólewska
Senior Regional Project Manager, Startup Support, European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) Food
Learn MoreEwa Karólewska
Senior Regional Project Manager, Startup Support, European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) Food
Ewa has many years of experience in working with innovations and solutions for sustainable development gained in Poland, Austria and Dubai. She worked with the first Polish fund of funds supporting VC funds as well as with public funds provided by EU, Switzerland, Norway. She also worked as a consultant and a partnership/business development manager in the private sector. She was one of the founding members of an NGO focused on sustainable and ethical consumption. At EIT Food, she collaborates with the agrifood industry, startups and other innovators to accelerate innovations in the Central Easter-Europe and Nordic countries. She is convinced that a transformation to a more sustainable, equitable and just food system is possible.
Jyrki Katainen
Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, European Commission
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Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, European Commission
Elsi Katainen
Member of the European Parliament, Vice-Chair of the Committee of Agriculture and Rural Development
Learn MoreElsi Katainen
Member of the European Parliament, Vice-Chair of the Committee of Agriculture and Rural Development
Keisuke Katsura
Associate Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Learn MoreKeisuke Katsura
Associate Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Dr. Katsura Keisuke has a Ph.D. in Agricultural Science from Kyoto University and his research interests include crop science and agronomy.
His most recent appointments are:
2005-2016: Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Japan
2013-2014:Visiting Associate Professor, International Cooperation Center for Agricultural Education, Nagoya University, Japan
2016 to date:Associate Professor, Graduate School of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
2018 to 2019: Visiting Associate Professor, International Cooperation Center for Agricultural Education, Nagoya University, Japan
Eva Keretic
Singer songwriter, climate speaker and future food advocate
Learn MoreEva Keretic
Singer songwriter, climate speaker and future food advocate
Ban Ki-moon
Secretary General, United Nations (UN)
Learn MoreBan Ki-moon
Secretary General, United Nations (UN)
Constantin Kinský
Member of the Board of the Private Forests Chamber in the Czech Republic; European delegate, ELO
Learn MoreConstantin Kinský
Member of the Board of the Private Forests Chamber in the Czech Republic; European delegate, ELO
Constantin Kinský is a Czech patron and financial advisor. He grew up in France, where he graduated from three universities and lived with his parents in Scotland for one year. He worked in the London and Paris branches of the Merill Lynch bank. In 1997, he returned to Moravia and manages the estate in Žďár nad Sázavou. He runs the family company Kinský Žďár, which manages 750 ha of ponds, forestry and agriculture. Since 2006, he has led a branch of the consulting firm Roland Berger. From 2011 to 2017, he chaired the French-Czech Chamber of Commerce. He is currently engaged in consulting in the financial sector on a freelance basis.
Mari Kiviniemi
Deputy Secretary-General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
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Deputy Secretary-General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Mellany Klompe
Director of the Soil Heroes Foundation
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Director of the Soil Heroes Foundation
Georg Koenig
COO Kiebitz
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COO Kiebitz
Julia Köhn
CEO & Founder at PIELERS GmbH; Chairwoman, German AgriFood Society
Learn MoreJulia Köhn
CEO & Founder at PIELERS GmbH; Chairwoman, German AgriFood Society
Petros Kokkalis
MEP, European Parliament
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MEP, European Parliament
Petros Kokkalis has been actively involved in public service for the past 25 years, developing social innovation focused on human and sustainable development.
In 2019 he was elected MEP with the Progressive Alliance - Syriza ticket, representing Kosmos: an association seeking to put the SDGs in the heart of the European policymaking, and aiming at the empowerment and engagement of civil society and all stakeholders to take bottom-up action for implementing the European Green Deal and the SDGs.
He is a member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) and a substitute member of the Committee on Budgets (BUDG), the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI), and the Committee on Fisheries (PECH). In the Intergroup on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development he is the co-chair of the SDGs Working Group.
He studied Modern History at the University of Hampshire, and earned his master's degree in public administration at Harvard Kennedy School of Government.
He is co-founder and secretary of the non-governmental environmental Organization Earth (2009 - present) whose work on environmental awareness and education for sustainable development has been awarded by the International Union for the Protection of the Environment (IUCN).
He was elected and served as the Vice-Mayor responsible for economic development and climate change in the municipality of Piraeus (2014 - 2019), where he promoted sustainable entrepreneurship and support of start-ups in the maritime economy.
The European Commission has acknowledged its work, awarding the Blue Growth Piraeus initiative at the European Entrepreneurship Promotion Competition 2018.
During his term of office he led the humanitarian support during the Refugee Crisis in the period 2015-2016 and served as the President of the Municipal Council for Refugees.
