ForumforAg Regional Event

Thursday, December 2, 2021
09:00 - 16:30 (CET)

Throughout the year, the Forum for the Future of Agriculture organises regional conferences and online events to discuss agriculture and the environment at a national level across Europe. Our most recent edition took place on Thursday, December 2 in Paris, France and was available to watch live online, free of charge with translations available from French to English.

Confirmed speakers (in alphabetical order)

Sylvie Alexandre image
Sylvie Alexandre

Full member of the French Academy of Agriculture, Section 2 (Forestry and the timber industry)

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Full member of the French Academy of Agriculture, Section 2 (Forestry and the timber industry)

Having followed the integration of the forestry and wood industry into public policies for a long time, Mrs Alexandre is very active in the life of the "Forestry and wood industry" section of the Academy of Agriculture. As an expert in the interplay of private and public players, particularly within the France Bois Forêt interprofession and France Bois Industrie Entreprises, she has built up in-depth knowledge of the strategic contract of the forestry and wood industry. In particular, she has given the "forests and wood industries" section the benefit of her expertise in the various public policies affecting the forestry and wood industries and steered by the MTES: climate plan (role of the forestry and wood industries in mitigating climate change), development of renewable energies (monitoring of ADMEME's work), and support for wood construction (particularly high-rise wooden buildings). Ms. Alexandre has written three fact sheets for the online encyclopaedia "100 questions on forests and wood": two on the energy transition and the bio-economy and one on the strategic sector contract. She is co-author of an article in the Academy's magazine and of several "academicians' points of view". Her vast network allows her to propose candidates for the Academy's awards, notably the vermeil medal.
Iliana Axiotiades image
Iliana Axiotiades

Secretary General, Coceral

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Secretary General, Coceral

Iliana Axiotiades is the Secretary General of Coceral, which represents European traders in agri-commodities and agrosupply, Euromalt, which brings together the European malting industry, and Unistock, the European association of portside storekeepers of agri-bulk commodities. This involves managing the three associations and representing their interests with the European institutions, Member States and third country Permanent Representations to the EU. Iliana is also currently acting as Vice-President of the IGTC – the International Grain Trade Coalition, and Lead of the IGTC’s Plant Breeding Innovation Policy Team. Prior to her current role, Iliana spent six years with Johnson Controls where, as Director of Government & Trade Relations Europe, she worked very closely with the Power Solutions, Automotive and Building Efficiency businesses of the company to identify the policy drivers impacting their growth, and design strategies aimed at seizing the opportunities and mitigating the risks created by political decisions. In particular, she promoted European energy efficiency policies with the EU Commission, Parliament and Member States governments, and was the company Lead for the TTIP negotiations. Before joining Johnson Controls, Iliana held several positions in the agri-food sector over a 20-year period, as a consultant, at the helm of the European starch industry association, and in Cargill. She joined Cargill as Director of Government Relations for the starch and sweeteners businesses where she played an active role in anticipating changes to the sugar regime. Thereafter, she was appointed as Director for Business Development, leading an investment project in bio-ethanol, as well as a project aimed at determining the strategy for all Cargill’s food ingredient businesses in Central & Eastern Europe. More information Website – @COCERAL_EU LinkedIn – Coceral
Bruno Baranne image
Bruno Baranne

President, Syngenta France

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President, Syngenta France

Bruno Baranne is a graduate of the Ecoles nationales supérieures agronomiques de Rennes and Montpellier (in Mediterranean agronomy) and of the CPA of the Ecole supérieure de Commerce de Toulouse. He has held various commercial and management positions in France and Europe (notably in Spain) in several multinationals of the agro-industry, both in seeds and plant protection. He joined Syngenta France in 2002 as Director of Commercial Operations for Seeds and then as Agro Commercial Director in 2010. In October 2012, he took over the responsibility of Commercial Operations for all of Syngenta's businesses in France. He was appointed President since February 2018. More information Website – Twitter – @SyngentaFrance
Matthieu Brun image
Matthieu Brun

Head of studies at Club DEMETER and associate researcher at Sciences Po Bordeaux

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Head of studies at Club DEMETER and associate researcher at Sciences Po Bordeaux

