Forum videos and audio recordings

You can watch videos from previous events on these pages. You can scroll down to see all our videos from 2015 onwards or filter by type of video, year and language.

2024 Annual Conference – Introduction and welcome

2024 Annual Conference – Introduction and welcome

Speakers: Stephen Sackur, Rose O’Donovan, Janez Potočnik

2024 Annual Conference – Short summary video

2024 Annual Conference – Short summary video

Speakers: Janez Potočnik, Ursula von der Leyen

2024 Annual Conference – Message from Ursula von der Leyen

2024 Annual Conference – Message from Ursula von der Leyen

Speakers: Stephen Sackur, Ursula von der Leyen

2024 Annual Conference – Session 1 – Where do we go from here?

2024 Annual Conference – Session 1 – Where do we go from here?

Speakers: Saswati Bora, Máximo Torero Cullen, Lee Ann Jackson, Nicola Pochettino, Stephen Sackur

2024 Annual Conference – Inspirational talk – Ana Roš

2024 Annual Conference – Inspirational talk – Ana Roš

Speakers: Stephen Sackur, Ana Roš

2024 Annual Conference – Session 2: The need for systemic change

2024 Annual Conference – Session 2: The need for systemic change

Speakers: Sébastien Abis, Patrick Child, Jörg-Andreas Krüger, Nanna-Louise Linde, Vanessa Stiffler-Claus, Rose O’Donovan

2024 Annual Conference – Inspirational talk – Samo Login

2024 Annual Conference – Inspirational talk – Samo Login

Speakers: Rose O’Donovan, Samo Login

2024 Annual Conference – Call to Action update

2024 Annual Conference – Call to Action update

Speakers: Boris Erg, Petra Laux, Emanuele Paolo Sicuro, Jurgen Tack, Mark Titterington, Rose O’Donovan

2024 Annual Conference – David Clarinval

2024 Annual Conference – David Clarinval

Speakers: Rose O’Donovan, David Clarinval

2024 Annual Conference – Session 3: What levers can the EU pull to deliver systemic change and what did we learn?

2024 Annual Conference – Session 3: What levers can the EU pull to deliver systemic change and what did we learn?

Speakers: Stefania Avanzini, Catherine Geslain-Lanéelle, Martin Hlaváček, Jurgen Tack, Rose O’Donovan

2024 Annual Conference – Tom Vilsack message

2024 Annual Conference – Tom Vilsack message

Speakers: Thomas J. Vilsack, Rose O’Donovan

2024 Annual Conference – Inspirational talk – Amy E. Johnson

2024 Annual Conference – Inspirational talk – Amy E. Johnson

Speakers: Rose O’Donovan, Amy E. Johnson

2024 Annual Conference – Session 4

2024 Annual Conference – Session 4

Speakers: Stephen Sackur, Mary Whittow, Alessandro Cataldo, Chris Hogg, Martin Reesink

2024 Annual Conference – Closing

2024 Annual Conference – Closing

Speakers: Janez Potočnik

2024 Annual Conference – Interview with Saswati Bora

2024 Annual Conference – Interview with Saswati Bora

Speakers: Saswati Bora, Alex Turk

2024 Annual Conference – Interview with Alessandro Cataldo

2024 Annual Conference – Interview with Alessandro Cataldo

Speakers: Alessandro Cataldo, Alex Turk

2024 Annual Conference – Interview with Laura Demurtas

2024 Annual Conference – Interview with Laura Demurtas

Speakers: Laura Demurtas, Alex Turk

2024 Annual Conference – Interview with Boris Erg

2024 Annual Conference – Interview with Boris Erg

Speakers: Boris Erg, Alex Turk