How can a small country like Slovenia contribute to the Global Goals?
In collaboration with MEP Bogovič, the regional FFA took place on Friday, December 2, 2016 at the Grand Hotel Union, Ljubljana, Slovenia. The event firstly examined the global need for sustainable food production, especially in alignment with several of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), before focussing on what Europe and particularly Slovenia can do to improve the farming sector through its policy and resource management systems.
The Forum was chaired by former European Environment Commissioner and Chair of the RISE Foundation, Janez Potočnik. It featured a range of high-level speakers including Tanja Strniša, State Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Gabriel Lodares, Vice-President, European Landowners’ Organization, prof. dr. Emil Erjavec, Chair of Agricultural Economics, University of Ljubljana, Bernd Kallfass, Corporate Product Management, Deutz-Fahr, prof. dr. Marina Pintar, Chair of Agrometeorology and Agricultural Land Management, University of Ljubljana, Anton Medved, President, Farmers’ Union and Branko Ravnik, Director, Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia. The discussion was moderated by Vida Petrovčič, Journalist.
Dec 02, 2016
Welcome and introduction
MEP Franc Bogovič
Keynote Speech:
Janez Potočnik, Chairman, Forum for the Future of Agriculture, Former EU Commissioner for Environment 2010-2014
Panel 1: "Food self-sufficiency vs. Food security"
Panel discussion:
– Tanja Strniša, State Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food
– Gabriel Lodares, Vice-President, ELO
– Prof. dr. Emil Erjavec, Chair of Agricultural Economics, University of Ljubljana
– Vlado Auguštin, Specialist for Beekeeping Technology, Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association
– Bernd Kallfass, Corporate Product Management, Deutz-Fahr
Questions & answers
Moderator: Vida Petrovčič, Journalist
Panel 2: "Sustainable management of natural resources"
Panel discussion:
– Prof. dr. Marina Pintar, Chair of Agrometeorology and Agricultural Land Management, University of Ljubljana
– Anton Medved, President, Farmers’ Union
– Branko Ravnik, Director, Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia
– Franc Bogovič, MEP, former Minister of Agriculture and Environment of Slovenia
Questions & answers
Moderator: Vida Petrovčič, Journalist
Closing remarks
Janez Potočnik, Chairman, Forum for the Future of Agriculture