Belgin Kose
Segment Director Protein, Cargill Starches, Sweeteners, Texturizers Europe
Learn MoreBelgin Kose
Segment Director Protein, Cargill Starches, Sweeteners, Texturizers Europe
Elisabeth Köstinger
Member of the European Parliament
Learn MoreElisabeth Köstinger
Member of the European Parliament
Elisabeth Köstinger is an Austrian Member of the European Parliament since 2009 and Member of the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee. She is Deputy Head of the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) Delegation in the European Parliament since 2011. Elisabeth is also Vice- President of the European Parliamentary Association, Vice- President of the Ecosocial Forum Europe and Spokeswoman for Food Safety of the EPP Group in the environment committee since 2014.
She is a full member of the Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Committee (FEMM) and Vice-Chair of the “Sustainable Forest Management” working group of the EP Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development”.
She also has several political functions at national level as Vice- President of the Austrian Farmers’ Federation, and President of the forestry platform “wald.zeit Österreich”.
Prior to her current position, she worked as freelancer in the field of communication and as an Assistant at the Carinthian Health Insurance Fund. She studied journalism and communication at the University of Klagenfurt.
Olena Kovalova
Former Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine
Learn MoreOlena Kovalova
Former Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine
Olena Kovalova is a former Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine (2015-2019), Director of Institute of Continuing Education of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (2020-2022) and an expert in Food Security and Food System Transformations.
She was a Facilitator of the Process of the National Dialogue on Food Systems Transformation in Ukraine and provided expert opinion on the preparation of the Black Sea Grain Initiative; cooperated with the World Bank, UN WFP, and UNIDO.
She is a Dr. Sc. Economics.
Benjamin Kowalski
Head of Science, Future Forest Initiative
Learn MoreBenjamin Kowalski
Head of Science, Future Forest Initiative
Dr. Benjamin Kowalski holds a degree in Forest Sciences and a PhD in Agricultural Economics. As Head of Science at Future Forest Initiative he is responsible for building an European innovation ecosystem for forestry and climate tech. His main tasks include initiating innovation projects between startups, forest actors and science as well as the organization of the annual Future Forest Forum, Germany's leading event for innovation in forestry.
Bernie Krause
Soundscape ecologist
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Soundscape ecologist
Marjon Krol
Senior Project Manager Market and Food Chains at ZLTO
Learn MoreMarjon Krol
Senior Project Manager Market and Food Chains at ZLTO
Anne Krueger
Senior Research Professor, Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies
Learn MoreAnne Krueger
Senior Research Professor, Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies
Jörg-Andreas Krüger
President, NABU
Learn MoreJörg-Andreas Krüger
President, NABU
Jörg-Andreas Krüger was elected as NABU President for the first time on November 9, 2019 by the Federal Representatives' Meeting of NABU. He is a member of various steering committees and panels, including the German Council for Sustainable Development and the Future Commission on Agriculture.
Dik Kruijthoff
Chairman of the supervisory board, CZVA
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Chairman of the supervisory board, CZVA
Géraldine Kutas
Director General, CropLife Europe
Learn MoreGéraldine Kutas
Director General, CropLife Europe
Stella Kyriakides
Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, European Commission
Learn MoreStella Kyriakides
Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, European Commission
On 1 December 2019, Ms. Kyriakides became the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety.
During the COVID-19 crisis, she has been leading the Commission’s work to coordinate the EU’s health response and support Member States to tackle the pandemic. She is responsible for the EU’s Vaccine Strategy in order to procure safe and effective vaccines for all EU Member States and Europe’s broader neighbourhood. She is also responsible for the establishment of a strong European Health Union and supporting Member States to strengthen healthcare systems and deliver better patient outcomes for all EU citizens.
Previously, Commissioner Kyriakides worked as a clinical psychologist in the Mental Health Services of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Cyprus in the area of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, from 1979-2006. In 2006, she was elected to the Cyprus Parliament and was re-elected in 2011 and 2016 for the Democratic Rally party, of which she was the Vice-President.
David Laborde
Director for Agrifood Economics division, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations
Learn MoreDavid Laborde
Director for Agrifood Economics division, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations
David Laborde is the Director for Agrifood Economics division at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. He has been leading the division since February 2023. In this role, he supervises a number of flagship publications, such as the State of Food Security and Nutrition (SOFI) or the State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) and leads the work of the division on policy monitoring, policy reform, and realignment of incentives to support agrifood system transformation. He also provides leadership on two priority areas for the institution: resilience and bioeconomy.
