FFA2021 Regional Event

Wednesday, May 26, 2021
10:30 - 13:00 (CET)
Throughout the year, the Forum for the Future of Agriculture organises regional conferences and online events to discuss agriculture and the environment at a national level across Europe. The next edition will take place on Wednesday, May 26 in Santarém, Portugal and will also be available to watch live online, free of charge with translations available in Portuguese to English – save the date!

Confirmed speakers (in alphabetical order)

Bruno Bobone image
Bruno Bobone

President, Portuguese Chamber of Commerce

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President, Portuguese Chamber of Commerce

Bruno Bobone is the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Portugal (CCIP) and is on the Board of Directors of the Pinto Basto Group. More information Website – www.brunobobone.com LinkedIn – /bbobone
David Cleary image
David Cleary

Director, Global Agriculture, The Nature Conservancy

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Director, Global Agriculture, The Nature Conservancy

Doctorate in anthropology from Oxford University in 1988, on the social organization of informal sector mining camps in the Amazon, followed by research posts at the universities of Edinburgh, Cambridge and Harvard. He then returned to Brazil for four years to direct an EU-funded project assessing mercury contamination linked to gold mining in the Brazilian Amazon. Joined The Nature Conservancy in 1999, where he set up the Conservancy’s Amazon program. Subsequently based in Rio de Janeiro as director of conservation strategy for Latin America, leading work with the private sector, especially agribusiness, with a focus on eliminating deforestation from supply chains in the beef and soy industries. Returning to the USA in 2010, he took up a new position as the Conservancy’s director of global agriculture, where he has helped the organization develop a sustainable intensification approach to food security, and assisted corporate partners in thinking through land-use issues. He is responsible for supporting and coordinating the Conservancy’s work on agriculture in Africa, China and Latin America, with a strong focus on soil health, water issues and habitat conservation, while continuing to supervise the Conservancy’s work on deforestation. He is the author of several books and articles on development and environmental issues, but was also the first author of the Rough Guide to Brazil.  He moved to his native London in 2019.
Thierry de l’Escaille D image
Thierry de l’Escaille D

Secretary General, European Landowners’ Organization

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Secretary General, European Landowners’ Organization

Thierry de l’Escaille was born in Belgium on 11 May 1955. He studied first at the Faculté Universitaire Saint-Louis, Brussels (1976-78), where he obtained the Diploma in Law, and then at the Université Catholique de Louvain (1978-1980), where he obtained the Licence en droit. He subsequently carried out his Military Service as a Cavalry Officer, 1er Regiment de Guides (1981-1982) in Germany, current rank: Commandant. Since 1979 Thierry de l’Escaille has been running a family farming enterprise active in Belgium and the Netherlands, in particular in vegetables, sugar beet, potatoes, cereals and flowers. He was the founder of Agriland in 1985. Since 1994, Thierry de l’Escaille has been Secretary General of the European Landowners’ Organization (ELO).  He is also Vice-President of Landelijk Vlaanderen, Member of the Agricultural Reform Group (London), Board member of the Transatlantic Policy Network, Sorgho EU, Société Royale forestière, President Patrimoine Culturel Immobilier, Chairman of various funds. Since 1998 he is also Secretary General of Friends of the Countryside (FCS), and member of different committees. He is currently Member of the Board of several agro-industrial companies in Europe, America and involved in Africa. He is a founder of the Forum for the Future of Agriculture, of the Wildlife Estate Label and deeply committed in private conservation such as in reasonable agriculture. He is member of the Board of Directors of a major protected area in Latin America. President of the board in a work promoting rural development and supporting education of young rural citizens in Colombia. More information Website – www.elo.org Twitter – @EULandownersOrg Facebook – europeanlandowners LinkedIn – thierry-de-l-escaille-6728724
António Gonçalves Ferreira image
António Gonçalves Ferreira

President, União da Floresta Mediterrânica (UNAC)

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President, União da Floresta Mediterrânica (UNAC)

António Gonçalves Ferreira graduated in Agricultural Engineering from Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro University (UTAD) and he has a Masters Degree in Agricultural Economics from Wye College of University of London. He is an agro-forestry producer and manager and is the Chairman of the Board of UNAC – Mediterranean Forest Union since February of 2010 and also a member of the board at APFC – Association of Forestry Producers of Coruche and a representative of ELO – European Landowners' Organization. More information Website – www.unac.pt LinkedIn – unac-união-da-floresta-mediterrânica
João Rui Ferreira image
João Rui Ferreira

