This particular conference in 2008 was organised specifically to respond to the need of the New Member States on the main challenges facing the sector, namely food and environmental security.
This particular conference was organised specifically to respond to the need of the New Member States on the main challenges facing the sector, namely food and environmental security. Farmers, rural businesses and landowners shall be allowed to carry out their tasks whilst ensuring that they fulfill vital needs which will not adversely affect biodiversity. Modern farming is inextricably linked to environmental protection and the enhancement of local economies and communities.
Speakers included Mark THOMASIN-FOSTER, former President of the ELO who focused on whether the balance between environmental and food security can indeed be achieved. Furthermore, Bernard GRACIET, Director of the Syngenta office in Brussels presented various case studies which demonstrated the importance of bringing production and the environment together. Finally, another key speaker of this conference was Winifried BLUM, President of the European Confederation of Soil Science Societies who provided a scientific perspective
May 30, 2008
Registration & Welcome Coffee
Introduction by the Chair
Tadeusz DRAB, Vice- Marechal of Lower Silesia
Keynote address
Andrzej DYCHA, Under-Secretary of Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Is the objective for European Agriculture Food, or Environmental Security, or both?
Agriculture & the question of food security.
Marek BARYLKO, President of Federation of Union of Agricultural EmployersTenants and Land Owners of Lower Silesia
How can the balance between environmental and food security be achieved?
Mark THOMASIN- FOSTER, President of ELO
Case studies: bringing production and the environment together
Bernard GRACIET, Director of the Brussels Office of Syngenta
Perspective from the scientific world
Winfried BLUM, President European Confederation of Soil Science Societies (ECSSS),
Case study from the region: point of view of a local farmer.
Plenary debate
What does Europe need from agriculture?
Perspective from the environment.
Marcus GILLEARD, Birdlife UK
Perspective from the agri-food industry.
Representative of CARGILL
Perspective from the biotechnology industry.
Daniel RAHIER, Europabio
Funding for agriculture.
Mariusz LEGOWSKI, European Commission DG Agriculture, (tbc)
Plenary debate
Can agriculture deliver what Europe needs?
Future of agriculture and the question of food security.
Czeslaw SIEKIERSKI, Member of European Parliament
Do we have the natural resources: animal production sector dilemmas.
Piotr NOWAKOWSKI, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy in Wroclaw
Do we have the adapted policy: the possibility to realise a sustainable development in the agriculture on the example of Lower Silesia.
Danuta PARYLAK, Barbara KUTKOWSKA, Uniwerystet Przyrodniczy in Wroclaw
Do we have the necessary tools: farming equipment example
Henryk JAKUBOWSKI, Business Director, New Holland
Plenary debate
Coffee break
Can we make the political case for food and environmental security?
Round table
Perspective from the New Members States.
Olavi PETRON, Permanent Representation of Estonia to EU
Perspective of the society.
Journalist from Apra Newspaper
Perspective of the rural development point of view.
Perspective of the upcoming Presidency.
Jean Claude NOLLA, First Secretary, French Embassy in Poland (tbc)
Conclusions & next steps.
Thierry de l’ESCAILLE, Secretary General of ELO
Conference close