Before joining FAO, David Laborde worked at the International Food Policy Research Institute of the CGIAR in Washington D.C. for 16 years as part of the Markets, Trade, and Institution Division. He led the research theme on Macroeconomics and Trade and was also a co-director of the Ceres2030 project.
David Laborde’s research interests include food security and nutrition, especially in the context of globalization and climate change. He has worked extensively on measuring and modelling domestic and border farm and food policies in a general equilibrium context, as well as on reforms of these policies facing environmental (climate change, biofuels, sustainability) and social (poverty) issues. Since 2015, he has been focusing on costing the roadmap to achieving SDG2 in a globalized context while considering the role of goods, capital, and migration flows while delivering on key climate actions.
David Laborde has developed a number of partial equilibrium models, in particular, the MIRAGE and MIRAGRODEP models, and databases such as MAcMapHS6 on tariffs as well as TASTE software. He has been a contributor to the GAP database and a GTAP research fellow since 2005. For his contributions, he received the Alan Powell award in 2018.
Throughout his career, David Laborde has published extensively, having more than 150 publications, and edited a number of books and high-level policy reports.
Frédéric Lambert
Director - Europe & International, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Republic of France
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Director - Europe & International, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Republic of France
Philippe Lamberts
Member of the European Parliament, Co-chair of the Greens/EFA group
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Member of the European Parliament, Co-chair of the Greens/EFA group
Pascal Lamy
President of the Paris Peace Forum, Vice President of Europe Jacques Delors
Learn MorePascal Lamy
President of the Paris Peace Forum, Vice President of Europe Jacques Delors
Pascal Lamy (pascallamy.eu) holds various mandates at the global, European, and French levels. He is notably the President of the Paris Peace Forum, of the European branch of the Brunswick Group and coordinator of the Jacques Delors Institutes (Paris, Berlin, Brussels).
Pascal Lamy served two terms as Director General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) from September 2005 to September 2013.
He graduated of the École des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC) in Paris, of the Faculty of Law (Sorbonne), of the Institut d’Études Politiques (IEP) and of the Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA). He began his career in the French civil service at the General Inspectorate of Finance and the Treasury. In 1981, he became advisor of the Minister of Economy and Finance, Jacques Delors, then Deputy Head of Prime Minister’s Pierre Mauroy cabinet in 1983. From 1985 to 1994, Pascal Lamy was the chief of staff of the President of the European Commission, Jacques Delors, and his “sherpa” at the G7. In 1994, he joined the team in charge of the recovery of the French bank Crédit Lyonnais then becoming its CEO up to its privatization in 1999, before returning to the European Commission as Trade Commissioner (Romano Prodi’s Presidency) until the end of 2004.
After his mandate in Brussels, Pascal Lamy chaired for a brief sabbatical period the think tank working on European integration created by Jacques Delors, “Notre Europe” (now “Institut Jacques Delors”). He also became an associate professor at the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris and an advisor to Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, President of the European Socialist Party. In 2005, he was elected to head the WTO.
Pascal Lamy has set out his commitment to European integration and his vision of a “controlled” globalization in several thought-provoking books.
Pascal Lamy chairs the Paris Peace Forum since 2019, the French National Committee of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC), the European Starfish mission (ocean), the Danone mission committee, the Aspen Africa-Europe meetings. He coordinates the Jacques Delors Institutes (Paris, Berlin, Brussels). He co-chairs the Antartica 2020 coalition. He is also a member of the board of directors of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, the European Climate Foundation (ECF), Transparency International France, the Center on Regulation in Europe (CERRE), IFPRI (where he chairs the strategy and programs committee), the Musiciens du Louvre (Minkowski orchestra), the Institut Pierre-Mendès-France, Collegium International, the Institut Jean Monet, Senior Advisor to Trade Mark East Africa (TMEA) and the World Trade Board, member of the Advisory Board of Transparency International, the Oxford Martin School, the Back to Blue Initiative (The Economist), Covid Gap (Duke University) and the World Risk Report (WEF). He is a trustee of Europeum and Friends of Europe, an affiliated professor at HEC, China Europe International Business School CEIBS, Shanghai and the Centre for Economic Policy Research. He is also a member of the Global Foundation Roundtable (Rome), a member of the Steering Committee of the Colbert Foundation and a member of the Advisory Board of the Alpbach Forum and the Senior Advisory Council of the Beijing Forum.
Pascal Lamy also lectures, including to the benefit of Institut Jacques Delors, among other engagements on issues related to globalisation, global governance, international trade, international economics, regional integration, European and French issues.
