2024 NABU joins Forum as newest Strategic Partner
Forum announcement
Thursday, Jul 18, 2024
The Forum for the Future of Agriculture today announced that NABU (The Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union) is to become its newest Strategic Partner.
Founded in 1899, NABU is Germany’s oldest and largest environmental association with more than 900,000 members and 70,000 active volunteers. NABU works tirelessly to protect species, habitats and climate, at home and worldwide and their projects around the globe empower strong local partners to take action for nature conservation and against the climate and biodiversity crises.
Commenting on today’s announcement, Janez Potočnik, Chairman of the Forum for the Future of Agriculture said: “We are delighted that NABU has agreed to join our Forum as a Strategic Partner and contribute to our work in helping to build a more resilient, sustainable, nature positive and climate smart food and agriculture system. Our Call to Action, launched in Spring 2023, is clear about the need to better account for and value natural capital in the agri-food system, which means conserving and restoring biodiversity and eco-system services. Together with all our partners, NABU will make a critical contribution to our work in this and all areas of the Call to Action and we look forward to having them on board”.
NABU joins the Founding Partners, the European Landowners’ Organization and Syngenta, and the Strategic Partners, IUCN, The Nature Conservancy, LoginEKO and Cargill. Our partners support the mission of the Forum to contribute to the development of a more sustainable food and agriculture system and also act as a sounding board and provide counsel on our thought leadership activities and positions, such as the Call to Action. The Partners also exchange knowledge and expertise on what works on the ground, as well as constructively challenging each other, as well as other stakeholders in their community.
We look forward to Jörg-Andreas Krüger, President at NABU, joining Mark Titterington for an upcoming Food System podcast.
Further information on the governance of the Forum and details on all partners can be found here.