Forum launches first Call to Action progress annual report

Setting out our progress

Monday, Jun 24, 2024

Just over a year ago, the Forum launched its Call to Action – a series of seven commitments designed to help contribute to a more resilient, sustainable, nature positive and climate smart food and agriculture system. Over the past year, we have focused on a number of these commitments. These include how to better align both public and private incentives to not only maintain but to grow farm incomes; the development and scaling of regenerative agriculture to improve the health of our soils, restore biodiversity and tackle climate change; embed sustainability in supply chains; and to share knowledge, information, and best practices, which can catalyse innovation in farm practices, as well as in technologies.

Today, we have launched our first annual report which sets out the work we have undertaken and progress made along with illustrations of the scalable initiatives that many of our partners are doing in these areas. This is just the first step on the Forum’s Call to Action journey and we don’t pretend to have all the answers. But we do welcome feedback on the report and engagement in our activities that can contribute the future food and agriculture system which ensure its productivity and incomes and livelihoods of farmers and their communities; restores and sustains the eco-system upon which it depends and helps to contribute to mitigating the effects of climate change.

To read the full report and discover further information click here.

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