Dr Matthieu Brun graduated from Sciences Po (Lyon and Bordeaux) in International Relations and Political Science. He has developed an expertise in the geopolitical stakes of agriculture, rurality and food, at the global level and more specifically in the Arab world and in Africa. His career has led him to work in research centers and think tanks (CIRAD, CIHEAM, iReMMO, IDDRI-Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales). At the Club DEMETER he is in charge of the production and coordination of scientific contents and co-edits the annual reference book on agriculture and food, the Demeter (IRIS editions). He teaches in several schools and universities. He is a member of the Ethical and Scientific Committee of Open Agrifood, of the Scientific Council of ARVALIS and of the Scientific Orientation Committee of the European Movement. More information Website – Twitter – @matthieubrun3 Twitter – @Le_demeter LinkedIn – matthieubrun
François-Xavier Canova image
François-Xavier Canova

Master of Ceremony, CEO of Uprightly

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Master of Ceremony, CEO of Uprightly

François-Xavier first worked as an event agency project manager, then as a radio host on national french radios. He specializes in human marketing, and frequently hosts corporate events. He founded Uprightly in 2016. He will moderate the sessions at the Regional ForumforAg. More information Website –
Dominique Chargé image
Dominique Chargé

President, La Coopération Agricole (previously "Coop de France")

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President, La Coopération Agricole (previously "Coop de France")

Dominique Chargé, breeder of dairy cows and poultry, is Vice-President of Terrena and President of the Specialized Milk Council of FranceAgriMer. Previously, from 2010 to 2017, he assumed important responsibilities within the dairy sector, in particular as president of the Laïta group for ten years until 2017. Also, until that date he was president of the National Federation of Dairy Cooperatives (FNCL) and he was a player in the merger of the dairy professions within Coop de France until a year ago. More information Website – Twitter – @lacooperationagricole
Julien Denormandie image
Julien Denormandie

Minister of Agriculture, Republic of France

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Minister of Agriculture, Republic of France

Julien Denormandie is Minister of Agriculture and Food, Republic of France. He is trained as a Water and Forest Engineer, with an MBA in Economics. Previously he served as economic adviser and then deputy head of the economic department at the French Embassy in Egypt (2010-2012). He was adviser to Pierre Moscovici, Minister of Economy and Finance, and Nicole Bricq, Minister delegated to Foreign Trade and was Deputy Chief of Staff to Emmanuel Macron, Minister of Economy, Industry and Digital (2014-2016). He was then Deputy Secretary-General of En Marche and became Secretary of State to the Minister for the Cohesion of territories (2017-2018). More recently he was Minister to the Minister of Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities, responsible for the City and Housing (2018-2020).
Jean-François Dhôte image
Jean-François Dhôte

Research Director- HDR, INRAE Orleans

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Research Director- HDR, INRAE Orleans

Jean-François Dhôte is Director of Research at INRA in Orléans (BioForA joint research unit, associating INRA and the National Forestry Office). A graduate of the Polytechnique and a forestry engineer, he obtained a doctorate from the University of Lyon and a habilitation to direct research from the University of Lorraine. His speciality is the transformation of sustainable management practices of forest resources to face the challenges of climate change. After his initial work on the growth of hardwood forests, he coordinated research that has always been placed at the crossroads of several disciplines: design of silvicultural standards, sensitivity to storms, long-term productivity changes, variability of wood quality, carbon accounting and forest management, and biodiversity engineering. He created and directed two laboratories with 80 researchers, the Laboratory for the study of forest-wood resources in Nancy (1999-2008), then the R&D Department of the French National Forestry Office (2008-14). He has directed 20 doctoral theses and participated in more than 60 doctoral juries and expert commissions. He is the author of more than 400 articles, book chapters and communications, both for the scientific community and for professionals in the forestry and wood industry. Recently, he was the scientific leader of the prospective study on the role of forests in mitigating climate change until 2050 (INRA-IGN, 2017).
Pierre-Olivier Drège image
Pierre-Olivier Drège

President, European Landowners' Organization

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President, European Landowners' Organization

Pierre-Olivier Drège has been involved in many negotiations with the Common Agriculture Policy, as Chief of Cabinet of several French Ministers for Agriculture and as Director of the Department for International and Economical affairs in the French Ministry of Agriculture. He has also been in charge of implementing such policies as Managing Director of former French Wheat Board (ONIC). Since December 2016, he is the President of a cooperative of French forest owners operating in Normandy and in the North-East of France: Nord Seine Forêt. He is French and graduated as an engineer and economist.
Pierre Dubreuil image
Pierre Dubreuil

Director general, OFB (Office français de la biodiversité)

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Director general, OFB (Office français de la biodiversité)

