The food crisis was the main topic during the first Forum for the Future of Agriculture in Brussels in 2008. However the debate also focused on the reform of CAP.
Summaries from this event
2008 - Food and Environmental Security.
May 19, 2008
Read NowAgenda
Mar 27, 2008
9am – 6pm, Thursday March 27th 2008
Is the objective for European Agriculture Food, or Environmental Security, or both? Introduction by the Chair
Franz FISCHLER, former EU Agriculture Commissioner, Chairman of the RISE Foundation,
Conference Chair
Keynote address
Jos DELBEKE, Deputy Director General, DG Environment, EC
Agriculture & the question of food security
Panel Chair – Neil PARISH, MEP
What do we mean by food security?
John BENSTED-SMITH, Director for Economic Analysis, Perspectives &
Evaluations, DG Agriculture, EC
Who has food security?
Stefan TANGERMANN, Director, Food, Agriculture & Fisheries, OECD
How can food security be achieved?
Timothy HALL, Acting Director of Biotechnology, Agriculture and Food Research,
DG Research, EC
Plenary debate
Agriculture and the question of environmental security – meeting the Eco-System Challenge
Panel Chair – Nigel ARNELL Director, Walker Institute for Climate Systems Research,
University of Reading, UK
The case for European food & environmental security policy
Allan BUCKWELL, Chief Economist, Country Land & Business Association
What is environmental security for?
Michael HAMELL, Head of Unit, Agriculture, Forest, and Soil, DG Environment, EC
What are the main eco-system challenges?
John FINISDORE, Business & Ecosystems Researcher, World Resources Institute
How can environmental security be achieved?
Tamas MARGHESCU, Regional Director, Europe, IUCN, BE
Plenary debate
Case studies: bringing together production and environment
What does Europe need from agriculture?
Panel Chair – Winfried BLUM President European Confederation of Soil Science Societies
Perspective from the agri-food industry
Willem-Jan LAAN, European External Affairs Director, Unilever
Perspective from the food chain
Soren SCHRÖDER, Director General, VP Bunge Europe Agribusiness
Perspective from the environment
Clairie PAPAZOGLOU, Director, Birdlife International
Perspective from rural development
Corrado PIRZIO-BIROLI, CEO, RISE Foundation
Plenary debate
Can agriculture deliver what Europe needs?
Panel Chair – Andrew BOUNDS, Journalist, Financial Times
Do we have the people?
Pekka PESONEN, Secretary-General, Copa-Cogeca
Do we have the natural resources?
Thierry de L’ESCAILLE, CEO, European Landowners’ Organization
Do we have the technology?
John ATKIN, Member of the Syngenta Executive Committee & Chief Operating
Officer (Crop Protection), Syngenta
Funding for agriculture
François d’ORMESSON, Administrator & General Manager, Phitrust Active
Investors Portfolio
Plenary debate
Can we make the political case for food and environmental security?
Moderator – Elaine CRUIKSHANKS, CEO, Hill & Knowlton International, Belgium
Debating: Robert STURDY, MEP
Friedrich-Wilhelm Graefe zu BARINGDORF, MEP
Perspective of the Slovenian Presidency
Branko RAVNIK, Director General, Slovenian Ministry of Agriculture
Perspective of the European Commission
Daniele BIANCHI, Member of Commissioner FISCHER-BOEL’s Cabinet
Perspective of the Member States
Paolo de CASTRO, Italian Minister of Agriculture
Is there an emerging consensus on the objectives for European Agriculture in the 21st Century, and what are the next steps
Audience survey (via electronic polling)
Conclusions & next steps
By Conference Chair:
Franz FISCHLER, former EU Agriculture Commissionner