Warsaw, Poland

Wednesday, November 27, 2024
10:00 - 16:00 (CET)
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Throughout the year, the Forum for the Future of Agriculture organises regional conferences and online events to discuss agriculture and the environment at a national level across Europe. On Wednesday, November 27, 2024 we will co-organise our regional event with “Polska Federacja Rolna” at the Centrum Prasowe Foksal. We will focus, among others, on the reform of the CAP with the soon to be announced vision for agriculture to be presented by the new College, and of climate change and food security as one of the priorities of the forthcoming Polish presidency; as well as on importance of soil and the place of innovation to deliver these targets. 

The meeting will take place in person, and will be translated in English and Polish.

Przez cały rok “Forum for the Future of Agriculture” organizuje regionalne konferencje i wydarzenia online aby dyskutować o przyszłości rolnictwa i ochronie środowiska na poziomie krajowym w całej Europie. W środę 27 listopada 2024 r. będziemy współorganizować nasze regionalne wydarzenie z „Polską Federacją Rolną” w Centrum Prasowym Foksal. Skupimy się m.in. na reformie WPR wraz z wkrótce ogłoszoną wizją rolnictwa, która zostanie przedstawiona przez nowe Kolegium, oraz na zmianach klimatu i bezpieczeństwie żywnościowym jako jednym z priorytetów nadchodzącej polskiej prezydencji; a także na znaczeniu gleby i miejscu innowacji w realizacji tych celów.

Spotkanie odbędzie się osobiście, będzie tłumaczone na język angielski oraz polski.

Confirmed speakers (in alphabetical order)

Grzegorz Brodziak image
Grzegorz Brodziak

President of the Management Board, Polska Federacja Rolna

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President of the Management Board, Polska Federacja Rolna

Grzegorz Brodziak is President of the Management Board of the Polska Federacja Rolna (Polish Agricultural Federation). As a leading organization in the agri-food sector, the Federation provides professional consulting services. The aim of the Federation is to build social trust, protect the interests of associated business entities and solve their key problems. They represent over 1,000 farms and enterprises from the agribusiness sector employing tens of thousands of employees.

Tassos Haniotis image
Tassos Haniotis

Sustainable Productivity Adviser, Forum for the Future of Agriculture

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Sustainable Productivity Adviser, Forum for the Future of Agriculture

Tassos Haniotis recently retired, after a 33-year career in the Commission, as the Director of Strategy, Simplification and Policy Analysis in the Directorate General for Agriculture of the European Commission. Tassos is Sustainable Productivity Adviser for the Forum for the Future of Agriculture and a Senior Guest Research Scholar at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. He previously held posts as Head of Unit in the Agricultural Policy Analysis and Perspectives unit and the Agricultural Trade Policy Analysis unit in the same Directorate General, as Member and subsequently Deputy Head of the Cabinet of former European Commissioner for Agriculture Franz Fischler (with respective responsibilities the preparation of the 2003 reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, and the agricultural chapter of the Doha WTO Round and the EU-Mercosur negotiations), and as the Agricultural Counsellor of the European Commission’s Delegation in the United States. He holds Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Agricultural Economics from the University of Georgia, USA, and a B.A. in Economics from the Athens University of Economics and Business, in his native Greece. Before joining the European Commission, he spent six months as a visiting Fellow at the Centre for European Agricultural Studies, Wye College, University of London, focusing on EU-US agricultural trade relations in the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations. He hold a Honorary Doctorate degree from the University of Thessaloniki. Active in the ag research community, he is a member of the International and European Associations of Ag Economics, the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, and the EU Nitrogen Expert Panel.
Adam Jarubas image
Adam Jarubas

Member of the European Parliament

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Member of the European Parliament

Adam Sebastian Jarubas is a Member of the European Commission and is a Polish politician and former Marshal of Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship (2006-2018). He became vice-president of Polish People's Party in December 2012.

Jurgen Tack image
Jurgen Tack

Secretary General, European Landowners' Organization

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Secretary General, European Landowners' Organization

Jurgen Tack studied biology (marine ecology) at Brussels Free University where he also obtained his PhD in Sciences. Within the Framework of the Kenya Belgium Project in Marine Sciences (Coastal Farms Kenya) he developed a number of oyster farms along the Kenyan coast.

In 2000 he joined the team of the Belgian Biodiversity Platform (Belgian Science Policy Office) where he was responsible for European and international science policy in the field of biodiversity and biodiversity related research. In 2007 he became the CEO of the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (a research organization under the umbrella of the Flemish Authority). In 2015 he became Secretary-General of the National Science Foundation (Flanders). In 2016 he took the position of Scientific Director at the European Landowners’ Organization (ELO), CEO at Landelijk Vlaanderen (Flemish Landowners’ Organisation) and CEO of the Aanspreekpunt Privaat Beheer Natuur en Bos (an advisory organ for private landowners on the management of nature and forest).

In 2023 he became Secretary-General of the European Landowners Organisation (ELO). He coordinates several EU projects on private land conservation. On behalf of ELO he chairs the European Commission’s Large Carnivore Platform and acts as expert for the EU Biodiversity Platform and the EU Expert Group on Cultural Heritage.

Mark Titterington image
Mark Titterington

Co-Founder & Director, Forum for the Future of Agriculture

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Co-Founder & Director, Forum for the Future of Agriculture

Mark has enjoyed a long career in the agri-food sector having previously worked at the United Nations and for Syngenta where he held a number of senior leadership positions in corporate affairs and business sustainability in the EAME region and globally. After leaving Syngenta in 2017, Mark became Chief Executive of EngineeringUK, a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to inspiring and nurturing STEM skills in young people. Mark later became Head of Marketing and Public Affairs for Indigo Agriculture Europe GmbH. Mark is a co-founder and senior adviser to the Forum for the Future of Agriculture and a Senior Fellow at the Transatlantic Policy Network.


Nov 27, 2024

10:00 - 16:00 (CET)

Foksal Press Center CPF, 3 Foksal #5 00-366, Warszawa, Poland

09:30 - 10:00 (CET)

Arrivals and registration

10:00 - 10:10 (CET)

Words of welcome


  • Mark Titterington, Co-Founder & Director, Forum for the Future of Agriculture

10:10 - 10:30 (CET)

Opening session

Opening words

  • Speaker to be confirmed

Priorities for the European Parliament – Committee of Agriculture and Polish presidency

  • Adam Jarubas, MEP

10:35 - 11:30 (CET)

Session 1 - Special focus on Central European region

Introduction to session

  • Tassos Haniotis, Member of the Forum for the Future of Agriculture Advisory Council

Panel discussion

  • Jurgen Tack, Secretary General, European Landowners’ Organization
  • Grzegorz Brodziak, President, Polska Federacja Rolna (Polish Agricultural Federation)
  • Other panellists to be confirmed
  • Moderator: To be confirmed

12:00 - 13:10 (CET)

Session 2: Role of soil in the next CAP reform

Panel discussion

  • Panellists to be confirmed
  • Moderator: To be confirmed

13:10 - 14:00 (CET)

Networking coffee break

14:00 - 15:00 (CET)

Session 3 - Climate change and role of innovation

Introduction to session

  • Speaker to be confirmed

Panel discussion

  • Panellists to be confirmed
  • Moderator: To be confirmed


  • Speaker to be confirmed

15:00 - 16:00 (CET)

Networking lunch

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