How to sustainably produce more with less and trade better
On September 30, in Copenhagen, ELO and Syngenta, in association with the Danske Godser og Herregårde, Sveriges Jordägareförbund, Yara SA/NV and RISE Foundation organized the satellite conference for the FFA. The objective of the event was to stimulate the debate on how improve food and environmental security, both at international and local level. The speakers focused their attention on three main axes during round table debates: Global vision: responses to Climate change and other global challenges; European vision & Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture and Regional vision on practical & political approaches.
Sep 30, 2014
Anne Sophie GAMBORG, DGH – Danske Godser og Herregårde
Niels TRESCHOW, Sveriges Jordägareförbund
Round Table: Global vision and worldwide competitiveness (TTIP, Climate change)
Kevnote Speaker: Jan LAUSTSEN, Director Trade, Market & Nutrition- Danish Agriculture and Food Council
Johan SCHNURER, professor at the agriculture university in Uppsala
Anders NILSSON, Research advisor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Moderator: Thierry de I’ESCAILLE, ELO Secretary General
Followed by QA
Round Table: Regional vision on practical & political approaches (including innovation, utrients components, proteins content for export)
Kevnote speaker: Lars OLSSON, Head of Agriculture Department, Ministry of Agriculture of Sweden
Gustav HAGEMANN v L, Wildlife Estates steering committee member
Mogens NIELSEN, YARA Project Manager DWS
Matthew PICKARD DKCH, Syngenta Nordics
Moderator: Thierry de I’ESCAILLE, ELO Secretary General
Followed bv Q & A
Coffee Break
Round Table: European vision & Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture
Keynote speaker: Natalie PAUWELS, Member of Cabinet to EU Environment Commissioner Janez POTOCNIK
Annika ÅHNBERG, Former Minister for Agriculture of Sweden
Prof Allan BUCKWELL, ELO Board Adviser on CAP
Mogens ERLINGSON, Yara Head of Strategy and Business Development
Moderator: Henry ROBINSON, CLA President (I-JK)
Followed bv QA