There is a need for a new balanced and strengthened post-2020 EU Forest Strategy as it remains the main policy tool to integrate European forests and forestry into all other policy areas. Considering forests’ and the forest-based sector’s potential for tackling the ongoing climate and health crises, how to ensure that it’s become of the highest priorities within the EU while recognizing the role of forest owners and managers to continue the transition to a greener and more sustainable economy?
Confirmed speakers (in alphabetical order)
Mónica Hernández-Morcillo
Project Manager InnoForESt
Mónica Hernández-Morcillo
Project Manager InnoForESt
Peter Mayer
Managing Director, ‘Austrian Research Centre for Forests’ (BFW)
Peter Mayer
Managing Director, ‘Austrian Research Centre for Forests’ (BFW)
Marc Palahí
Director of the European Forest Institute
Marc Palahí
Director of the European Forest Institute
Janez Potočnik
Chair ForumforAg and Chairman RISE Foundation
Janez Potočnik
Chair ForumforAg and Chairman RISE Foundation
Jurgen Tack
Secretary General, European Landowners' Organization
Jurgen Tack
Secretary General, European Landowners' Organization
Jurgen Tack studied biology (marine ecology) at Brussels Free University where he also obtained his PhD in Sciences. Within the Framework of the Kenya Belgium Project in Marine Sciences (Coastal Farms Kenya) he developed a number of oyster farms along the Kenyan coast. In 2000 he joined the team of the Belgian Biodiversity Platform (Belgian Science Policy Office) where he was responsible for European and international science policy in the field of biodiversity and biodiversity related research. In 2007 he became the CEO of the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (a research organization under the umbrella of the Flemish Authority). In 2015 he became Secretary-General of the National Science Foundation (Flanders) In 2016 he took the position of Scientific Director at the European Landowners’ Organization (ELO), CEO at Landelijk Vlaanderen (Flemish Landowners’ Organisation) and CEO of the Aanspreekpunt Privaat Beheer Natuur en Bos (an advisory organ for private landowners on the management of nature and forest). In 2023 he became Secretary-General of the European Landowners Organisation (ELO). He coordinates several EU projects on private land conservation. On behalf of ELO he chairs the European Commission’s Large Carnivore Platform and acts as expert for the EU Biodiversity Platform and the EU Expert Group on Cultural Heritage.
Mar 17, 2021
Forestry Management in Europe
- Opening: Janez Potočnik, ‘ThinkForest’ President
- Keynote: Peter Mayer, Managing Director, ‘Austrian Research Centre for Forests’ (BFW)
- Marc Palahi, Director, European Forest Institute
- Monica Hernandez-Morcillo, Project Manager InnoForESt
- Moderator: Jurgen Tack, Scientific Director, ELO
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