Pierre Dubreuil was appointed in January 2020 by decree of the President of the Republic, Director General of the new public establishment for biodiversity: the French Office for Biodiversity (OFB), born from the merger between the French Agency for Biodiversity (AFB) and the National Office for Hunting and Wildlife (ONCFS). Since December 2018, he was Director General of the OFB's prefiguration mission and interim Director General of the ONCFS. Pierre Dubreuil was previously deputy director general of the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (MNHN) and director general of the Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives (Inrap).
Maud Lelièvre image
Maud Lelièvre

President of IUCN French national committee, General Delegate of Les Eco-Maires, Association Les Eco Maires

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President of IUCN French national committee, General Delegate of Les Eco-Maires, Association Les Eco Maires

A graduate in political science and a lawyer specializing in environmental law, Maud Lelièvre defended environmental cases at the beginning of her professional career, such as the Erika oil spill (1999) and various international cases, notably in Africa. Committed during her 20-year career to the protection of the environment, she has participated in various COP Biodiversity and international negotiations in this field. General delegate of an international association of green cities, she designs programs to help preserve nature. Eleven years ago, she created the International Assizes of Biodiversity. She is also a member of the BirdLife Office in France and, she leads an international network of women for biodiversity to help women's international involvement through gender policies.
Jean Moreau image
Jean Moreau

Founder and CEO of Phenix

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Founder and CEO of Phenix

Jean Moreau is founder and CEO of Phenix, the pioneering French smart food waste management leader. After starting out in banking, he left to solve the problem of food waste. Jean started his career as a banker in mergers and acquisitions. It’s a job with a lot of advantages, but he often felt something was missing. Increasingly he wanted to do something that had a positive social and environmental impact. He began to realise what a problem food waste is and launched the French start-up Phenix. His vision is to use technology for good to solve the problem of wasted, unsold food produce and products. More information Website – Facebook – phenix.antigaspi LinkedIn – phenix
Janez Potočnik image
Janez Potočnik

Chair ForumforAg and Chairman RISE Foundation

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Chair ForumforAg and Chairman RISE Foundation

Dr Janez Potočnik graduated from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. After a successful career starting in 1989 in Slovenia as a researcher at the Institute of Economic Research, Director of the Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Development (1994), he was appointed Head of the Negotiating Team for the Accession of Slovenia to the EU (1998). He was also Director of Government Office for European Affairs (2000), Minister Councillor at the Office of the Prime Minister (2001) and Minister responsible for European Affairs (2002). In 2004 he joined the European Commission, first as "shadow Commissioner for Enlargement and then as Commissioner responsible for Science and Research. In 2010 Dr Potočnik became Commissioner for Environment. His term ended in November 2014 and he was appointed as a Co-Chair of UN Environment International Resource Panel and was also appointed as a Chairman of The Forum for the Future of Agriculture and RISE Foundation and a Member of the European Policy Centre's Advisory Council. From April 2016 he is also the Partner in SYSTEMIQ. More information Twitter – @JanezPotocnik22 Facebook – potocnikjanez LinkedIn - janez-potocnik-872470a7
Sophie Primas image
Sophie Primas

Senator LR of Yvelines, President of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs

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Senator LR of Yvelines, President of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs

Full biography to follow soon. More information Twitter – @sophieprimas Facebook – sophie.primas
Guillaume Sainteny image
Guillaume Sainteny

Member of the French Foundation for Biodiversity research (FRB)

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Member of the French Foundation for Biodiversity research (FRB)

Guillaume Sainteny has been teaching sustainable development for the past fifteen years, notably at Sciences-Po Paris and at the École Polytechnique. He was also deputy director of the cabinet of the Minister of the Environment and then director of the Directorate of Economic Studies and Environmental Evaluation of the Ministry of the Environment, Sustainable Development and Planning, which included the Research and Forecasting Department. Guillaume Sainteny's work and publications address biodiversity from the fiscal, economic, legal and public policy perspectives; they also deal, more broadly, with public policy, the economy and taxation of the environment and sustainable development. Other positions: Guillaume Sainteny is a member of: the National Biodiversity Council; the Scientific Council of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation; the Steering Committee of Comité 21; the Steering Committee of La Fabrique écologique; the Steering, Research and Forecasting Council of the National Federation of Regional Nature Parks; the Executive Committee of the Sisley Foundation; the College of Experts of the Green Link Endowment Fund; the editorial boards of the journals Commentaire, Droit de l'environnement, Écologie et politique, Vraiment Durable. Recently he was elected President of "Plan Bleu", one the Regional Activity Centres of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), put in place by France since 1977. Its program of work is approved every two years by the Contracting parties to the Barcelona Convention.
Bertrand Servois image
Bertrand Servois

Président de l’Union de la coopération forestière française (UCFF)

