The Forum focused on global challenges, including food security, climate change and environmental degradation, showing how they must be tackled. Failure to act will have detrimental effects on food production, the environment and climate in the future. The issue was further explored in Budapest (3rd June 2010) and Moscow (6th September 2010) in regional conferences.
Mar 16, 2010
Introduction by Franz FISCHLER, Chairman of the RISE Foundation , Chair of the Forum for the
Future of Agriculture
The Economics and Politics of World Food vs. Climate Change
Keynote speech: Professor Jagdish Natwarlal BHAGWATI (confirmed) University Professor, Economics and
Law, Columbia University; and Senior Fellow in International Economics, Council on Foreign Relations.
Followed by interview & audience Q&A led by Stephen SACKUR, BBC
Coffee Break
SESSION I: Sustainable Food Policies and Markets in an Unsustainable World
Alexander SARRIS, Director of the Trade and Markets Division, of the Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations (FAO)
Her Excellency Ambassador Dr. Brave NDISALE, Ambassador of the Republic of
Malawi to Belgium and the EU
Dmitri RYLKO, Director of IKAR, the Institute for Agricultural Market Studies, Russia.
Moderator: Frederic SIMON, Editor, Euractiv
Format: Traditional panel style debate; 5 minute interventions followed by audience Q&A
SESSION II: Farming competitiveness and farm policies
Joseph GLAUBER, Chief Economist, United States Department for Agriculture
Tassos HANIOTIS, Director, DG Agri, European Commission
Alejandra SARQUIS HAIECH, Technical Secretary of the Southern Agricultural Council and Regional
Specialist in Biotechnology and Biosafety Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)
Moderator: Corrado PIRZIO-BIROLI, Chief Executive, RISE Foundation
Format: 3-way Presidential style debate
SESSION III: Climate Change & Agriculture: why the relationship matters?
How should European agriculture mitigate and adapt to a changing climate?
John ATKIN, Chief Operating Officer, Syngenta
Thierry de l’ESCAILLE, Land Manager and Secretary General European Landowners’ Organization
Cary FOWLER, Executive Director of the Crop Diversity Trust
Sir Crispin TICKELL, former Adviser to British Prime Minister Thatcher & author of Climate Change & World
Moderator : Tim KING, Editor, European Voice
Format: Armchair style debate; short opening statements followed by Q&A
SESSION IV: The role of Public Goods – are they the missing link?
Mairead McGUINNESS MEP, Author of Private Initiative Report on Food Security
Allan BUCKWELL, Policy Director CLA/ELO
Ariel BRUNNER Chief Policy Officer, Birdlife International
Moderator: Tim KING, Editor, European Voice
Format: Armchair style debate; short opening statements followed by Q&A
Coffee Break
Keynote Speech: For a closer cooperation between agriculture and the environment
EU Commissioner for Environment Janez POTOČNIK
Conclusions from Student Forum
Donato FANELLI, Vice President European Council of Young Farmers
Gabriel de l’ESCAILLE, Young Friends of the Countryside
How should we reform the CAP to meet the global challenges?
Spanish EU Presidency, Josep PUXEU, Secretary General Spanish Ministry of the Environment and Rural
and Marine Affairs.
Paolo de CASTRO, Chair of the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee
Reimer BÖGE, Member of the European Parliament’s Budget Committee
Chaired by Franz FISCHLER followed by his conclusions