Confirmed speakers (in alphabetical order)
Bruno Bobone
President, Portuguese Chamber of Commerce
Bruno Bobone
President, Portuguese Chamber of Commerce
David Cleary
Director, Global Agriculture, The Nature Conservancy
David Cleary
Director, Global Agriculture, The Nature Conservancy
Thierry de l’Escaille D
Secretary General, European Landowners’ Organization
Thierry de l’Escaille D
Secretary General, European Landowners’ Organization
António Gonçalves Ferreira
President, União da Floresta Mediterrânica (UNAC)
António Gonçalves Ferreira
President, União da Floresta Mediterrânica (UNAC)
João Rui Ferreira
Secretary General, C.E. Liège
João Rui Ferreira
Secretary General, C.E. Liège
Afonso do Ó
Freshwater Specialist, ANP|WWF Portugal
Afonso do Ó
Freshwater Specialist, ANP|WWF Portugal
Janez Potočnik
Chair ForumforAg and Chairman RISE Foundation
Janez Potočnik
Chair ForumforAg and Chairman RISE Foundation
Emily Rees
Senior Fellow, European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE) and Managing Director, Trade Strategies
Emily Rees
Senior Fellow, European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE) and Managing Director, Trade Strategies
Pascale Rouhier
Secretary General, European Liaison Committee for Agricultural and Agri-Food Trade (CELCAA)
Pascale Rouhier
Secretary General, European Liaison Committee for Agricultural and Agri-Food Trade (CELCAA)
Cristina Nobre Soares
Science Communicator (FFA2021 Event Moderator)
Cristina Nobre Soares
Science Communicator (FFA2021 Event Moderator)
António Paula Soares
President ANPC – Portuguese National Landowner’s Association
António Paula Soares
President ANPC – Portuguese National Landowner’s Association
Eduardo Olivera e Sousa
President, Confederação Dos Agricultores De Portugal
Eduardo Olivera e Sousa
President, Confederação Dos Agricultores De Portugal
Bosco Torremocha
Director-General of Espirituosos de España, representing Spirits Europe
Bosco Torremocha
Director-General of Espirituosos de España, representing Spirits Europe
May 26, 2021
Wednesday, May 26 | 09:30 - 12:00 WEST | 10:30 - 13:00 CET | Santarém, Portugal & online
Welcoming words
Antonio Paula Soares, President, Associação Nacional dos Proprietários Rurais
Opening words
Janez Potočnik, FFA2021 Chairman
Session 1: Farming practices in Southern Europe with sustainable water use and farmland habitat management
• Eduardo Oliveira E Sousa, President, Confederação Dos Agricultores De Portugal
• Afonso do Ó, Freshwater Consultant for ANP, WWF Portugal
• Bosco Torremocha, Director General, Espirituosos España
• Thierry de l’Escaille, Secretary General, European Landowners’ Organization
Questions and answers with the audience
Moderator: Cristina Nobre Soares
Session 2: Increasing sustainability standards through trade deals
• Bruno Bobone, President, Portuguese Chamber of Commerce, President of ICC
• Pascale Rouhier, Secretary General, European Liaison Committee for Agricultural and Agri-Food Trade (CELCAA)
• David Cleary, Director, Global Agriculture, The Nature Conservancy
• Emily Rees, Senior Fellow, European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE)
• João Rui Ferreira, Secretary General, C.E. Liège
Questions and answers with the audience
Moderator: Cristina Nobre Soares
Closing comments and wrap up
• Antonio Gonçalves Ferreira, President, União da Floresta Mediterrânica