Cynthia Lanor
Chief of Staff, 44.moles
Learn MoreCynthia Lanor
Chief of Staff, 44.moles
As Chief of Staff for 44.moles, Cynthia Lanor supports the fast growth of the company through strategic planning, operational oversight, and project management. Drawing on their background in Economics and Global Management, they utilize their diverse experience to find innovative and pragmatic solutions for contemporary global issues.
Petra Laux
Chief Sustainability Officer & Head Sustainability and Corporate Affairs, Syngenta
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Chief Sustainability Officer & Head Sustainability and Corporate Affairs, Syngenta
His Excellency Monsignor Alain Paul Lebeaupin
Apostolic nuncio to the European Community
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Apostolic nuncio to the European Community
Jakob Leidekker
Head of Operations National Park De Hoge Veluwe
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Head of Operations National Park De Hoge Veluwe
Roman Leshchenko
Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, Ukraine
Learn MoreRoman Leshchenko
Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, Ukraine
Helena Leurent
Director General, Consumers International
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Director General, Consumers International
Ursula von der Leyen
President of the European Commission
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President of the European Commission
Ursula von der Leyen is a Belgian-born German politician who served as Germany’s Minister of Defense (2013–19) and now serves as President of the European Commission (2019– ). As the President, Ursula von der Leyen is the Head of the European Commission and was appointed by national leaders and elected by the European Parliament.
According to the treaties, the President decides on the organisation of the Commission and allocates portfolios to individual Commissioners. The President also sets the Commission's policy agenda. The President also represents the Commission in European Council meetings, G7 and G20 summits, summits with non-EU countries and major debates in the European Parliament and the Council.
Nanna-Louise Linde
Vice President European Government Affairs, Microsoft
Learn MoreNanna-Louise Linde
Vice President European Government Affairs, Microsoft
Nanna-Louise Linde is Microsoft’s Vice President of European Government Affairs with responsibility for Microsoft’s government affairs and public policy work across Europe since September 2022. Nanna-Louise leads a team of government affairs professionals tasked with strengthening Microsoft’s external relations with the EU institutions and governments across Europe and ensuring the company is a constructive partner in supporting policy makers in Europe achieve their goals and adapting smart legislation.
A competition lawyer by training, Nanna-Louise brings with her almost two decades of experience at Microsoft. Most recently, she has been leading Microsoft’s Corporate External & Legal Affairs team in 32 countries in Central and Eastern Europe, responsible for legal matters and relations with governments and other authorities. Prior to that, she was leading Government Affairs for Microsoft in Western Europe. Nanna-Louise and her teams have helped Microsoft build important partnerships with governments in Europe and position Microsoft as a trusted partner in the region, ranging from digitally preserving Greece’s cultural heritage as part of Microsoft’s AI for Cultural Heritage initiative to spearheading our efforts to support the Ukrainian Government, including through partnerships to strengthen cybersecurity and resilience.
Nanna-Louise is known to be a modern leader who empowers her team and facilitates cross country and cross group collaboration with a transparent and authentic approach.
Alex Lissitsa
President of the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club, CEO of IMC
Learn MoreAlex Lissitsa
President of the Ukrainian Agribusiness Club, CEO of IMC
Carl-Henrik Ljung
Market Manager Sweden, Syngenta & Chairman of the Board, Swedish Crop Protection Association
Learn MoreCarl-Henrik Ljung
Market Manager Sweden, Syngenta & Chairman of the Board, Swedish Crop Protection Association
Carl-Henrik Ljung is Market Manager in Sweden for Syngenta and Chairman of the Board for the Swedish Crop Protection Association. He works close to the market and the practical challenges farmers are facing, in the daily work for Syngenta and with broader industry specific topics in the work for the Swedish Crop Protection Association.
Emeritus Prof. Dr. Franc Lobnik
Prof. Emeritus, Dr. at University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Learn MoreEmeritus Prof. Dr. Franc Lobnik
Prof. Emeritus, Dr. at University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Franc is Emeritus Professor at the University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty and former President of Slovenian Council for Environmental Protection. He is vice president of Council for Environmental Protection at Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. His current research activities include geochemistry and soil development, soil mapping and GIS, pollution monitoring, analytical methods in soil and environmental science, risk assessment of metal-polluted soils, the fate of pesticides in soil, and bioremediation of contaminated soils. He is also member of ESB-European Soil Bureau, former member of EEA-Scientific Comm., former member of EEAC-European Environment and Sustainable Development Adv. Councils and Alumni of The Prince of Wales’s Business & the Environment Programme (BEP).