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Président de l’Union de la coopération forestière française (UCFF)

Born in 1950, an agricultural engineer by training, Bertrand Servois followed a professional career in the world of management information systems and at the same time became involved very early on in the Professional Organisations of the Private Forest. He has been vice-president of the CRPF du Centre since 1979, president of the CETEF du Berry from 1981 to 2015, president of the Cher forest owners' union (FRANSYLVA 18) since 1998, and finally president of the UNISYLVA forestry cooperative since 2014. He is a forest owner in the Cher, manager of a family forestry group.
Eric Thirouin image
Eric Thirouin

President of the General Association of Producers of Wheat and Other Cereals (AGPB)

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President of the General Association of Producers of Wheat and Other Cereals (AGPB)

Eric Thirouin has been associated with his son since 1989 on a 160-hectares family farm in Béville-Le-Comte in Eure-et-Loir, Centre Val-de-Loire district in France. He produces soft wheat, durum wheat, barley, irrigated corn and rapeseed, and he also created a store of local products. Eric Thirouin has been elected since 2013 as President of the Chamber of Agriculture of his department, and President of the French Cereal producers since 2019. Very involved in the defence of French farmers, he has been treasurer of the FNSEA (the principal french farmer Union) since 2020, and treasurer of ARVALIS technical institute and Vice-President of the cereal interprofessional association, Intercéréales. Since 2021, he has also been President of Unigrains, an investment fund created by french cereal producers, specialized in agri-food and agribusiness. More information Website – Twitter – @EricTHIROUIN LinkedIn – thirouin-eric-00b3287a
Sébastien Treyer image
Sébastien Treyer

Executive Director, IDDRI (Institut du Développement durable et des Relations internationale)

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Executive Director, IDDRI (Institut du Développement durable et des Relations internationale)

Sébastien Treyer is Executive Director of IDDRI, since January 2019 (he joined the institute in 2010 as Director of Programmes). He is also Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Committee of the French Global Environment Facility (FFEM) and member of the Lead Faculty of the Earth System Governance Network. A graduate from École Polytechnique, chief engineer of the Corps of Bridges, Water and Forests, and PhD in environmental management, he was in charge of foresight studies at the French Ministry of the Environment, and played an active role in leading the interface between science and policy and scientific programming at the European Commission, the French National Research Agency, and territorial actors such as the Seine Normandy Water Agency. Sébastien Treyer speaks French, English, German, Spanish and Arabic. More information Website – Twitter – @SebastienTreyer LinkedIn – sébastien-treyer-4727577a
Adeline De Vriendt image
Adeline De Vriendt

Chief Marketing Officer MyEasyFarm

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Chief Marketing Officer MyEasyFarm

Adeline De Vriendt graduated from a Master degree in marketing & strategy in Toulouse Business School and a marketing Master of Business Administration (MBA) in the University of Belgrano in Buenos Aires in Argentina in 2011. After launching successful new brands and innovations in French markets, she has developed a strategy and marketing expertise for 8 years working in worldwide business leaders such as Pernod Ricard, LVMH or Unilever. As an agribusiness specialist, she has completed her curriculum with an agronomy diploma in 2018. Passionate about agriculture, she has taken over the family farm to become a crop field farmer. From 2021, as a Chief Marketing Officer, she also helps developing MyEasyFarm, an Agtech startup, in France, in Europe & in Latin America. More information LinkedIn – delinedruartdevriendtagroalimentairemarketingagriculture
Arnold Puech d’Alissac image
Arnold Puech d’Alissac

Board Member, FNSEA

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Board Member, FNSEA

  Board Member in charge of international issues, FNSEA; Vice-Chair Food Chain Committee, FNSEA; Vice-Chair CDG on IAA, COPA; Vice-Chair WFO; Member of the Section for Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment, EESC, and Spokesperson of the farmer’s category. Arnold Puech d’Alissac was President of the Young Farmers of Seine-Maritime (then CDJA 76) from 1993 to 1997. He was national administrator at the CNJA from 1996 to 2001 where he was responsible for European issues. His in-depth knowledge of European institutions therefore logically led him to be elected by his peers to the Presidency of the European Council of Young Farmers (CEJA) from 1999 to 2001 where he was particularly involved in the policy of setting up young farmers in the European Union against Franz Fischler. His work at CEJA has enabled him to negotiate on a number of agricultural and communication issues. At the departmental level, on June 19, 2003, he was elected President of the Farmers Union of Seine-Maritime (FNSEA 76) replacing Philippe DION, until March 28, 2017. 1st Vice-President of the Regional Chamber of Agriculture since 2007, Deputy Vice-President for Haute-Normandie at the Regional Chamber of Agriculture, Local and Easy President. At the regional level, he has been President of FRSEA Normandie since 2003. He is also a member of the Bureau of the FNSEA, in charge of international and European issues, has chaired the Food Chain Committee since April 2017. Since 2015, member of the European Economic and Social Committee. He is also Vice-President of the World Farmers Organization since June 26, 2020. More information Twitter – @ArnoldPuech
Antoine d’Amecourt image
Antoine d’Amecourt

