Meeting the food & environmental challenge: resource efficiency, innovation and governance
The annual Forum for the Future of Agriculture (FFA 2012) was held in Brussels on Tuesday, March 27, 2012. Following the success of previous editions, this one saw over 1,200 participants joining distinguished speakers and participating in thought-provoking debates and discussions on ‘Meeting the Food & Environmental Challenge’.
Mar 27, 2012
Opening Statement
Franz FISCHLER, Chair FFA 2012, Chairman RISE Foundation
Keynote: Improving Food Security: Geo-technology and Global Governance
Parag KHANNA, Director, Hybrid Reality Institute
- Christopher DELGADO, Strategy and Policy Adviser for Agriculture and Rural Development, World Bank
- Frans VAN DAELE, Chief of Staff to the President of the European Council
Moderator: Stephen SACKUR, Reporter
Session 1: Brazil’s global agricultural strategy for food and the environment
Opening Address: Maurício Antônio LOPES, Executive Director R&D, EMBRAPA
- Tony LONG, Director, WWF European Policy Office
- Didier NEDELEC, Director for Grain Markets, InVivo Union
- Pekka PESONEN, Secretary General, COPA-COGECA
- José Manuel SILVA RODRÍGUEZ, Director General, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission
Q & A and Voting system
Moderator: Memona HINTERMANN, Reporter
Session II: For a more innovative EU agriculture and food sector
Opening address: Rudolf STROHMEIER, Deputy Director General, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission
- John ATKIN, Chief Operating Officer, Syngenta
- Francesco CAROZZA, Vice Chairman, Same Deutz-Frahr
- Allen HERSHKOWITZ, Senior Scientist, Natural Resources DefenseCouncil (NRDC)
Q&A and Voting system
Moderator: Stephen SACKUR, Reporter
Session III: Key issues and challenges for the CAP Reform
Keynote Opening: European Commissioner Dacian CIOLOş
for Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission
- Simon COVENEY, Irish Minister for Agriculture, Marine and Food
- Paolo DE CASTRO, Chair of the Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development, European Parliament
Moderator: Stephen SACKUR, Reporter
Session IV: Reconciling productive agriculture with the environment: closing the loop
Opening address: European Commissioner Janez POTOČNIK
for the Environment, European Commission
- Friedrich BARTH, Vice Chairman, European Water Partnership
- Stefano BOCCHI, Professor in Agronomy and Cropping Systems, University of Milan
- Ariel BRUNNER, Head of EU Policy, Birdlife Europe
- Egil HOGNA, Senior Vice President, Head of Downstream, Yara International ASA
Q&A and Voting System
Moderator: Memona HINTERMANN, Reporter
Session V: The Future For Agriculture
Franz FISCHLER, Chair FFA2012, Chairman RISE Foundation
- Slavina GEORGIEVA, PHD Candidate, Thought for Food
- Louise KNOPS, Research Assistant, European Greens
- Gabriele SACCHETTINI, PHD Candidate, OPERA Research Center
- Frederik VAN EVERDINGEN, Farmer, Young Friends of the Countryside
Q&A and Voting System
Moderator: Memona HINTERMANN, Reporter
Franz FISCHLER, Chair FFA2012, Chairman RISE Foundation