Soil and new investments for productivity, environment and energy
The forum in Milan focused on “The Earth and the New Investments between Production, Environment and Energy”. Participants focused on the balance between three fundamental elements: food, energy and environment.
May 18, 2009
Opening Session
Mario Boselli – Honorary president AIDAF
Giuseppe Visconti – President FCS-META
Round Table
Moderator: Francesco Brioschi – Professor of Economics
And Finance Politecnico di Milano
“The land between production, environment and energy: an
economic analysis”
Dario Casati – Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the University of Milan
“Farming and sustainable development of the territory”
Michele Pasca-Raymondo – Deputy Director-General Policy DG
Regional European Commission
“Integration of environmental concerns in the management of
the earth”
Robert Flies – Councillor DG Environment of the European
“Energy issues”
Alessandro Ortis – Chairman of the Authority for Electricity and
“Science and technology in agriculture”
Romano De Vivo – External Relations Manager EAME
Syngenta Crop Protection
Visit of the OXEM of Bio Diesel
Presentation of the company and its achievements in the field of
agriculture, environment and energy
Federico Radice Fossati – farmer
Visit to the farm