Gabriel Lodares
Vice President, European Landowners' Organization
Learn MoreGabriel Lodares
Vice President, European Landowners' Organization
Since 1991, Gabriel has managed land in La Mancha and Andalucia, Spain. Growing Manchego sheep for milk and dairy cows, on irrigated and non-irrigated land, as well as hunting properties. ICADE (Universidad Pontifica de Comillas) economics student. Vice President of the European Landowners' Organization (ELO), as well as a board member representing Spanish landowners. Member of the board of directors of Globalcaja (a cooperative bank).
Samo Login
Founder and CEO, LoginEKO
Learn MoreSamo Login
Founder and CEO, LoginEKO
Samo Login is founder of the Login5 Foundation, where he leads its main project LoginEKO. This project aims to transform the entire food system into a sustainable one.
After selling his stake in the popular Slovenian search engine portal Najdi.si almost two decades ago, where he held the position of founding CTO, Samo recognized that the proceeds fell short of making a significant impact on climate change. Given his Central European origin, earning the required funds was more feasible than raising money through a non-profit. He crafted a seven-year strategy that led to the establishment of Outfit7, a globally acclaimed media entertainment company renowned for its iconic "Talking Tom Cat", which became one of the fastest-growing entities in the industry. Seven years later, the company was sold for $1 billion. This success enabled Samo to pursue his original vision — helping humanity live healthier, better, and longer on our planet. So, LoginEKO was established in 2018 to create solutions for a sustainable future with healthy food for everyone.
Brent Loken
Global Food Lead Scientist at WWF
Learn MoreBrent Loken
Global Food Lead Scientist at WWF
Tony Long
Director, WWF European Policy Office
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Director, WWF European Policy Office
Ricardo Sanchez Lopez
Director of Sustainable Food Security, Latin America Conservation Council
Learn MoreRicardo Sanchez Lopez
Director of Sustainable Food Security, Latin America Conservation Council
Ariane Lotti
Agricultural entrepreneur, Managing Partner Tenuta San Carlo
Learn MoreAriane Lotti
Agricultural entrepreneur, Managing Partner Tenuta San Carlo
Felix Prinz zu Löwenstein
Chairman of the BÖLW (Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft)
Learn MoreFelix Prinz zu Löwenstein
Chairman of the BÖLW (Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft)
Theresa Luber
Senior Project Manager and Consultant, blue!
Learn MoreTheresa Luber
Senior Project Manager and Consultant, blue!
Theresa Luber is a certified IAPM project manager with a background of "Human Geography and Sustainability" (M.Sc., LMU Munich, thesis: “Acceptance of urban agriculture in La Paz, Bolivia”). Working at blue! advancing European projects as senior project manager and consultant for EU projects since 2016, she mainly manage INTERREG B and LIFE projects. For LIFE Future Forest, she supports the project team around Ludwig Pertl in Landsberg am Lech, Germany, to implement sustainable forest management focusing on healthy and living soils. A main output is the easy-to-apply handbook on climate-resilient forest reconstructing for forest owners and municipalities. The project resulted from the INTERREG Alpine Space project “Links4Soils” in which the Alpine Soil Partnership was established. The development of both projects was guided by blue!, as is the current application for another INTERREG project (SOIL:OurInvisibleAlly).
Tomas Lundmark
Professor (chair) of Silviculture, Forest Ecology and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Forestry and Agriculture.
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Professor (chair) of Silviculture, Forest Ecology and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Forestry and Agriculture.
Tomas Lundmark's background is in silviculture and forest ecophysiology. His current research is about carbon sequestration and carbon balance of managed boreal forests, growth, yield and effects on biodiversity of even-aged vs. uneven-aged management and forest fertilization. His area of expertise is beside silviculture in the field of nature-based carbon removals (boreal forests), monitoring, reporting, and certification methodologies relevant to carbon removals. He has developed models to calculate a verifiable carbon sink in managed boreal forests at the estate level. He has far reaching experiences in research leadership and is well recognized in in the Swedish forest sector and regularly engaged in commissions of trust both by governmental agencies and by the forestry business sector in Sweden as well as internationally.
Antonia Lütteken
Policy Officer, Environmental Sustainability Unit, DG AGRI, European Commission
Learn MoreAntonia Lütteken
Policy Officer, Environmental Sustainability Unit, DG AGRI, European Commission
Antonia Lütteken is a Policy Officer in the unit ‘Environmental Sustainability’ of DG AGRI in the European Commission. The unit is responsible for the environmental and climatic sustainability aspects of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and provides guidance and support to colleagues in geographical units and Member States. In particular, the unit promotes the integration of climate change and environmental concerns into the CAP by supporting the design, development and implementation of targeted CAP measures (conditionality and green interventions) and helping ensure their consistency within the so-called green architecture of the CAP, in close relation with the relevant climate and environmental legislation and objectives at EU and international level. Antonia is team leader of the group focussing on environment and climate related subjects in the framework of support for rural development, ensuring a consistent approach across Member States for those instruments in the past and current programming period of the CAP. Antonia holds a diploma and PhD in agricultural economics. She works in the Commission since 2004.