Secretary General, C.E. Liège

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Secretary General, C.E. Liège

João Rui Ferreira is Secretary General, C.E. Liège, which is a dynamic organization that represents the entire European cork industry and leads the development of joint promotions supporting cork, its products and applications. . More information Facebook – joao.r.ferreira.10 LinkedIn – joão-rui-ferreira-97531b14
Afonso do Ó image
Afonso do Ó

Freshwater Specialist, ANP|WWF Portugal

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Freshwater Specialist, ANP|WWF Portugal

Geographer, Ph.D. in Drought Risk Management in the Mediterranean, with over 20 years of work in freshwater and climate-related risks for different organizations (Universities of Lisbon, Algarve, Seville, and Lincoln-Nebraska; World Water Council; European Commission - JRC; WWF Mediterranean). Currently Freshwater Consultant for ANP|WWF Portugal, based in the Algarve and managing several projects on semi-arid forestry restoration, transboundary river basin management and freshwater habitats conservation. More information Website – www.wwf.pt Twitter – @WWF_Portugal Facebook – portugalWWF LinkedIn – afonso-do-ó-b281981a
Janez Potočnik image
Janez Potočnik

Chair ForumforAg and Chairman RISE Foundation

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Chair ForumforAg and Chairman RISE Foundation

Dr Janez Potočnik graduated from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. After a successful career starting in 1989 in Slovenia as a researcher at the Institute of Economic Research, Director of the Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development (1994), he was appointed Head of the Negotiating Team for the Accession of Slovenia to the EU (1998). He was also Director of Government Office for European Affairs (2000), Minister Councillor at the Office of the Prime Minister (2001) and Minister responsible for European Affairs (2002). In 2004 he joined the European Commission, first as "shadow Commissioner for Enlargement and then as Commissioner responsible for Science and Research. In 2010 Dr Potočnik became Commissioner for Environment. His term ended in November 2014 and he was appointed as a Co-Chair of UN Environment International Resource Panel and was also appointed as a Chairman of The Forum for the Future of Agriculture and RISE Foundation and a Member of the European Policy Centre's Advisory Council. From April 2016 he is also the Partner in SYSTEMIQ. More information Twitter – @JanezPotocnik22 Facebook – potocnikjanez LinkedIn - janez-potocnik-872470a7
Emily Rees image
Emily Rees

Senior Fellow, European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE) and Managing Director, Trade Strategies

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Senior Fellow, European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE) and Managing Director, Trade Strategies

Emily Rees is a Senior Fellow at ECIPE and Managing Director at Trade Strategies, a trade and regulatory advisory consultancy. A Franco-British national, Emily comes from an extensive career in trade policy and economic diplomacy, having led Brazil’s trade and investment agency relations with the European Union and served as Deputy Trade Attaché of France to Brazil. An economist by training, Emily’s expertise lies at the intersection of trade, sustainability and agriculture. Her areas of interest include “new generation” trade issues including animal welfare, anti-microbial resistance, environmental food standards and values in trade. A regular guest lecturer in international political economy, her analyses are regularly featured in European and Latin America media, including The Economist, Financial Times, BBC World Service, Valor Econômico, Globo Rural and Estado de São Paulo. More information Website – www.ecipe.org Twitter – @emilyrees_eu
Pascale Rouhier image
Pascale Rouhier

Secretary General, European Liaison Committee for Agricultural and Agri-Food Trade (CELCAA)

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Secretary General, European Liaison Committee for Agricultural and Agri-Food Trade (CELCAA)

Pascale Rouhier is the Secretary General of CELCAA, the representative body for European Traders in agriculture commodities. Former Secretary General of the European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA), Pascale has more than 10 years of experience of European associations’ management and is specialized in agriculture and trade policies. More information Website – www.celcaa.eu
Cristina Nobre Soares image
Cristina Nobre Soares

Science Communicator (FFA2021 Event Moderator)

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Science Communicator (FFA2021 Event Moderator)

Our event moderator, Cristina Nobre Soares is a science communicator consultant. She is a Forest Engineer graduated from Instituto Superior de Agronomia at the Universidade de Lisboa. In 2015, after a carrer in Forestry , GIS and as a teacher in Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, started her path in science communication and in plain language communication, with her work at Português Claro (2015-2016). Since then she has collaborated with several companies and academic institutions as: Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Coimbra (MARE- Centro de Ciências do Mare e do Ambiente), Instituto de Telecomunicações (IST), Mare (Cetemares IPL), Instituto Nacional de Saúde – Dr. Ricardo Jorge, Universidade da Madeira (IsoPlexis), Montis, Associação Portuguesa de Impacte Ambiental, FENAREG, among many others. Her work is focused on language and storytelling. Since 2019 she has trained about 200 scientists and agronomists in science writing and communication. More information Website – www.cristinanobresoares.com
António Paula Soares image
António Paula Soares