President, Fédération nationale des syndicats de forestiers (FRANSYLVA)

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President, Fédération nationale des syndicats de forestiers (FRANSYLVA)

President of Fransylva Forestiers Privés de France, an important federation that represents forest owners at the national level, i.e. 20% of the surface area of private forests. A true militant for forestry, he wishes to place innovation, production and sustainability at the heart of his strategy for private forests. Antoine d'Amécourt has been elected to the Avoise (Sarthe) Municipal Council since 1995 and became Mayor in 2008. He holds various territorial responsibilities, including being elected as the energy and environment referent for the Sarthe Valley country and Vice President of the Sarthe Aval SAGE. He has been a Knight of Agricultural Merit since 2000.


Dec 02, 2021

09:00 - 16:30 (CET)

Thursday, December 2 | 09:00 - 16:30 CET | Paris, France & online

09:00 - 10:00 (CET)

Welcome and opening discussion

Welcome and opening discussion
Session d’ouverture

Words of welcome
● Pierre-Olivier Drège, Vice-President of the Fondation François Sommer, President of ELO

Opening words by
● Janez Potočnik, Chair of ForumforAg 2021 and Chairman the RISE Foundation; Co-Chair of the International Resource Panel of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Discussion with
● Sophie Primas, Chairman of the Economic Affairs Committee, Sénat; Republic of France

Conclusion of the opening session
● Julien Denormandie, Minister of Agriculture and Food, Republic of France

10:00 - 11:00 (CET)

Session 1

Achieving the environmental targets with the Farm-to-Fork strategy
La stratégie « De la ferme à la fourchette » et les questions environnementales

Panel discussion
● Eric Thirouin, President, General Association of Wheat and Other Cereal Producer (AGPB)
● Pierre Dubreuil, General Director, French Office for Biodiversity (OFB)
● Sébastien Treyer, Director general, Institut du Développement durable et des Relations internationale (IDDRI)

Moderated by
● François-Xavier Canova, CEO, Uprightly

11:00 - 11:30 (CET)

Meet the Leaders of Change: Startup Corner discovery

Rencontrez les Leaders du Changement : Découverte du coin des startups

Online via the ForumforAg platform: in discussion with start-ups to display success examples

● Jean Moreau, Co-founder & CEO, Phénix
● Adeline De Vriendt, Chief Marketing Officer, MyEasyFarm

11:30 - 13:30 (CET)

Session 2

Special Address
A food independent, inclusive and responsible Europe:
• Dominique Chargé, President, La Coopération Agricole

Session 2
Sustainability standards through EU trade agreements
Normes de durabilité à travers les accords commerciaux de l’UE


Panel discussion
● Maude Lelièvre, President of the IUCN French Committee, Member of the IUCN International Council
● Iliana Axiotiades, Secretary general, COCERAL
● Arnold Puech d’Alissac, Board Member, FNSEA
● Matthieu Brun, Head of studies at Club DEMETER; associate researcher at Sciences Po Bordeaux

Moderated by
● François-Xavier Canova, CEO, Uprightly

Closing comments of the morning by:
● Pierre-Olivier Drège, Vice-President of the Fondation François Sommer, President of ELO
● Bruno Baranne, Director Syngenta France

13:30 - 15:00 (CET)

Lunch break

Lunch break

15:00 - 16:30 (CET)

Session 3

French forests and climate change adaptation
Forêts françaises face au changement climatique

Panel discussion
● Jean-François Dhôte, Research Director – HDR, INRAE Orleans
● Sylvie Alexandre, Member of Académie d’Agriculture de France
● Guillaume Sainteny, Member of the French Foundation for Biodiversity research (FRB)
● Antoine d’Amecourt, President, FRANSYLVA
● Bertrand Servois, Président of the Union de la coopération forestière française (UCFF)

Moderated by
● François-Xavier Canova, CEO, Uprightly

Closing comments of the afternoon by:
● Pierre-Olivier Drège, Vice-President of the Fondation François Sommer, President of ELO

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