Mette Lykke
CEO, Too Good To Go
Learn MoreMette Lykke
CEO, Too Good To Go
Dame Ellen MacArthur
Founder, Ellen MacArthur Foundation
Learn MoreDame Ellen MacArthur
Founder, Ellen MacArthur Foundation
Alessandro Malavolti
Vice-President, CEMA
Learn MoreAlessandro Malavolti
Vice-President, CEMA
Alessandro Malavolti was born in Italy in 1971, he graduated in Business Administration at the University of Modena (Italy). He joined the family business – the AMA group, leader in the production and distribution of components and accessories for agricultural and lawn care machinery – after completing his studies in 1994, and held various positions of responsibility within the company until becoming CEO in 1998. Member of the Board of the Territorial Association of Confindustria of Reggio Emilia from 2007 to 2011 and of the Executive Council from 2011 to 2013, then permanent invitee in the Extended Body of Unindustria Reggio Emilia from 2015 to 2017. Director of FederUnacoma from 2006 to 2012, President of Comacomp (Association of Component manufacturers) from 2012 to 2017, Vice President of FederUnacoma from 2013 to 2017, President of FederUnacoma from 2017 to 2023 and Vice-President of CEMA from 2022.
Angelo Di Mambro
Agrifood editor at Euractiv
Learn MoreAngelo Di Mambro
Agrifood editor at Euractiv
Angelo Di Mambro is a journalist specialised in EU policies about environment, climate, agriculture, food and health. Angelo joined Euractiv in January 2024 as editor for EU agriculture and food policies. Based in Brussels since 2011, he has authored publications on the global challenges facing agriculture, the Common Agricultural Policy, innovation in agriculture and emerging plant pests, gave presentations on food risk communication, and coordinated multimedia projects for news organisations and international scientific consortia. In 2019-23, he covered the EU Green Deal for ANSA, Italy's leading news agency.
Rose Marcario
President and CEO, Patagonia
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President and CEO, Patagonia
Colm Markey
Member of the European Parliament, Member of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
Learn MoreColm Markey
Member of the European Parliament, Member of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
Colm Markey is a Member of the European Parliament representing the constituency of Midlands North-West. Stretching from Connemara to Drogheda, Athlone to Malin Head, this is a diverse constituency with a variety of issues.
Colm lives in Togher, Co. Louth on his family farm, with his partner Aisling and their two young children. As a farmer, an entrepreneur, and a family man he understands many of the issues that affect our communities.
He is a former President of Macra na Feirme and has been a public representative for over a decade. With Brexit and Covid, CAP reform and our environment on the agenda the need for a constructive voice in Europe has never been more important. In his role in Macra he was involved in negotiations on behalf of members at both national and European levels.
Colm has a strong interest in Community Development and has secured vital funding for local recreation and community facilities. When appointed as MEP, he was serving as Chair of the Louth Leader partnership which has helped to establish over 200 sole traders and small businesses in the previous 12 months. He has also served on the Board of IFAC, The National Economic and Social Council and the National Youth Council of Ireland.
Elisabeth Claverie de Saint Martin
Chief Executive Officer, CIRAD
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Chief Executive Officer, CIRAD
Berry J. Marttin
Member of the Managing Board Rabobank Group
Learn MoreBerry J. Marttin
Member of the Managing Board Rabobank Group
Samuel Masse
President, CEJA
Learn MoreSamuel Masse
President, CEJA
Professor Erik Mathijs
Professor, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering at KU Leuven
Learn MoreProfessor Erik Mathijs
Professor, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering at KU Leuven
Alan Matthews
Professor Emeritus of European Agricultural Policy in the Department of Economics, School of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Trinity College Dublin
Learn MoreAlan Matthews
Professor Emeritus of European Agricultural Policy in the Department of Economics, School of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Trinity College Dublin
Harald Mauser
Liaison Officer, European Forest Institute in Brussels
Learn MoreHarald Mauser
Liaison Officer, European Forest Institute in Brussels
Harald Mauser represents the European Forest Institute in Brussels as Liaison Officer. He holds a Master and PhD degrees in forestry from the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna. He was successively CEO of the private company Umwelt data Ltd., dealing with aerial photo interpretation and remote Sensing, senior researcher in remote sensing at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Director of the Austrian Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape, and EU Affairs officer of the Austrian Forest-based Sector Cooperation Platform.