President ANPC – Portuguese National Landowner’s Association

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President ANPC – Portuguese National Landowner’s Association

Mr António Paula Soares, graduated in Biophysics Engineering, is a farmer and a forester from Portugal, specialised in the management of Mediterranean forest and agricultural estates, is currently Chairman of the European Commission Civil Dialogue Group on “Forestry and Cork”, President of the Portuguese Landowner’s Association, member of the board of CAP – Confederation of Portuguese Farmers and member of the board of CEPF – Confederation of European Forest Owners. With a great experience in farm management towards a focused stability between environmental, social and economic goals, were nature conservation and biodiversity are key factors in the multifunctional management approach. He also participates on a regular basis in social media programs focusing on environmental and farm management topics, giving a perspective of the rural society. More information Website – www.wwf.pt Twitter – @AntonioPsoares1 Facebook – antoniopsoares2021 LinkedIn – antónio-paula-soares-b1586062
Eduardo Olivera e Sousa image
Eduardo Olivera e Sousa

President, Confederação Dos Agricultores De Portugal

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President, Confederação Dos Agricultores De Portugal

Eduardo Olivera e Sousa is President, Confederação Dos Agricultores De Portugal (CAP). CAP represents around 250 organizations from all over portugal, namely Federations, Wineries, Regional Associations, corresponding to the main agricultural areas of Portugal, Associations specialized by technical sector and cooperatives. More information Website – www.cap.pt/en
Bosco Torremocha image
Bosco Torremocha

Director-General of Espirituosos de España, representing Spirits Europe

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Director-General of Espirituosos de España, representing Spirits Europe

Bosco Torremocha has worked in the public and provate sectors as well as in trade associations. In 1999, Bosco worked in the Embassy of Spain to the UK, in charge of the Spanish wine promotion. In the private sector, Bosco worked in London from the Banco de Santander (Capital Markets, 1995), in the advertising industry in Madrid (Mehga Models, 1998), as a businessman in the hospitality sector in Cádiz (1998-2000) and finally in the Bodegas Argűeso winery (2000-02). Since then, Bosco has worked in the wine and spirits sector trade associations. Since 2010, Bosco has been leading the Spanish Association of Spirits Producers, engaging with governments, ministries, media, consumers and officials at regional, national and Eureopan levels. The trade association is heavily engaged in implementing prevention programs to reduce alcohol-related harm all over the country and was awarded the CRUZ BLANCA by teh Ministry of Health for this long-term commitment and achievement.


May 26, 2021

10:30 - 13:00 (CET)

Wednesday, May 26 | 09:30 - 12:00 WEST | 10:30 - 13:00 CET | Santarém, Portugal & online

10:30 - 10:40 (CET)

Welcoming words

Antonio Paula Soares, President, Associação Nacional dos Proprietários Rurais

10:40 - 10:50 (CET)

Opening words

Janez Potočnik, FFA2021 Chairman

10:50 - 11:50 (CET)

Session 1: Farming practices in Southern Europe with sustainable water use and farmland habitat management

• Eduardo Oliveira E Sousa, President, Confederação Dos Agricultores De Portugal
• Afonso do Ó, Freshwater Consultant for ANP, WWF Portugal
• Bosco Torremocha, Director General, Espirituosos España
• Thierry de l’Escaille, Secretary General, European Landowners’ Organization

Questions and answers with the audience
Moderator: Cristina Nobre Soares

11:50 - 12:50 (CET)

Session 2: Increasing sustainability standards through trade deals

• Bruno Bobone, President, Portuguese Chamber of Commerce, President of ICC
• Pascale Rouhier, Secretary General, European Liaison Committee for Agricultural and Agri-Food Trade (CELCAA)
• David Cleary, Director, Global Agriculture, The Nature Conservancy
• Emily Rees, Senior Fellow, European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE)
• João Rui Ferreira, Secretary General, C.E. Liège

Questions and answers with the audience
Moderator: Cristina Nobre Soares

12:50 - 13:00 (CET)

Closing comments and wrap up

• Antonio Gonçalves Ferreira, President, União da Floresta Mediterrânica

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