ForumforAg Panel Session

Tuesday, November 23, 2021
17:30 - 19:00 (CET)

Confirmed speakers (in alphabetical order)

Nathalie Chaze image
Nathalie Chaze

Director, Food Sustainability, International Relations, Directorate General for Health and Food Safety, European Commission

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Director, Food Sustainability, International Relations, Directorate General for Health and Food Safety, European Commission

Nathalie Chaze is Director for ‘Food sustainability, international relations’ in the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety of the European Commission. From 2014 to 2019, she was Deputy Head of the Cabinet of the Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis. She has worked previously in the Directorate General for TRADE and was posted in the European delegation to the WTO in Geneva before joining the Directorate General for Health, Food Safety and Consumers to become Head of Unit for Health Systems. She is a lawyer by training.
Tassos Haniotis image
Tassos Haniotis

Director of Strategy, Simplification and Policy Analysis, Directorate General for Agriculture of the European Commission

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Director of Strategy, Simplification and Policy Analysis, Directorate General for Agriculture of the European Commission

Tassos Haniotis is the Director of Strategy, Simplification and Policy Analysis in the Directorate General for Agriculture of the European Commission. He previously held posts as Head of Unit in the Agricultural Policy Analysis and Perspectives unit and the Agricultural Trade Policy Analysis unit in the same Directorate General, as Member and subsequently Deputy Head of the Cabinet of former European Commissioner for Agriculture Franz Fischler (with respective responsibilities the preparation of the 2003 reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, and the agricultural chapter of the Doha WTO Round and the EU-Mercosur negotiations), and as the Agricultural Counsellor of the European Commission’s Delegation in the United States. He holds Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Agricultural Economics from the University of Georgia, USA, and a B.A. in Economics from the Athens University of Economics and Business, in his native Greece. Before joining the European Commission, he spent six months as a visiting Fellow at the Centre for European Agricultural Studies, Wye College, University of London, focusing on EU-US agricultural trade relations in the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations. He is currently a member of the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium Executive Committee. More information Twitter – @TassosHaniotis
Dik Kruijthoff image
Dik Kruijthoff

Chairman of the supervisory board, CZVA

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Chairman of the supervisory board, CZVA

Dik Kruijthoff is the Chairman of the supervisory board of CZVA, a dutch cooperative in southern Netherlands which includes 3100 active agricultural entrepreneurs, within all sectors of farming. The efforts on his farm paid off in 2017, when they won the Agricultural Enterprise of the Year award. He’s also knowledgeable in horticulture.
Professor Erik Mathijs image
Professor Erik Mathijs

Professor, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering at KU Leuven

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Professor, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering at KU Leuven

As seen by his title, Erik Mathijs is a professor at the faculty of bioscience engineering at KU Leuven and is also the vice-dean of education. He focuses mainly on questions regarding the transition into sustainable food economies, mainly questions on system innovations, how they emerge, what stands in their way and the development of tools and methods.
Rose O’Donovan image
Rose O’Donovan

Journalist & Editor AgraFacts

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Journalist & Editor AgraFacts

Rose O’Donovan has been Editor of AGRA FACTS since March 2010, having previously served as Deputy Editor on the agricultural publication for nearly three years. Prior to working as a journalist, she dealt with international relations on the EU satellite navigation programme at the Galileo Joint Undertaking. Following the completion of a Master of Science at University College Cork (Ireland), Rose moved to Brussels in 2004 to work as an intern in the Cabinet of former European Parliament President, Pat Cox. Hailing from a farming background in West Cork, Rose is also the Brussels correspondent for The Southern Star - a regional newspaper based in Skibbereen. More information Twitter – @agrafacts LinkedIn - rose-o-donovan-91927517
Dr. Peter Strohschneider image
Dr. Peter Strohschneider

Chairman, German Commission on the Future of Agriculture

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Chairman, German Commission on the Future of Agriculture

Dr. Peter Strohschneider is the representative from the German Commission on the Future of Agriculture, as well as chairman. This forum was created by then-chancellor Angela Merkel in order to facilitate dialogue and compromise between the agricultural sector and climate activists. Thus he has considerable insight into CAP, Farm-to-Fork and the Green Deal.
Sébastien Treyer image
Sébastien Treyer

Executive Director, IDDRI (Institut du Développement durable et des Relations internationale)

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Executive Director, IDDRI (Institut du Développement durable et des Relations internationale)

Sébastien Treyer is Executive Director of IDDRI, since January 2019 (he joined the institute in 2010 as Director of Programmes). He is also Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Committee of the French Global Environment Facility (FFEM) and member of the Lead Faculty of the Earth System Governance Network. A graduate from École Polytechnique, chief engineer of the Corps of Bridges, Water and Forests, and PhD in environmental management, he was in charge of foresight studies at the French Ministry of the Environment, and played an active role in leading the interface between science and policy and scientific programming at the European Commission, the French National Research Agency, and territorial actors such as the Seine Normandy Water Agency. Sébastien Treyer speaks French, English, German, Spanish and Arabic. More information Website – Twitter – @SebastienTreyer LinkedIn – sébastien-treyer-4727577a


Nov 23, 2021

17:30 - 19:00 (CET)

The sessions listed below will all be hosted live through, there is no reason to register.

17:20 - 17:30 (CET)

Live link opens for online attendees

17:30 - 18:00 (CET)

Introductory remarks

Introductory remarks
● Moderator Rose O’Donovan, Editor-in-Chief AGRA FACTS

Opening: Summary of key outcomes from all impact assessments
● Professor Erik Mathijs, KU Leuven

Questions & answers

18:00 - 19:00 (CET)

Panel Discussion

Panel Discussion
● Tassos Haniotis, Director & Acting Deputy Director-General DG AGRI, European Commission
● Sébastien Treyer, Director, IDDRI- Institute for Sustainable Development & International Relations
● Nathalie Chaze, Director, Food Sustainability, International Relations, Directorate General for Health and Food Safety, European Commission
● Dik Kruijthoff, Chairman of the supervisory board, CZVA
● Professor Erik Mathijs, KU Leuven

● Moderator: Rose O’ Donovan, Editor-in-Chief AGRA FACTS

Closing Remarks
● Dr. Peter Strohschneider, Chairman, German Commission on the Future of Agriculture


Dr. Peter Strohschneider will refer to a new report – The Future of Agriculture – A common agenda, Recommendations of the Commission on the Future of Agriculture (ZKL) – during his speech.

To read the report click here.

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