Peter Mayer
Managing Director, ‘Austrian Research Centre for Forests’ (BFW)
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Managing Director, ‘Austrian Research Centre for Forests’ (BFW)
Mairead McGuinness
Vice President, European Parliament
Learn MoreMairead McGuinness
Vice President, European Parliament
Ted McKinney
Chief Executive, National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA)
Learn MoreTed McKinney
Chief Executive, National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA)
Amelie Michalke
Research Assistant, Sustainability Science and Applied Geography, University of Greifswald, Germany
Learn MoreAmelie Michalke
Research Assistant, Sustainability Science and Applied Geography, University of Greifswald, Germany
Amelie Michalke is a research assistant at the University of Greifswald and works in the project “HoMaBiLe - How much is the dish?”, which deals with externalities of agricultural production. Amelie graduated from the University of Augsburg as a Master of Science in 2019 with a degree in industrial engineering. She has since become an expert in the field of true (ecological and social) prices in the context of food production.
More information
Website – www.homabile.de
Ladislav Miko
Advisor to the Minister of Environment and special envoy of Czech Government for international negotiations Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Learn MoreLadislav Miko
Advisor to the Minister of Environment and special envoy of Czech Government for international negotiations Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Ladislav Miko was Deputy Director-General for the Food Chain in the European Commission’s health and food safety department (DG SANTE) since January 2011. His portfolio covered issues of food safety throughout the whole food chain, including plant and animal health, pesticides, biotechnology, food hygiene, nutrition and food sustainability. He was also acting Director-General in 2014 to 2015. From 2005 to 2010, he was Director for Nature in the Commission’s environment department. He was recently appointed special advisor to Czech Minister of Environment. During the Czech Presidency of the EU in 2009 he was appointed minister of the environment in the Czech government. Before he started his career in the Commission, he was deputy minister in the Czech environment ministry. Before that, he worked for nine years as a professional soil biologist in the Slovak Academy of Sciences. He holds a doctorate in zoology and ecology and he is Associate Professor of Prague University of Life Sciences and Guest Professor at University of Antwerp.
Emmanuelle Mikosz
Forum for the Future of Agriculture Programme Director
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Forum for the Future of Agriculture Programme Director
Heather Mills
Owner & Founder of VBites Food, entrepreneur & charity campaigner
Learn MoreHeather Mills
Owner & Founder of VBites Food, entrepreneur & charity campaigner
Carina Millstone
Executive Director, Feedback Global
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Executive Director, Feedback Global
Leonardo Mirone
Purchasing Director, Barilla G. e R. Fratelli S.p.A.
Learn MoreLeonardo Mirone
Purchasing Director, Barilla G. e R. Fratelli S.p.A.
Bram Moeskops
Administrator, Data protection and governance, European Commission
Learn MoreBram Moeskops
Administrator, Data protection and governance, European Commission
Dr Bram Moeskops is Managing Director of FiBL Europe. Based in Brussels, FiBL Europe represents the four national FiBL research institutes and ÖMKI. Bram Moeskops leads the Brussels office and, together with his team, helps to ensure that FiBL's broad knowledge is made available to policymakers and stakeholders in Brussels. Based in Brussels, FiBL Europe represents the four national FiBL research institutes (FiBL Switzerland, FiBL Germany, FiBL Austria, FiBL France) and the Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture ÖMKi at a European level.
Bram Moeskops brings an impressive track record to FiBL Europe, having dedicated over a decade to his role as Research & Innovation Manager at IFOAM Organics Europe, an organisation with members from 34 countries working for organic agriculture in Europe. He also assumed responsibility for the scientific coordination of the European Technology Platform for Organic Food and Farming "TP Organics." During his tenure, he skilfully fostered an extensive network comprising European Union and national policymakers, scientists and stakeholders within the European agricultural and food sectors.
Bram Moeskops holds a PhD in Soil Science, a Master in Bioscience Engineering and a Master’s degree in International Relations and Diplomacy.
Amina Mohammed
Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations & Chair of the United Nations Sustainable Development Group
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Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations & Chair of the United Nations Sustainable Development Group
Mai Thin Yu Mon
Indigenous Peoples Rights Activist from Myanmar
Learn MoreMai Thin Yu Mon
Indigenous Peoples Rights Activist from Myanmar
Luca Montanarella
Senior Expert, European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Directorate D – Sustainable Resources, Land Resources Unit
Learn MoreLuca Montanarella
Senior Expert, European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Directorate D – Sustainable Resources, Land Resources Unit
Felix Montecuccoli
Forest Engineer
Learn MoreFelix Montecuccoli
Forest Engineer
Felix Montecuccoli is owner and manager of the family estate “Gut Mitterau” (1,000 ha Forest, 200 ha arable land) and President of the Association of Land & Forest Owner in Austria. He is former Chairman of the “Wintertagung”, the largest annual conference for Agriculture and Forestry in Austria, former Chairman of the Cooperation-Agreement between Forestry, Timber based Industries and Wood based Industries, and Chairman of the working group on electronic measurement of roundwood.
He is a Board Member of the European Private Forest owners Association (CEPF), Member of the advisory board of Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape and Board Member of the European Landowners’ Organization. Prior to his current position, he was a Member of the
advisory board at the federal ministry for agriculture, forestry, water and environment.
Mr. Montecuccoli graduated at the University of Agriculture and Forestry of Vienna (BOKU).
Jean Moreau
Founder and CEO of Phenix
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Founder and CEO of Phenix
Gabriel Mörner
Swedish landowner and entrepreneur
Learn MoreGabriel Mörner
Swedish landowner and entrepreneur
Gabriel Mörner is a Swedish landowner and entrepreneur. He has been managing the family agricultural business since 2016 and before that he was an advisor on agriculture and forestry. He is a member of the Swedish Landowners Association and is the chairman of the forest committee in the Swedish Landowners Association. He was an expert in the governmental forest inquiry in 2019/2020.
Jelmer van de Mortel
Innovation lead Wholesale and Rural at Rabobank
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Innovation lead Wholesale and Rural at Rabobank
Evangelia Mourmoura
Administrator, Data Protection and Governance, European Commission
Learn MoreEvangelia Mourmoura
Administrator, Data Protection and Governance, European Commission
Evangelia Mourmoura has worked at the European Commission since 2017 and her current role is Administrator, European Commission - Data protection and governance. She has a Bachelor's degree in Biology, a Master in Research, Cellular abd Integrative Biology and is a Doctor of Philosophy in Physiology, Physiopathology and Pharmacology.
Anne-Sophie Mulier
Project Coordinator, ELO
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Project Coordinator, ELO
Mike Muller
Commissioner, National Planning Commission, South Africa
Learn MoreMike Muller
Commissioner, National Planning Commission, South Africa
Alexander Müller
Managing Director, TMG – Think Tank for Sustainability
Learn MoreAlexander Müller
Managing Director, TMG – Think Tank for Sustainability
Alexander Müller is a former FAO Assistant Director-General (2006-2013), and State Secretary for Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture, Germany (2001 -2005). He has vast experience in global sustainability governance, as inter alia: Chair of the UN Standing Committee on Nutrition; member of the UN Environmental Management Group; and Lead, Voluntary Guidelines for Responsible Governance of Land, and TEEBAgriFood.
More information
Website – www.tmg-thinktank.com
David Nabarro
Strategic Director, 4SD
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Strategic Director, 4SD
Elisabet Nadeu
Senior Policy Analyst, CAP and Food, Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP)
Learn MoreElisabet Nadeu
Senior Policy Analyst, CAP and Food, Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP)
Elisabet joined the CAP and Food team at the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) in October 2022. Her work focuses on developing a sustainable food system in the EU and reducing the impacts of agriculture to the environment. Before joining IEEP, Elisabet worked for several years at the RISE Foundation, co-authoring several reports focused on the sustainable management of resources in agriculture. She also previously worked as a researcher at the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (Spain), and the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium), focusing on soil erosion and its impact on the carbon cycle.
Elisabet holds a BS in Environmental Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a PhD in Physical Geography from the University of Murcia. She is fluent in English, Catalan, Spanish and French.
Vanessa Nakate
Climate justice activist
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Climate justice activist
Giuseppe Natale
Chief Executive Officer at Valagro SpA
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Chief Executive Officer at Valagro SpA
Chandni Navalkha
Associate Director of the ILCN
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Associate Director of the ILCN
Jeffrey Nawn
CEO / Founder at North Hill Group
Learn MoreJeffrey Nawn
CEO / Founder at North Hill Group
Monika Nebeská
Chairwoman of the Board, Agricultural Cooperative Všestary
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Chairwoman of the Board, Agricultural Cooperative Všestary
Jeen Nijboer
Food and Agri project manager, Rabobank Nederland
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Food and Agri project manager, Rabobank Nederland
Therese Noorlander
Sustainability Director Europe, The Coca-Cola Company
Learn MoreTherese Noorlander
Sustainability Director Europe, The Coca-Cola Company